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I was searching for documentation to ARMA 3 Editor module "Zone Protection".

It is calling 


I cannot find any description or use cases.

If my hunch is right, it should be a functionality used to create an area where damage is not applied to objects / characters?

However BI wiki is very much empty on this module or function.

Using function viewer i had a look into the code of the function but i am very much a newbie on arma scripting.

While i understood from the code that the module can be synced only with Locations logic entities - documentnation on Locations is equally shabby.


I tried in a single player scenario to place a location entity and sync it with this module. To my understanding some area should have been displayed on map but nothing happened.

It had no effect.


So i would be grateful if somebody experienced could explain.

Thank you very much!


P.S: Sorry if a topic exists somewhere on the forum explaining it - i was unable to find it.


Edited by Flanky

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4 hours ago, Flanky said:

However BI wiki is very much empty on this module or function.


@Flanky Its suppose to prevent players from entering the given area.


That's all it says about it on the Community wiki Arma 3 Modules list. And an Example is need here.


Your right, not much documentation about it at all.

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Well im trying editing and scripting. 

Having lot of fun with it and i was wondering if i can implement an area where it is impossible to inflict damage.

It surely is possible with scripting but then i saw this module and i was wondering...

Maybe they already implemented this functionality - it's just that i don't know how to use it?

So i wanted to avoid reinventing the wheel.

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The zone protection works with the module + a logic "area" + a trigger which must be activable. (BLUFOR PRESENT or else)

Once activated, the player will die if staying inside the area. Applies on player only.




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1 hour ago, pierremgi said:

The zone protection works with the module + a logic "area" + a trigger which must be activable. (BLUFOR PRESENT or else)

Once activated, the player will die if staying inside the area. Applies on player only.


Thank you.

So its not what i was thinking but this would come handy anyways.

However the Logic area part is also problematic.

I see Logic entities in editor and under Locations i can find area, but to be honest i have no idea how to work with them.

I have found this topic 

But that has a looong way to be a understandable explanation as to how these Logic Entities work.

Maybe a sample mission or a screenshot of a mission setup would be much appreciated.

Then i will think about adding the missing documentation onto the bi wiki.


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Hi Guys.

Since I cannot find a decent summary of the modules in the Biki nor Steam nor forums, I have done some experimentation.

Zone Protection Module:

Create module. Synch it to an AREA logic entity. Then, synch the AREA logic entity with a trigger area. Set trigger attributes as necessary (activated by whom, what size, conditions..).
As described, is supposed to prevent players from entering area. If a player activates the trigger, they will get a repeating private radio message saying "What the hell, I shouldn't be here". That is it (as far I can tell).

Zone Restriction Module:

Create Module. Synch it to a specified player or group. Also synch module to trigger. 
(Note: you probably also want to choose "Inverse Border" in the attributes, unless you want player to stay within trigger area)
Will first warn players with radio message, then kill players that enter the area by spawning APERS mines at their feet after specified time.

Happy mission making!

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