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Rotor downwash effects for all bis choppers

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (mr. Duck @ Jan. 15 2003,17:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Vikingo @ Jan. 15 2003,15:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hey! I like this very much DKM!

Even here with a 500 mhz with Voodoo 3 3000 under Glide I can use them without any problem. I think Glide still rocks for OF.

I also like the extra feature of the alarm sounds adds a lot to realism! wow.gif<span id='postcolor'>

How many rams do you have? Me is using glide too but I wouldn't expect that it would work properly if you haven't got the advised benchmarks.<span id='postcolor'>

It works for me with a benchmark of 1145.

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It works good for me with 2400 BM.

Anyway, the DKM helicopters all throw the dust up as they´re supposed to (IMO the dust effect is a bit too symmetrical tough, there´s a perfect ring of dust around the choppers.)

But I just can´t get it to work on any other choppers!

I tried it with the AH-6, MH47E, and -Rkyl AH-1 Cobra.

First I C&Pd it from the readme. Didn´t work. Removed the extra quotes. Nope. C&Pd the modified string from this thread. Damn.

How do I get it to work!? (yes the PBO is where it´s supposed to be and I have 1.91, no n00bery here)

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Ok, maybe a little slow with benchmark 1145, but it's ok, and it's not like you fly with it all the time. It's only slow when hovering and you get the downwash effect, not when flying at 2 m altitude, etc.

I tried to make it work on BIS choppers, and I succeeded the first time I tried. Just put the DKMM_Choppers.pbo from ofp/addons into your missions folder, and then the following code into the helicopter's init. field:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addeventhandler ["IncomingMissile", {(_this select 0) vehicleRadio "DKMM_chopper_incmissile"}]; this addeventhandler ["engine", {if (_this select 1) then {[_this select 0] exec "\dkmm_choppers\dkmm_duster.sqs"}}]<span id='postcolor'>

Easy as that.

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You don't have to copy the mod .pbo into the mission folder to be able to call the scripts in a mission. exec'ing off of "\DKMM_Choppers\..." will call it right off the mod pbo.


The problem, as you know with MP is that EHs don't automatically load on remote clients. If, as you've spec'd, all someone needs to do to make it work on a non-stock helo is to load the EHs manually, all a mission editor has to do in MP to make it work is to put a line in the init.sqs that checks if the helo is local, and if not, loads those EHs.

We had a similar problem with CoC_Mines. We have all kinds of interesting EventHandlers there, but again we needed to make it work in MP. So we spec'd a single generic exec line in the init.sqs ([] exec "\CoC_Mines\InitMines.sqs" or something, necessary only for MP play), and automated the rest with some metavariables and rudimentary server/client code (pick it apart if you're curious). I reckon you could do the same for the helos. Come to think of it, some of us mod teams who do a lot of work with EHs ought to get together and issue as a mod a "master" init line script, which will launch mod-team specific init routines that determine what EH-inclusive mods a mission is using and initialize the appropriate MP support. That way, all anybody ever has to do to get their mod heavy missions to work in mp is put a single line in the init.sqs:

[] exec "\ALLMPModControl\MPInit.sqs"

{digression, train of thought: actually, I've got an even better idea than getting together. Try this out:

Init = {if ({COCMasterInit} count [0] < 1) then {CoCMasterInit = true; CoCMPwidget = "CoCMPOn" createvehicle [0, 0, 0]}

in CoCMPWidget, put

init = {if ({count ALLMPmods > 0} count [0] < 1) then [{ALLMPmods = [_this]; [] exec "\CoCMaster\MasterInit.sqs"}; {AllMPMods = AllMPMods + [_This]}; [] exec "\CoCMaster\CoCInit.sqs"]

Then have an init.sqs called masterinit script wait either (server-side) for all mods to register to AllMPMods, or (client-side) for the server to contact it. have the server contact with a series of metavariables containing the object names of the widgets. The clients then do a createvehicle type (metavariable indicating widget). That fires up the individual init sequences locally.

Is your head spinning yet?

Okay, the benefit of this is that all any editor has to do is put one line in the init.sqs, referring to one thin and invariable mod we can package along with all our mods.

[] exec "\ALLMPModControl\MPInit.sqs"

Then, provided the editor places the EH objects on the map (and doesn't use camcreate or createvehicle), MP support will work.

The modmakers need not register or modify the master mod: if they conform to the instructions, they will be able to make their stuff work in mp.

Yes, I am aware this is like getting a UPS to be able to flush your toilet during a power outage.


An additional benefit to this approach is that it would automatically give the mission editor an array of all helos in mission (like DKMMChoppers).

Oh yeah, and how about including a boolean variable to turn the effect on and off? That way, the mission editor can allow the player to decide whether dust clouds are desirable or not; and if someone scripts their own dust clouds, they can turn the effect off.

I stand by what I said re: scripts and mods. Yeah, scripts are better for many things, but mods have their advantage. It's much easier to change an existing, published mission with a mod. More mission editors are comfortable using mods than scripts because as players they're more familiar with using mods. Scripts in mods are always accessible from the mission, and don't need to be included in every single mission. Eventhandlers added to units reduce the amount of error by eliminating the need to name and track each unit manually.

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I am working on a script at the moment which will make the whole thing working in MP.

Missionmakers will only have to put that script in and define all their choppers in an array. It will be executed then and will have two different fuctions, serverside and clientside.

I hope I get it rdy for testing today or tomorow.

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ATTENTION: I made an mistake (..one more) the Addon requires at least 1.90, since the scripts use commands that were introduced then.

So all ppl that get an errormessage:

((getpos _chopper select 2 < 15) || (isengineon |#|_chopper))': Error unknown operator _chopper

please update to 1.90

Sorry for that.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Koolkid101 @ Jan. 15 2003,22:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">do i have to type something to get it to work cause its not working<span id='postcolor'>

.........................maybe you should read the readme first.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dinger @ Jan. 15 2003,20:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You don't have to copy the mod .pbo into the mission folder to be able to call the scripts in a mission.  exec'ing off of "\DKMM_Choppers\..." will call it right off the mod pbo.<span id='postcolor'>

Wrong, I have to put the PBO into the mission folder before I can type snippets into the init line, otherwise it just doesn´t throw dust up. No error message, no nuthin.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Koolkid101 @ Jan. 15 2003,22:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ITS FINE you just have to use dkm planes in the dkm catogary<span id='postcolor'>

i think they are trying to put them on other helicopters

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-Edit can this be added to an existing addon pack if it must be an addon? Its just very hard to use these great additions on multiplayer servers because players get disconnected if they don't have the addon.

Do you know how many addons are out there that just DONT get used.


Because as a mission maker I don't want to have 10,000 addons required for my mission because I want people to actually play it.

And if they have to track down every addon they won't.

That is why the sebnam pack is good, because everything is in one pack and so you can say to your MP players "Go get the seb nam pack, come back and we'll have a game".

So whoever is developing the mp script that can be used without this pbo good on you I look forward to it. smile.gif

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the dustclouds are scripted, not so for the water effect, you need a model to do that, model means pbo.

we are working on a MP version as said before, it will probably replace the current one, we might also find a way to reduce cpu/gpu load, but no promises made there.

Missing the downwash effects from helo's has bothered me from ofp v 1.00... thousands of ppl share this view as far as i know, so i dont think many people will complain about downloading this relatively small addon.

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for some reason it isnt working for me my benchmark is around 6000 and i dont know why this isnt working so any ideas? i tried the ah1 ch47 and all the other bis choppers so do you know what could be wrong?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gen.Carnage @ Jan. 15 2003,18:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">the dustclouds are scripted, not so for the water effect, you need a model to do that, model means pbo.

we are working on a MP version as said before, it will probably replace the current one, we might also find a way to reduce cpu/gpu load, but no promises made there.

Missing the downwash effects from helo's has bothered me from ofp v 1.00... thousands of ppl share this view as far as i know, so i dont think many people will complain about downloading this relatively small addon.<span id='postcolor'>

I think it would be beneficial to everyone if, given time, you could bypass the the splash model and release the package as pure scripts to be inserted into a mission. That way the addon could be used on servers with a lot of traffic and users who don't like addons. Others could use the PBO for best effect.

I mean, if someone wants to take credit for your work, they will try it wether it's in pbo or ascii format. confused.gif

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i have no problem with anyone making a version of this script or addon that surpasses ours in quality/performance/cpu load/physics...

The main goal of this addon was and still is to get rid of the main shortcoming in the ofp engine with regard to helicopters from day one: incredibly unrealistic visuals for low hovering helicopters.

As someone else stated... a low hovering helo over dry terrain generates so much dust and debris that a) the pilot is hindered by it and B) the helo itself may be hidden, but its dust clouds give away its location.

Remember, this was a byproduct of our under development RAH-66 comanche.

I think its safe to say to have achieved at least this: ANY helicopter addon that does not have this feature in ofp from this day forward is not realistic, no matter how good its flight physics, weapons systems and all other gimmicks.

Ofcourse there should be consideration for those amongst us who do not possess a powerful pc, and helo's released should have some sort of benchmark check so that everyone can still use that addon.

with the new options in 1.90 it is now possible to create semi-interactive islands.

For starters i would like to call on ofp editing community to start working on tree models that will sway in the wind, and will sway violently if a chopper is near... with the new animations it literally is a 'breeze'

Islandbuilders should use those trees the moment they are available and as much as possible.

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Turn cloudlets 'on'... thats the only thing I can think of.


Good job... couldn't we just DePBO the addon and put the scripts into our missions?

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Rastavovich, i have version 1.90, dkm choppers work fine, its installed in ofp/addons, but i cannot get it to work.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gen.Carnage @ Jan. 16 2003,03:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">with the new options in 1.90 it is now possible to create semi-interactive islands.

For starters i would like to call on ofp editing community to start working on tree models that will sway in the wind, and will sway violently if a chopper is near... with the new animations it literally is a 'breeze'

Islandbuilders should use those trees the moment they are available and as much as possible.<span id='postcolor'>

You're right. I would also like to see that the addon makers made shaking bushes that made some noice when you crawl throu them.

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Folks, be patient, I'll make an "script only" option in the MP script (which can also be used in SP). But I don't exspect to get it working before the weekend.

Airwolf, are you trying to add the script to other choppers?

If so, please wait till next release, all will be easier then;)

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My friend and I tested it out on the internet, and we didnt see eachother's dust... only our own.

Plazmoid has been having the same problems with fire scripting... if you find a solution to this please contact him smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Koolkid101 @ Jan. 15 2003,23:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ITS FINE you just have to use dkm planes in the dkm catogary<span id='postcolor'>


Maybe you should read the thread, too. confused.gif

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whatever you want evis... as long as we are getting rid of the dustless choppers.. that was the whole idea behind this.

p.s. that script looks even more cpu intensive, it has more clouds...

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that script is actually less cpu intensive, and thanks to Vektorboson BAS is using that script on all of its helicopters.

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