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Changelog 1.1.46453

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Fixed: Game crashing when someone kills a player who is firing at that time

Fixed: Aiming with knife pose

Changed: Shotgun shells have a reduced penetration.

Changed: shotguns no longer receive spread bonuses when crouched or in prone.

Changed: AUR A1- recoil reduced all round

Changed: A74-K- semi-automatic recoil reduced.

Changed: Izh43 - stagger adjusted

Changed: Aur Para - Spreadcooldown time and spread sequence increased slightly, semi-automatic recoil reduced

Changed: Skorpion - semi-automatic recoil reduced.

Changed: MGV-176 - semi-automatic recoil reduced.

Added: Muzzle flashes and muzzle particles for weapons that were missing them.

Tweaked: ZA M72 - 40 rounds, adjusted bolt action rifle


Changed: All consumables now weight 1 metric Vigor. 1 metric Vigor is an established unit of measurement.

Changed: Polaroids have lost weight, weigh 0.04.

Changed: Resources weigh less - between 1 and 3 per full-stack. 50% reduction on some items.

Added: All ammunition is in larger stacks, and weigh less (roughly 50%), with the exception of shotgun shells which weigh slightly more(20%).

Tweaked: Improved loot for a buried cache

Tweaked: Electronics resource spread throughout the Ridge level


Fixed: Alien/Sausage hands with Vest uniform on Male archetype

Fixed: Archetypes in Tutorial not displayed in the correct order

Fixed: Magazine offset during reloading animations was removed

Fixed: Female poses were adjusted so the look correctly in Lobby

Fixed: PM position was slightly adjusted so it doesn't clip with the left arm

Fixed: Hand grenades as a description of some weapons


Fixed: Switching language while in the lobby now correctly changes all text

Fixed: Advanced Controls in Options screen are now scrollable. As a result, gamepad input actions are properly visible in all languages.

Changed: Visual of hint/tooltip in Options.

Changed: Lootbox Reward Screen Back button now functions of input released instead of pressed

Tweaked: Level design fixes in Brodalen Bridges


Fixed: Shelter - Antenna shows generate per hour value instead of a per day


Fixed: Jumping in place with Rifle was playing Unarmed animation

Added: Movement in water animations with Pistol in all directions

Tweaked: Arms position when moving forward in the water with Pistol

Tweaked: Machine Gun position adjusted again. All Machine Gun locomotion animations were slightly tweaked so the right hand stays away from the body avoiding clipping.

Shop & Crowns
There are also various changes done when it comes to Hard Currency and Shop.

Changed: Starter Pack - instead of 500 Crowns Player will now receive 650 Crowns

Changed: Outlander Pack - instead of 3000 Crowns Player will now receive 4000 Crowns

Changed: Crowns Pack 1 - instead of 155 Crowns Player will now receive 195 Crowns

Changed: Crowns Pack 2 - instead of 310 Crowns Player will now receive 390 Crowns

Changed: Crowns Pack 3 - instead of 620 Crowns Player will now receive 780 Crowns +155 Crowns Bonus

Changed: Crowns Pack 4 - instead of  1550 Crowns Player will now receive 1955 Crowns + 575 Crowns Bonus

Changed: Crowns Pack 5 - instead of 3100 Crowns Player will now receive 3900 Crowns +2100 Crowns Bonus


  • Thanks 2

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Hi Pyrit, what about the possibility to start a weapon craft and leave the game without losing both weapon and materials ? I didnt play since few days so Im not sure, is this still an issue ?

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Played three Encounters just now with the MGV-176.  The gun keeps glitching to where it fires without being able to stop.  It empties the whole clip, and once empty, firing the gun restores all your ammo like nothing ever happened.


Edit#1:  Just had the issue with two other weapons.  It tends to occur whenever I tap-fire or try to shoot in small bursts.


Edit#2: The new ammo stacking system is nice.  You're able to carry more items now.  Love it.  But, equipping the ammo in the Shelter isn't so nice.  I end up bringing more than I want to because I don't want to sit there and spam Equip(x1).  I think the amount of ammo you want to equip should be the same as when crafting it (stacks of 1, 10, and 100).


There is also another glitch I want to address.  I begin crafting a weapon and log off expecting to come back to the weapon being crafted, but it never crafts.  And I lose the materials.

Edited by PonyDroid
Edit#1 Provide more detail | Edit#2 Addressing a newly added feature and another glitch

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Hello, first of all thank you for the patch, very good things for the setting of weapons. very good start for the crowns. very good buff from the cache. there is all the same a huge concern that has returned, on all weapons in automatic after a first burst the weapon fired continuously alone. the bug animation, this is one thing that had disappeared. but they are back and on any auto weapon or burst. There was also the return of some weapon that did not produce any flash gold shooting. Thank you and see you soon

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I do have to say thank you everyone for all of the work you have done to the game. There are a few bugs here and there but for the most part, the teams is making sure to patch them quickly,  to go along with the firing glitch though I have noticed it creates almost a jam with the m16 in burst. After 2-3 bursts the gun will lock up. The only way to fix it is to put it away, and pull it back out. This is not really a glitch that’s easy to avoid. Again thank you for all the work you have put into the game, and I hope to be around for many more updates. P.s. the new map, and treasures are an amazing addition to the game


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After having today (23-10-19) during a game, in a firefight with a stranger, when you start shooting the weapon continues to fire alone until the entire magazine is reached, drastically ruining the experience of game.

Problem also found at the exit of the game, updated with an update several weeks ago, and presented again today, now, game has become unplayable. Take assistance as soon as possible.




Dopo aver di oggi (23-10-19) durante una partita, in uno scontro a fuoco con un forestiero, quando si inizia a sparare l'arma continua a sparare da sola fino al raggiungimento dell'intero caricatore rovinando drasticamente l 'esperienza di gioco.

 Problema riscontrato anche all 'uscita del gioco, aggiornato con un aggiornamento varie settimane fa, e ripresentato oggi, adesso, gioco diventato ingiocabile. Prendete l'assistenza al più presto grazie.



Edited by Dedmen
Translated to english. Keep in mind this forum is english only.

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Also have the same problem with automatic weapons... and whats up with the new stacking system? Horrible! 30 shells to a shoutgun when you are making a loadout... haha! Also, when you get stabbed the weapon bugs out and you can’t hear and see your shots. The ammo Also bugs. It’s just a line and says that you have no ammo. 

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i dont normally post on things like this but i really like this game & i have to say who ever adjusted the shotguns needs to go shoot something with a shotgun in the real world. if this is the wrong place for suggestions pls steer me in the right direction. Now explain it to me why does it take 6 buck shots to the chest from 10 ft away to drop someone. A been bag shotgun would do more damage now lol. Personally i think the shotguns adjustment should have been more like this. keeping the spread decrease when crouched "simply bc no weapon on this planet gets a bigger spread or becomes harder to hit the target when crouching" but taking away the prone decrease spread is viable. bc going prone with any shotgun should not turn it from being buck shot to a slug. Last shotgun comment lol getting shot in the chest with any shotgun should be leathal at point blank "realistically you're getting hit with a dozen bullets a lil smaller then a 9mm" just sayin.


Weapons with an auto option tend to unload the entire magazine which is horrible.


Also i think the ammo stack adjustment could be slimmed down on the coding by simply by taking out stack/single options and just make it a basic +10 ammo to your loadout, realistically not even heavy machine gun users are carrying 200+ rounds even though alot of us will leave a match with more then 200 rounds of ammo bc of looting/kills etc..


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Just want to say I agree with 90% of the community. Game has lots of potential just hate to see it going backwards in regards to glitches and the most odd additions such as 90 bullets being equipped and bridges being added when players are losing every fire fight to a glitch. Would just like to have a timeline when the game will be playable since now its pointless to go in with any decent loot. Best regards. 

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How do you guys do a hot fix and make the game worse I shoot my gun and it won’t stop shooting basically a game breaking glitch... I really love this game but I’m so close to uninstalling it cause of this .lost a bunch of good guns cause of this glitch and also you can’t even 1st person sometimes now..


It’s like they don’t test there own fixes 

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For those of you talking about the ammo stacks....

You don't have to take a full stack.  You can change to the "add a single round" option.  This lets you take exactly as much ammo as you want.  So I am not sure why people are complaining about the stack size.  Its nice not to have to decide between resources or found ammo in an encounter. 

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i mentioned the ammo stacks bc some stacks are up to 90 for guns i usually carry 20-30 rounds for thats a bit much button mashing just to carry a few rounds into an encounter

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Have to agree with Wyvern,

It is a small price to pay for more inventory space. Time was if you looted the lost patrol on Fiske you had little room for anything else.

Maybe the next update will add a 10 option to the stack size.

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Look we all know there the auto gun fire bug. Boohoo get over it. The simplest way to handle that is to use semiauto. Now the thing I would like to see is staminia growth. For longer running times and the use of A button so we can sprint.

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