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Automatically adjust view distance?

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is there a mod to automatically adjust the view distance and object distance, whether we're on foot or in a vehicle?


When playing KOTH, there is such an option, but didn't see it anywhere else.


Could be quite useful, does anybody know?




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I know there's scripts that do it: CHVD by Champ-1

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5 minutes ago, Wiki said:

Thx but not exactly what I was looking for

Would something like this work?

while {alive player} do
	if ((vehicle player) isEqualTo player) then
		setViewDistance 1000;
		setViewDistance 2000;
	uiSleep 10;


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On 10/18/2019 at 4:06 AM, dave_beastttt said:

Would something like this work?

while {alive player} do
	if ((vehicle player) isEqualTo player) then
		setViewDistance 1000;
		setViewDistance 2000;
	uiSleep 10;



Don't forget the respawn (so temp dead) case.

I' d rather write in initplayerLocal.sqf:


0 = [] spawn {
  setViewDistance 2000;
  while {true} do {
    waitUntil {uiSleep 3; isNull objectParent player};
    setViewDistance 1000;
    waitUntil {uiSleep 3; !isNull objectParent player};
    setViewDistance 2000;


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Wouldn't it be more practical and optimal to have the viewDistance scaled on the camera's altitude (we need to account for remote units too), with a cap on objectViewDistance?

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