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The Sharpshooter

Challenger tank

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Download Challenger tank By MARKMO at cazadoresdemonte.com.ar. Model and cpp by MARKMO textures are from addon Maf-M1A1.

Version 1.0, next version is going to have Smoke Bombs and more.

Contact MARKMO at MARKMO@terra.es



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Sweet!!! you dont know how long i have been waiting for this going to test now.

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Excellent work great model i love it. But there is a few little things that let the model down the textures while top quality dont really match the challenger i dont know why they just dont look spot on too me. The wheels kinda flash when they spin which looks a little strange. I know it sounds like a bit of a moan but its not i just want it too look perfect. Like i said the model is really good lots of detail and the damage it takes seems ok ie it can be destroyed by other tanks. Please please please start working on the updated version its already good just needs a little more work and it'll be perfect.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (blackdog~ @ Jan. 31 2003,02:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Did they ask Maac & Marfy if they could use the textures?<span id='postcolor'>

Well at least they give credit to them instead of taking credit for themselves. At least that's good to see.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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MARKMO isn´t in any way affiliated with cazadoresdemonte.com.ar this and the Centurion tank are his Addons.

Also I don´t think MARKMO browses this forum, so if you want something done you´ll just have to e-mail him.

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well after playing it i have the following to report:

-yes the wheels do seem to flash when moving

-main cannon is a tad weak, took 3 direct hits to take out a T72  crazy.gif

-Love the MG, whats it meant to be, GPMG?

other than that nice work smile.gif

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Hmm...overall not bad at all. However considering that it's one of the most heavily armored tanks in the world as well as having a very powerful cannon, it should be able to knock out Sigma's T-90's easily so yeah I agree with others that the cannon is a bit underpowered...and I think the armor maybe could go up a bit. OH...and also more of a problem is that the gunner is very inaccurate with the cannon. He only hits at close range. At long range the AI gunners usually miss the enemy tanks. That's not good considering that the Challenger has a very accurate gun and fire control system.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (The Sharpshooter @ Jan. 30 2003,04:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Download Challenger tank By MARKMO at cazadoresdemonte.com.ar. Model and cpp by MARKMO textures are from addon Maf-M1A1.

Version 1.0, next version is going to have Smoke Bombs and more.

Contact MARKMO at MARKMO@terra.es



Post your comments.<span id='postcolor'>


The Machine gun at the commander's hatch should be a GPMG, it wouldn't have a stock.

The colours are wrong; there is no brown in the standard British Camouflage pattern.

The turret is shaped differently; on the left flank just a flat plate more or less, on the other side, if you check the above image you'll see there's an element of the sighting system which isn't represented at all, located in a large niche top front right of the turret.

The hull front looks wrong, but I can't place my finger on why.

The armour should be on a par with the Abrams (It was actually tougher than the armour of the original M1), but it should be slower. When the tank was being designed, the rheinmetall 120 was considered for the main armament, but the Army went for the L11 instead, so I guess that in terms of penetration, the L11 would be more or less equal too.

It will be nice to have an accurate British tank in the game

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Don't forgot its heavy armor, didn't i already mention this? I cant remember its name, sounds like Chunoble, but not. This beast stronger than an M1A1, but i dunno about its gun!

Also, when i was at Katrik (spelling?) garroson, they dude told me these have Both Night and Thermal vision in the sight, but i don't think its possible in ofp.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ruskiesrule @ Jan. 31 2003,17:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Don't forgot its heavy armor, didn't i already mention this? I cant remember its name, sounds like Chunoble, but not. This beast stronger than an M1A1, but i dunno about its gun!

Also, when i was at Katrik (spelling?) garroson, they dude told me these have Both Night and Thermal vision in the sight, but i don't think its possible in ofp.<span id='postcolor'>


they brag about their armor and don't even know how it's called .... bahhhh tounge.gif

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The armour is called Chobham, after the place it was invented (Chobham near Aldershot in the UK)

It is the most advanced, and protective armour in the world, and is used on the M1A2, the Challenger 1 and 2, as well as many other european designs (such as the Leopard)

[edit]hehe Ran beat me...[/edit]

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... and Catterick, either the town in UK or the Barracks in Germany I think biggrin.gif

A lot of debate lies with the gun

Its rifled, but US guns are smooth bore

The debate over which is better has gone way back since the first smooth bores appeared.

It'll still powerful enough to allegedly defeat any Russian armour out there.

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hmm isnt the WWII 30 cal on top of the commander hatch a bit misplaced??

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This would be a downright sweet addon, if some inaccuracies would be corrected:

Both Challengers 1 and 2 use 120mm rifled guns. I think the latest brit tank that used a 105mm gun was Centurion. I'm not sure about the machine gun armament either. AFAIK the brits use british versions of the FN-MAG, at least on the commander's cupola. I remember someone stating that the commander's MG is a little bit off place, but the MG really is on either side of the hatch (can't remember which side tho). The first thing I did when i downloaded this addon, was to test it against a BIS T80, which i thought was going to be a milk run, since a T80 would never be a match for the world's second most heavily armoured MBT right after Merkava. I fired one round at the T80 and i MIGHT have scratched the paint on it with that pea-gun! The damn thing took out my tank with just 2 shots!

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Agreed, compared to Sigma-6s tanks this thing is very, VERY underpowered! It took about 5/6 shots to kill the T-90, and the T-90 killed the Challenger in 1 shot!

Sort it out please!

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How do other countrys use it, when its one of the most heavily gaurded militery secrets?

And when i was on my way here to see the replys i remembered it name!

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Chobham or Burlington smile.gif Challenger 1 and M1 have first generation Chobham armour, newest Leopards II A5-6 have second generation improved Chobham protection.

Rifled guns have a big disadvantage- for shooting with most accurate and effective APFSDS projectiles there is need for using complicated sabots. Rifled barrels also has much shorter life than those with smooth barrels. More- effectiveness of HEAT projectiles fired from rifled gun is less. Maybe this is the reason for using HESH in British Army.

Please remember, that all modern tank projectiles have great efficiency even at 2000 meters, in OFP tanks are figthting at closer ranges. Newest German bullet, DM53, can penetrate 700 homogenious steel plate at 2000 meters, think about what it may destroy from 500 meters.

All modern Russian tanks have automatic loaders. It`s disadvantage is rather short penetrator, so it`s efficiency is less than Western ammunitions` with very long volfram or DU cores.

So I think in T90 vs Challenger1 tank clash the winner would be the British one. Better protected, better armed.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ludovico Technique @ Feb. 02 2003,18:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Can you make a desert version that doesn't work?<span id='postcolor'>

who would want to have a version that doesnt work wink.gif

I got killed by a Panzer V in this challenger crazy.gif

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does anyone has the challenger made by MARKMO?

can you send it to me please?

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