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Iraqi islands

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Close-up pics of a couple of more fundemental changes to the island (made through the mod).

First is changed water textures:


Next is new land detail texture (the grainy black and white bits everywhere):


Not things you will notice when you are being shot at...but they are they nonetheless smile_o.gif

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That looks great Leone, it's nice to see new water.

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OMG!!!New water textures!!Will you realese it as a mod like Kegetys skys are?This is the most incredible thing..Tnx man.

oh and..can I be a beta tester? tounge_o.gif

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excellent, the airports look good witk the angled taxiways. I am sure you guys know about G8's hardened aircraft shelter, right? They would fit nicely at the end of those taxiways



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Airfield looks good, if you tell a pilot to disembark will they go to the hangar and then get out?

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To answer the Q's.

Just the same as Kegs skies, the changes are made by altering existing files within Data/Data.pbo. So the only way to play is by using a -mod shortcut (or naughty naughty altering your Data.pbo...but that's only for cheats....right?)

Since everything I'm doing is for a fairly specific purpose (OPGWC)...so I don't have any plans to release this as a seperate mod (read: not going to), but if someone wanted to use them we could talk smile_o.gif

As for the G8 HAS...I like 'em, but we are making are own, since Iraq used a specific type made in (the former) Yugoslavia smile_o.gif And pilots getting out in hangers would be possible I guess, but it's not something we will do...a lot of bother for not a big result I feel.

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when Gulf War Crisis 1.0 is released you guys will get a very nice campaign to play on that airbase island. and reedkiller, why wouldnt you want to play our mod, its going to be very good biggrin_o.gif

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OMG!!!New water textures!!Will you realese it as a mod like Kegetys skys are?This is the most incredible thing..Tnx man.

oh and..can I be a beta tester? tounge_o.gif

We will be running a new beta-testin subscription 2 weeks before version 1.0. The first 15 peoples that register (non-opgwc team) will be able to get 1.0 before the others and tell us what they would like changed / etc.

After the 2 weeks we are going to release everything and we hope you guyz will like our work!

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I'd be nice if we could download things from your site. smile_o.gif

You can download the add-ons, they work right now. But for the demo we DO NOT want to waste additional bandwith. We can put it online but we won't because if we decide to release OPGWC v1.0 this month we won't have enough bandwith and I know you guyz will hate to have it 100% hosted on file planet :P

File planet will be 1 of our mirrors but we will also have it hosted on RN.org !


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Actually, the geometry on our HAS was completed a while back.  It needs to be imported into the game and textured.

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@ June 01 2003,19:18)]Actually, the geometry on our HAS was completed a while back.  It needs to be imported into the game and textured.

It's imported in game, just need to texture it

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Looking really great, especially that airport and the water textures, keep it up!


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Get the hangars from the Italien mod G8  they look better that BIS hangars.. and you can get the plane out of there without any problems

EDIT: wups someone already mentioned sorry

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About time for another little update, especially since the OPGWC site is currently down for maintainence. Just a little pic or two this time. Enjoy!   wink_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

(size fixed)



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we are making are own, since Iraq used a specific type made in (the former) Yugoslavia  

Well actually the HAS the Iraqis have (the most recent ones anyway) are mostly Belgian and German made wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Actually, there was a guy at flashpoint.ru who was doing high res water a little while ago. I didn't bother posting it though because everyone would complain they had to register at flashpoint.ru

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we are making are own, since Iraq used a specific type made in (the former) Yugoslavia  

Well actually the HAS the Iraqis have (the most recent ones anyway) are mostly Belgian and German made  wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

That's as maybe...we are doing Desert Storm however smile_o.gif

High Res Water textures have changed since that shot...for the better IMO, but someone might like those textures seen in the previous pic...I'm not going to be using them.

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we are making are own, since Iraq used a specific type made in (the former) Yugoslavia  

Well actually the HAS the Iraqis have (the most recent ones anyway) are mostly Belgian and German made  wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

That's as maybe...we are doing Desert Storm however  smile_o.gif

I am referring to Desert Storm wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Leone, can U send me the OFPGW demo (the latest released one) to me, I wanna make a scud hunt level (like bravo two zero, only with a good outcome) and Ive had my disk defragmented cuz of a virus. If U could send it over MSN messenger or gimme a d/l URL that would be great. My hotmail address is:


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