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hi @pierremgi
thanks for all the work!.
im having an issue with the vehicle respawn module. if the vehicle gets blown with me inside, it respawns with an AI "copy" of me in it (same seat). how do i fix that? (add: if i remain incapacitated in the vic until it respawns, it takes me out of it and does not place an ai in it)

edit: to add to it, drones respawn without their "pilot" (yet the "gunner" respawns with the vic). the AI pilot is respawned at the bottom left corner of the map (where playable units "die" before selecting spawn point at mission start, and where my 1st "body" remains for zeus to work). vehicles respawn as intented when linked to the bi vehicle respawn module.

-base modules system is Drongo map population.
-i have your respawn AI module placed as well.
-mgi respawn vehicles module is linked to some ground and air vehicles. settings: all boxes unchecked, auto added list of "MGIXXX" vehicles for what can respawn. 1 "[start]" for where can respawn.
-mgi ai respawn module. not linked. settings are only 1 checked: east ai respawn at place of death. 50 units treshhold, 10 min interval.

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Hello Tobias

The vehicle respawn module is rewritten for next update (along with Spearhead 1944 DLC compatibilities).

Drones are respawning well. I can't reproduce. Don't use mods together with same feature (like respawning vehicles).

If you link some vehicles to my respawn vehicles module, you can choose a respawning place different from "death" position. In this case, you must specify the type of position for each vehicle (same number as vehicle array), like ["start","death","start",...];


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its the only vehicle respawn module/mod in the scenario. the biggest issue is that it respawns vehicles i've been on with an ai copy of me inside (unless i wait incapacitated inside the vehicle until it respawns). the other big issue is that i have it set to "respawn all east" vehicles on start location (not sync'd).. but it also respawns west vehicles although the box for west is not checked. the drones issue is not with respawning the dron vehicle, but the dron pilot.
ill wait eagerly for the next update. you do such a great a work with these mods and scripts. thank man.

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the biggest issue is that it respawns vehicles i've been on with an ai copy of me inside (unless i wait incapacitated inside the vehicle until it respawns).  // Corrected in next update

the other big issue is that i have it set to "respawn all east" vehicles on start location (not sync'd).. but it also respawns west vehicles although the box for west is not checked. // Occurs only with empty vehicles as intended. If you don't want that, untick empty vehicle (and link specific empty vehicle if necessary).


the drones issue is not with respawning the dron vehicle, but the dron pilot.  Can't reproduce (which drone?)

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well i stopped using it for now so i can go on with other tests. but the main issue was with the stomper drones. here is the catch: it happens if they get destroyed when "active and engaging" (enemies enter their area and they activate themselves to defend). ill get back to you on that since i had other issues with some AI respawning at grid 0,0,0 as well (that's where i also leave behind my "1st corpse" which MUST remain for zeus to work.. weird stuff. fixed that zeus thing by changing #adminLogged for my UID). map is altis btw. i might be having bugs that are not related to your modules, but do affect them. will come back to you with better info once i get the chance to make a fresh scenario so to discard possible sources of conflict.

im so new to all of this, and i think im trying to chew on more than i should hahahaha. have so many ideas roaming my mind and no knowledge/experience on how to make them happen. giving me actual headaches. by the time i get the hang of it arma 4 will be out hahaha.

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Added exclusion areas (by linked triggers) on traffic module

Compatibility with new cDLC  Spearhead 1944
some little improvements (for example on vehicle respawn)

See documentation and have fun!

Thank you all for your reports and feedback.

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I'm trying to integrate the Heal and Revive module into Dynamic Recon Ops and running into an issue.  The module is only working for WEST factions.


DRO starts with a dummy NATO squad, which is then replaced after the player selects a faction.  It seems the module isn't applying to the new squad if the faction is EAST or IND.  This is in singleplayer, with "no other" selected for all 3 factions.  Is there any way to get this to reapply after mission start?

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10 hours ago, Nuxes said:

I'm trying to integrate the Heal and Revive module into Dynamic Recon Ops and running into an issue.  The module is only working for WEST factions.


DRO starts with a dummy NATO squad, which is then replaced after the player selects a faction.  It seems the module isn't applying to the new squad if the faction is EAST or IND.  Is there any way to get this to reapply after mission start?


I seems the candidates can fall to unconsciousness (they stay candidate for heal and revive),  but there is not medic for them after they change side.

First thing to try:

{ _x setVariable ["passedBros", theNewSide, TRUE] } forEach unitsWhoChangedSide;


This way, the variable is OK with potential Medic(s) side.


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On 8/28/2023 at 11:22 AM, pierremgi said:

{ _x setVariable ["passedBros", theNewSide, TRUE] } forEach unitsWhoChangedSide;

Thanks, this worked.  I also had to set "leader played groups" for all 3 factions.


A couple questions about Heal and Revive

1. How does the reaction timer work?  I have it set to 20s but medics still react almost instantly.

2. Medics seem to run out into enemy fire and get themselves killed, is there any accounting for enemy proximity or danger?

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10 hours ago, Nuxes said:

1. How does the reaction timer work?  I have it set to 20s but medics still react almost instantly.

First of all, it's an added time on bleedout one for wounded, just to be sure there is no "spilled" countdown.

Second, it's something supposed to simulate a delay for a unit to do something for wounded. I found not realistic to see a guy running to a wounded as soon as he was hit.

But, I also decided to set this delay along with situation:
- potential medics NOT in combat mode : reaction time /8  (my bad, I guess your remark could come from this setting) and exit with these potential medics

if not...

- potential medics with target(s) within 300m: reaction time /4 and exit with medics

if not...

- potential medics with Medic kit:  reaction time/2  and exit with medics

if not

whole reaction time


Here medics are already filtered by some other parameters like need of FAK or medikit (any mod/DLC btw). It's just an extra selection and a delay.
So, I admit, it's a little bit convoluted and improvable.




10 hours ago, Nuxes said:

2. Medics seem to run out into enemy fire and get themselves killed, is there any accounting for enemy proximity or danger?


Medics are out of group and civilian for the time of assistance. They are killed by lost bullets, explosions. The fact is the return to combat is sudden and probably not in a safe place. On the other hand, the medic can fire, so his "captive" status can't be extended.


Any suggestion is welcome. Especially those which can upgrade the code for the whole community of subscribers but not answering a too specific project.


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4 hours ago, pierremgi said:

Here medics are already filtered by some other parameters like need of FAK or medikit (any mod/DLC btw). It's just an extra selection and a delay.

So, I admit, it's a little bit convoluted and improvable.


Ah, okay, I was thinking it was a minimum time before a medic is assigned.  I was testing it out of combat, so 20/8 is pretty fast.

4 hours ago, pierremgi said:

Medics are out of group and civilian for the time of assistance. They are killed by lost bullets, explosions. The fact is the return to combat is sudden and probably not in a safe place. On the other hand, the medic can fire, so his "captive" status can't be extended.


Any suggestion is welcome. Especially those which can upgrade the code for the whole community of subscribers but not answering a too specific project.

Maybe add a proximity check before assigning a medic.  If soldier is within 25m of an enemy, do not assign them as medic.  If casualty is within 25m of an enemy, delay revive by 15s.

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Hey  pierremgi would it be ok if i added parts of this mod into my scenario on the workshop? Just add it as a dependency.

Will credit you ofcourse.


Mainly interested in the surrender script for players to have another option to deal with hostile survivors.


Or even if you had a script version i could add it into the mission.


Also, "wear what you want", moodule,has it been updated to be compatible with Western sahara? Current mod i use that takes care of that is Real engine mod,but anytime i try to wear opfor clothing from WS assets it wont work.


Also if thats ok, is there a way to stop the script being applied to civ side? or better yet allow the prisoner script to only work on opfor and independant?

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5 hours ago, redarmy said:

Hey  pierremgi would it be ok if i added parts of this mod into my scenario on the workshop? Just add it as a dependency.


No problem


5 hours ago, redarmy said:

Also, "wear what you want", moodule,has it been updated to be compatible with Western sahara? Current mod i use that takes care of that is Real engine mod,but anytime i try to wear opfor clothing from WS assets it wont work.

The WWW module is not depending on mod or DLC. So, I need to investigate why some ws uniforms (not all) can't be worn.


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11 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

No problem


The WWW module is not depending on mod or DLC. So, I need to investigate why some ws uniforms (not all) can't be worn.


Thanks man.Yeah i did just test a moment ago.  combat fatigues(SFIA) and Tura garments. Neither are equipable on a blufor guy from looting a dead body. Spetnaz from contact works ok.


If i kill a sfia and remove his uniform(fatigues SFIA) and access those fatigues on the ground,they change from the SFIA fatigues to whatever uniform my character is currently wearing.

Also odd behaviour,maybe you can make more sense of it than me.


is there a script version for your wire cutting fence module? if possible id like to change the item from toolkit to the Ravage custom (limited use) toolkit.

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On 7/15/2023 at 12:47 AM, SirBassi said:


Thanks a lot for your reply Pierre.

For "civilian life" Modul everything is clear. So I also build in my prelast campain with your Modul (one year ago, f*** the time runs) and I had it just wrong in my mind. But I looked in a old mission file and all memories came back.

For the "Car Traffic" Modul I had in my mind that we talked somewhere here in Forum or Discord (maybe Armae DC) about the background: Having traffic overall on a map is fine, just some "Blacklist Areas" for a Base, FOBs etc. would be nice and I had in my mind that you was thinking about to implement something like the connected Trigger Areas as in your Civilian Life Modul. But I could also be wrong.

But it seems that your solution as descriped with a Trigger activation and deactivation on Serverside could solve the unwanted civilian traffic in military Areas.

Thanks a lot for your input and finally for your amazing Modules. Nice for every Missioncreater 🙂



Hello Pierre,
After a detour into Liberation mode where I tested GRAD Civilians, I'm currently preparing a new Mike Force campaign, returning to your modules.

I was full of surprise and, above all, excitement when I discovered that you had installed Civilian Traffic Exclusion Zones.

This is so incredibly good.
Thank you very much for that. Thx! Thx! Thx!

All the best for your project.

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@pierremgi after test playing with your MGI modules especially AI can spawn. First love your scripts and I appreciate all your hard work you put forth for this community. I know you said you're not really scripting that much for arma3 but if you ever have the time or the desire to relook at this mod in particular here are some suggestions on my wishlist ☺️ 


1. I know we talk about this but having the voice carryover like you did with the face models would be big increase in game immersion for sure. I am using your module for multiple alien factions that I'm working on and after respawn hear my Borg units call out in a regular English voice is a bit of a let down as well some reptilian alien factions. 


2. The inability to have the group leader unit init box not carryover after respawn break so mission design for example. If I have a patrol script like UPmons UPS Gaia or a dostop  disablepath commands or prevent other AI mod like vcon AI to run on a group.  it will only work with the initial group and not after respawn.


3. It's awesome how you can use the modules with your setup parameters independently for blufor opfor ind and civilians but the inability to set individual groups respawn time limits mission design. All opfor group will respawn at the same intervals setup in the module. 


4. The is no setup to hold the respawn based on distance. It would be nice to have a way to setup a distance radius that if a player is within the respawn holds until the player or enemy side is not inside the radius. 



By no way is this criticism of your awesome mod  but just some suggestions if you ever had the desire to work on this mod again. Avibird 


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Getting following error when using the Rearm Module, also happens with the Lite version also. Only other mods used are Zeus Enhanced and 3den Enhanced. Happens when a npc with any launcher rearms at an ammo box. Ammo box (non arsenal) has the correct ammo available and enough quantity. Vanilla NPCs and weapons used.



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Updated version:


Reaction Forces compatibility

Added saving for face/voice in AI can respawn module
Fixed bug in Rearm module (see above)

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i have a suggestion for the HALO module to be used when synched to helicopters: Allow any synched vehicle/heli to allow the player and their AI in their group to jump out and paradrop as usual. I think that would be awesome and a bit more immersive.


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13 hours ago, Komodo-1 said:

i have a suggestion for the HALO module to be used when synched to helicopters: Allow any synched vehicle/heli to allow the player and their AI in their group to jump out and paradrop as usual. I think that would be awesome and a bit more immersive.



Do you mean an addAction (HALO) visible when player is in flying helo (above a minimum altitude)?

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On 6/20/2024 at 1:16 PM, pierremgi said:


Do you mean an addAction (HALO) visible when player is in flying helo (above a minimum altitude)?

yeah, basically the AI flies the heli to the assigned waypoint, player and his AI group are in the heli as transport and player has addAction that enables to paradrop with group out of that heli using that module. Maybe a few option in the module that can make the heli RTB to exact starting position

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