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R3F Logistics (Exilemod ready)

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Anyone know how to turn off the message that pops up when you get in a vehicle that is being towed?

To be clear i don't want to disable the kicking out feature itself, just the message so you don't have to press the button or hit escape

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you are looking for this I think:

R3F Logistics\R3F_LOG\objet_deplacable\deplacer.sqf 

lines 406-412:

	if (vehicle _joueur != _joueur) then
							systemChat STR_R3F_LOG_ne_pas_monter_dans_vehicule;
							_joueur action ["GetOut", vehicle _joueur];
							_joueur action ["Eject", vehicle _joueur];
							sleep 1;

just comment out the systemChat command.

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  On 7/21/2019 at 11:09 PM, chernaruski said:

you are looking for this I think:

R3F Logistics\R3F_LOG\objet_deplacable\deplacer.sqf 

lines 406-412:

	if (vehicle _joueur != _joueur) then
							systemChat STR_R3F_LOG_ne_pas_monter_dans_vehicule;
							_joueur action ["GetOut", vehicle _joueur];
							_joueur action ["Eject", vehicle _joueur];
							sleep 1;

just comment out the systemChat command.

Thanks i will give this a try and let you know 😉


//systemChat STR_R3F_LOG_ne_pas_monter_dans_vehicule;      Like this?

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oh the hintC messages...
then you need to comment out the one in line 495

    //    hintC format [STR_R3F_LOG_objet_en_cours_transport, getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _objet) >> "displayName")];


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  On 7/21/2019 at 11:31 PM, chernaruski said:

oh the hintC messages...
then you need to comment out the one in line 495

    //    hintC format [STR_R3F_LOG_objet_en_cours_transport, getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _objet) >> "displayName")];


Do i still keep the //systemChat STR_R3F_LOG_ne_pas_monter_dans_vehicule;    comment out?

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If you want to receive messages in chat window , you can un-comment it.

Just look at en_strings_lang.sqf for the text message you want to remove and the displayname variable & then comment it out from deplacer.sqf by searching for the proper name (STR_R3F_LOG_objet_en_cours_transport / STR_R3F_LOG_objet_remorque_en_cours / etc...)

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I got the text to go but the message box still pops up, Any ideas? I have line 408 and 495 commented out aswell as line 60 in en_strings


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mm, maybe comment out the whole section, all lines 493-497 ...
is it the same action message you wanted to be removed? 
try commenting out all commands with hintC in displacer.sqf and see if this window still appear , if it does then its some other message from a different file that need to be looked for.

en_strings you can leave the original 

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No luck, i'll give another try tomorrow getting late, Thanks for your time dude😀

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No problem. The thing is I have no R3F installed & I'm not sure what exact action you trying to do (move vehicle, tow vehicle, move load , etc).  So all I can help you with is start guessing. For each logistic action  you have separate file , and in each file you have a lot of hintC commands that bring this popup window. All you need to do is get rid of the right one.

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When i add this(the olive armed hunter) to custom paint trader


It brakes R3F and exad's any ideas? server still loads up ok and lets you in

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iv added the battleye scripts, but i keep getting a public variable exception #0 everytime i try to take a quadbike
from pubvar.log
                 #0 "R3F_LOG_PV_nouvel_objet_en_deplacement" = 816cd600# 1052660: quadbike_01_f.p3d REMOTE

what i added to pubvar.txt

however i keep getting kicked for the same log reason everytime, i dont get it o.O

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  On 7/24/2019 at 3:01 PM, Sgt Smash said:

When i add this(the olive armed hunter) to custom paint trader


It brakes R3F and exad's any ideas? server still loads up ok and lets you in

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Turns out i was missing a } on the end of the olive entry, very strange how it manage to brake stuff in two different script folders lol


So fixed version looks like this

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Create an init.sqf in your MP Mission PBO and write the call into init.

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  On 9/18/2021 at 9:04 PM, Whitey01 said:



Create an init.sqf in your MP Mission PBO and write the call into init.

Yes! You are absolutely correct! I went on a limb and created one before seeing your message. it worked perfect. i was just coming to comment my findings! thank you so much for the reply tho! 🙂 

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Hi, could anyone add a check if player is in enemy territory, and disable carrying if flag is not stolen?


Thanks in advance. :turn:


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