GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted April 28, 2019 Update : Mod version : 0.1.72 (2019.04.28) 3 hours ago, haleks said: Hello Ravagers! It's time for an update, and this is a big one : Ravage 0172 introduces a new audio detection system for zombies among other additions. Mission makers can now tweak both audio and visual detection levels for better customization of zombies; it's possible to create totally blind or deaf zombies. The audio detection coef especially will have a great impact on overall difficulty : depending on settings, zombies could be able to hear gunshots up to 3000 meters around (an audio coef of 0.25 or less is recommended). Here's the complete changelog : Quote 172Tweaked : Current target variable for zombies is now partially global.* Overhauled zombies audio detection. Furniture spawns are now processed every 2 frames. Various optimizations to zed AI process. Equipment Module : custom weapons lists now override all other settings. Added rpt notification for invalid classnames in custom weapons lists. Default AI combatMode is now set to "WHITE". Tweaked ambiant UAV groups. UAVs will now ignore zombies. UAVs now follow their target.Fixed : Vehicle Actions were missing a distance parameter. Zeds would sometimes run to default map center position after taking a hit. Corrections and improvements to the furniture spawn system. Loot spawn chances were not processed correctly. Fixed an issue with survival-related PP effects. Fixed a sound issue when searching objects. Suppressed gunshots are now correctly identified. Throwing or placing an object would reveal the "shooter".New : Added plenty of new vests by EO. Updated vanilla gear lists. Updated default zombie uniforms. Added an "audio detection coef" to the zombies module. Added a "visual detection coef" to the zombies module. Added a weird android face. Zombies in the Dust showcase have been updated with different settings. Added credits with patrons to the mod description in the main menu.**Notes : Previous single-player saves are not compatible with this update. * Keep an eye on mp perfs/locality conflict with target detection. ** Temporary, given the limited space. The "Dust" showcase has been updated to better reflect the possibilities offered by Ravage : zombies are almost blind but have a very good earing. It's easier to sneak past them, but firing an unsuppressed gun can have dire consequences... Also, as noted, I had change some things regarding locality when it comes to processing targets detected by zombies : that is going to increase network traffic, so please, if you notice any performance degradation caused by interactions with zombies in multiplayer, ring the alarm bell on this thread. As usual, special thanks to the patrons who made this update possible, and to EO for sharing amazing assets. Have fun guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted May 1, 2019 Update : Mod version : 0.1.73 (2019.05.01) 1 hour ago, haleks said: Update time! This update should fix all the most recent issues. Also, I had insomnia last night, so I took some time and added partial support for Global Mobilization : some objects can now be searched and looted, water pumps added to the list of water sources, gasmasks added to the gasmasks list (duh), and beds are working in SP. Here's the complete changelog : Quote 173Tweaked : Light sources are now disabled with "switchLight" command. Emptied weapon holders are now deleted on "take" & "inventory closed" events.Fixed : Fixed a potential locality issue when looting furnitures. Sounds not playing when looting objects. Fixed error pop-up when firing. The sound detection system should now work with all 3rd party addons. Glasses were disabled on zombies. The furnitures spawn system was broken. AI sometimes ignoring zombies hitting them. Atmos module was unable to disable lights on Weferlingen.New : Added support for GM DLC gasmasks. Added support for GM water pumps. Added support for GM beds (SP). Added support for GM lootable objects.Notes : Undocumented changes for future implementation of a new class of Infected. Whatever terrain you're on, have fun everyone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted May 8, 2019 Update : Mod version : 0.1.75 (2019.05.08) 2 hours ago, haleks said: Hey Ravagers, Ravage has been updated! This update brings some preliminary improvements to the gearpool module and fixes some long-time issues regarding interactions between the gearpool and loot modules. Here's the complete changelog : Quote 175Tweaked : Opening a trader's backpack grants a negative rating (replaces the 'take' EH & fixes an exploit). Upgraded Gear Pool module. Custom weapons arrays can be used independently.Fixed : Audio Detection system errors with mounted launchers. User-defined lists are now correctly applied to the loot system. AI & loot lists are now correctly synchronised. Locality issue with fireplace actions. Added a radius parameter to all actions.New : Gearpool module : added support for GM CDLC.* Gearpool module : override entries for uniforms, vests, headgear, glasses & backpacks. Loot module : automatic sorting of civ/mil vests.Notes : * Includes a limited number of vanilla items for diversity. Important note for mission designers : Those changes won't break previously released missions, but might impact the intended design as some underlying mechanics have been updated to offer more possibilities. As a result, missions in wich vanilla weapons are supposed to be excluded will need to be updated with the new parameters. Friendly reminder : you can quick-test the effects of the gearpool module in editor mode with the rvg_fnc_equip function. [player] call rvg_fnc_equip About GM : The only thing left to achieve total support for GM is creating & adding data for the furnitures system. This is a huge task, given the number and complexity of GM structures, so it will take time. I'm working on a standalone script that will partially address this situation until the furnitures system is updated - more news on that soon! As always, have fun fellas, and thanks to the contributors & supporters who are helping me keeping Ravage alive! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted May 9, 2019 Update : Mod version : 0.1.76 (2019.05.09) 6 minutes ago, haleks said: Just pushed a small hotfix. Quote 176Fixed : Fixed modules init priorities. rvg_fnc_equip was broken. I did what I could to fix modules & functions init priorities; the big problem is that objects init fields are always called before modules are initialised. Since the modules rely on dynamically created functions and data, using some of the Ravage functions in init fields will always be tricky. I had to build-in a small delay inside rvg_fnc_equip to solve that; you no longer need to delay it yourself : [this] call rvg_fnc_equip now works as intended. You don't need to spawn either, a simple call will suffice. I want to apologize to server managers : it's a lot of updates in a small fraction of time, but things should be quieter now - I intend to focus a bit on other side-projects. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 7, 2019 23 minutes ago, haleks said: Regarding car patrols : that feature will be handled by a dedicated module in the near future, with improvements, fixes and new options. At the moment I'm still waiting for the GC Murazor kindly sent me (the postal service had an issue and is taking longer than planned), once my hardware problems are fixed, I'll be able to resume dev & testing on various terrains. For now I've been working on small fixes and easy-to-test features. Here's some of the changes for the next update : Quote 177Tweaked : Disabled footstep sounds on bolter walk anim. Disabled unnecessary init functions. Improved damage handlers for zombies.Fixed : Dismissed units could switch to an incorrect side. Players can only recruit survivors of the same side. Error caused by breathfog init.New : Added a damage coef parameter to the zombie module. Added a 'corrupted android' face. A lot of people have been asking for an option to make zombies more resistant to damage : that's now done. The 'damage coef' can be used to reduce or increase damage applied to zombies; the code won't reduce damage on headshots, so aiming for the head is always the way to go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 15, 2019 Update : Mod version : 0.1.77 (2019.06.15) 23 minutes ago, haleks said: Hi everyone! I figure a lot of Ravagers are either on RC or dev branch, wich breaks a couple features, so I pushed a little update. A bunch of fixes (the usual), and new toys to play with for mission makers! 😉 I think you will like some of new module options : Quote 177Tweaked : Disabled footstep sounds on bolter walk anim. Disabled unnecessary init functions. Improved damage handlers for zombies. Tweaked default loot lists. Updated data for rvg_backpacks and rvh_headgear (thanks to EO).Fixed : Dismissed units could switch to an incorrect side. Error caused by breathfog init. Furnitures not spawning with Arma3 v1.93. The Ambient AI module can generate gear lists on its own. Fixed rvg_fnc_init_gearpool error on old mission files. Some zed spawn condition checks were incorrect.New : Added a common items entry to the gearpool module. Added a rare items entry to the gearpool module. Added a damage coef parameter to the zombie module. Added a Usable Beds entry to the survival module. Added a 'corrupted android' face. Added new hoodies by EO. Added Contact DLC weapons to default lists. Have fun guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 19, 2019 2 hours ago, haleks said: Hotfix 2, up & runnin' : Quote 1772Fixed : Hitpoints configs for zombies. Burning wrecks could cause performance issues. The Loot Module would spawn undesired vanilla magazines.* Same signatures, I'll probably do more of those little updates without changing the key - unless something major is tweaked or added. * The fix for the Loot Module needs confirmation though - I was unable to reproduce the problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted June 22, 2019 9 hours ago, icarium said: Greetings fellow ravagers! We are operating a private 10 slot dedicated server running a beautiful Tanoa version of the ravage mod – apocalypse in paradise. We are looking for a handful of enthusiasts/players/testplayers and/or collaborators. Required mods: CBA A3 Ravage Enhanced Movement Recommended mods: JSRS Sound mod Features: Special areas of interest Realtime day/night cycle (roughly GMT) Dynamic weather Rolling blackouts Earplugs Boats Aviation Treasure! Revive AI factions Random respawn – what better way to explore the paradise archipelago If you delight in immersive apocalyptic gameplay and are at least 21 years of age, shoot me a PM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted July 27, 2019 Gila By acoustic Gila is a re-imagining of my first terrain, Vacant. I learned a tremendous amount in my first year of terrain creation, and decided to apply that new knowledge to an already existing terrain location, rather then move onto a completely new project. Just to clarify, although it shares a similar setting, this is in fact a completely new terrain. Much improved in every regard. I hope you enjoy this creation of mine, as much as I have enjoyed making it. Good luck on surviving the harsh environment of Gila! For more info : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted July 28, 2019 4 hours ago, haleks said: Hello Ravagers! It's time for another batch of tweaks and fixes, plus a few module improvements as usual. 😉 The gearpool module specifically needed more work - it's not 100% finished yet, but should be more reliable, and make it easier to track errors caused by invalid classnames. Here's the changelog : Quote 1775Tweaked : Furnitures are now spawned as local simpleObjects. Optimized zed spawn system. Improved music system. Advanced Animal AI is now optional & enabled/disabled from the Settings module. The Altis showcase has been updated.Fixed : The gearpool module could fail to identify invalid classnames. The gearpool module now search for invalid classnames in all custom arrays, not only weapons. Fixed several design issues with the gearpool module. The AI module would not initiate in the absence of hostiles. Fixed a texture issue with covered offroad variant.New : Added support for Contact DLC music*. Added a Structures Blacklist to the zombies module. Added optional error display to the gearpool module.** Added a custom playlist entry to the atmosphere module. Added 4 new uniforms by EO. Added new NVG down variant. Added support for WildBoar hunting ( *Requires Contact DLC total modification. ** You can also check your RPT files for registered invalid classnames. Have fun everyone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 2, 2019 Update : Mod version : 0.1.776 (2019.08.02) 9 hours ago, haleks said: Hello guys! Ravage has been updated. \o/ Quote 1776Fixed : Fixed a variable error in the traders system.New : Added an Advanced Driver AI option to the Settings module (enabled by default). Have a nice week-end, and drive safely! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 2, 2019 Hello there to Everyone ! Here are some news of Vandeanson’s Apocalypse v2.0 5 minutes ago, Vandeanson said: Hi all, Few impressions and details about the new/updated loot economy: Main settings: - Enable loot economy (loot will be spawned for each player separately) - chose area around player that will be populated (reduce if you get FPS issues) - chose save distance to player - chose chance of buildings to be considered for loot (suggested 100%) - chose chance of building loot positions to be considered for loot (suggested 5-10% for a survival scenario) - if you notice that loot spawns under the floor, you can activate and adjust the last two options. Loot will then spawn higher or lower. - added anti virus medicine to spawns to the loot table - loot de-spawns once the player moves out of the populated area - previous or currently populated areas are blacklisted from being populated again for a bit (20 players in one spot should not cause a loot explosion but must share loot) - loot spawns again when you move according to your new location (once you moved out of the previous area). The loot economy is of course affected by your loot economy settings. Example with loot in 100% of all buildings in 150m radius and with loot populated on 100% of the available building positions. I would recommend to allow loot in 100% of the building but set the chance that each building position has loot, to something below 10%. Each gear type drop chance can be adjusted (e.g. if you put "Vest" to 2 and "Items" to 6, the random gear picker will, for each loot spot, randomly select a type from an array that would look like this: ["vest","vest","Items","Items","Items","Items","Items","Items",]. Hence the chance for a vest is higher - play around with it. (I hope you know what I am trying to explain;). cheers vd 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 11, 2019 Νews of Vandeanson’s Apocalypse v2.0 20 hours ago, Vandeanson said: Hiho all, Quick ravage related update of VA's Zombie Infection Feature. Infection System update: New: - Inventory item: Anti Virus Pill (AVP), with model and inventory picture, classname "VA_AVM_Pill_F" - Inventory item: Anti Virus Injector (AVI), with model and inventory picture, classname "VA_AVM_Injector_F" - killed AI (non Zombie) may get AVP or AVI added to their inventory when killed (so no gearpools must be updated or your preferred AI spawner must be updated) - AVP and AVI will be part of the VA Loot Economy (hence they may spawn in buildings - Infection: for ravage users, the infection will drain hunger and thirst, in addition to health and stamina - Base Infection Symptom Frequency (BISF): default delay between Infection Symptoms (see point above) - Current Infection Symptom Frequency (CISF): each Symptom tick, the delay between Symptoms is reduced by 5%, so the infection will hurt more often the longer it lasts -> increasing frequency - AVP: will increase the delay between Symptoms, up to a certain maximum (can not be longer than 110% of BISF) - AVI: will cure and remove the infection - Settings: BISF, AVB-dropchance, AVI-dropchance and the infection chance per hit can all be adjusted or the feature can be turned off - AVI and AVP are stackable and have "realistic" weight - Consumation is no longer an instant Addaction but a 4 or 10 seconds HoldAction with reduced walking speed while in progress - AVI and AVP can only be used (Holdaction appears) when all conditions below are met: -- no weapon in hands -- player is infected -- player has atleast 1 AVP or AVI in his inventory In the video you can see how the player gets infected and how the infection and pill consummation affects the following player stats: - Health - Stamina - ravage Hunger (-5% each tick) - ravage Thirst (-10% each tick) - CISF .. and how the AVI cures it. Doing some more testing and tuning (of the symptom effects) and will be updated along with the new tradercamp. cheers vd 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 14, 2019 Νews of Vandeanson’s Apocalypse v2.0 14 hours ago, Vandeanson said: Hiho ravages VA received a few ravage related updates last night that are hopefully of interest for you guys. New features: bleeding system: - taking a hit might make you bleed - bleeding will reduce your blood pool from 100 down to 0 - at lower blood levels you will start to take damage and suffer visual effects (continuous loss of color, random blur effects) - bleeding must be stopped by a new inventory item "bandage" (holdaction) - bloodbags can be used to restore blood to 100 - when at full health and with ravage hunger and thirst above 90, blood starts to fill up automatically and slowly - holdaction is only, available when no weapons are equipped and if bleeding Tradercamp: - new compositions/type of camps - all ravage traders added - custom ravage weapon attachements trader added (includes all active mods) - traders should now be MP compatible as i am using the ravage system - multiple tradercamps may be spawned - both automated placement and marker placement is possible - tradercamps do not despawn, they stay Zombie Infection: - overhauled - new infected visual effects - new inventory items to battle the infection - anti virus pills to supress and slow down the infections damage taking effect (will not remove the infection tho) - anti virus injectors to cure infections - by default, ravage zombies cause the infection Loot Economy: - the new items are included in the spawn system - killed non zombie AI will have a chance to have any of the above items in the inventory (resp. code at the curtesy of @GEORGE FLOROS GR). No need to update your AI spawners or loot pools. ALL of the above can be customized/disabled by the mission maker, make sure to review the Vandeanson Apocalypse settings under Addon Options! Other minor fixes Usage: - please make sure to adjust the VA settings under the SERVER tab, and tick the boxes to OVERWRITE MISSION and OVERWRITE CLIENTS - this way your settings are locked and connected players can not alter the settings during the mission (except the admin) Enjoy the mod and please let me know if you stumble over potential issues or things that do not seems to feel like nice game mechanics to you. Such feedback helps me to improve the mod. If you like it please give the mod a thumbs up on steam. Next up/work in progress features: - VA hunger thirst and sickness system - finetuning of the traders - relaunch of the basebuilding feature, i will start from scratch - planning to start working on a temperature system - rewriting the site spawn position finders to no longer depend on area exclusion markers for maps like chernarus, where sites would currently spawn outside the map without user placed blacklist area markers Cheers Vd 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 15, 2019 21 hours ago, Vandeanson said: Hiho all, I made an in-game equipment "categorization tool", because I am lazy and don't want to switch between previewing an item in the editor copy paste stuff into Atom all the time. As an example, I will use this script to define gear-pools that are warm, medium warm, light and medium light so I can assign a temperature value for a survival/temperature script. This seems to be an easy way to categorize all mods's e.g. uniforms and hats so such mod would be able to take in all popular mods. All active mods are recognized and the following slots can be categorized: Uniform Backpack Headgear Glasses/facewear Vests Backpacks Pistols Rifles Launchers It is a first demo mission and i will be adding more features. Maybe this is useful for you too:) Showcase video how i used this to create seasonal uniform pools: Cheers VD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 15, 2019 7 hours ago, Vandeanson said: Hi ravagers I am rebooting the basebuilding and crafting project. Actually I am starting from scratch, in the hopes that some recently acquired coding knowledge will do some good. I meanwhile have potential solutions for 3 issues that bugged me with the project before: - i can create inventory items now (for ressources/material) - it seems that there was an update for Grad persistence that should allow me to save custom variables (all other saves where already working) - I decided to overcome the AI pathfinding/navigation mesh problem with some basebuilding rules/restrictions plus a "savezone" script. All of it motivated me to give the project another go. I would like to invite ravagers to follow the development and share their wishes and ideas for basebuilding and crafting accordingly and, once available, test the demo build and give feedback. Cheers VD PS: rest assured, I will do my best to limit the possibility to build exile like "sky-penis-sniper-towers" ;).... I have some ideas already. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chernaruski 338 Posted August 17, 2019 was just coming back to Ravage mod world, and wanted quickly to check on updates about latest changes... and what I see in the last post 😄 @Vandeanson keep it up dude, glad you decided not to abandon the building system completely. Looking forward to see and test it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 18, 2019 Update : Mod version : 0.1.777 (2019.08.18) 3 hours ago, haleks said: Hello Ravagers! Here comes another update, and this one will make your journey a tad more difficult... With the last update, we taught the AI a few driving lessons, today we are teaching them a few surviving tricks : Ravage 1777 adds a new parameter to the Settings Module called "AI Looters". When enabled, AI units will try to loot targets they manage to kill; the script is designed with a "hoarder" approach : it is fairly light & simple, AI will pick up as many items as they can from their kill and leave nothing behind. Players aren't the only ones scavenging anymore... Here's the changelog : Quote 1777Tweaked: Minor update to the Radiation Protection system. Fixed : Fixed the "rhs_weap_rsp30_red" error. It was impossible to skin Boars. Zeus couldn't interact with survivors. Fixed Compact NVGoggles (green) error.New : The Radiation system now supports backpacks ("B_CombinationUnitRespirator_01_F","B_SCBA_01_F"). Added an "AI Looters system" to the Settings module (enabled by default). Have fun fellas, and thank you for your continued support on Patreon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 18, 2019 News from : Ravaged and Frithified Gear By EO 37 minutes ago, EO said: I think 3 will do for a little more variety... What i'm happy about with these tents is the new skills I've learned from using Object Builder/Bulldozer for the very first time, these tents are actually ported from the available Arma2 models and don't have hiddenSelections. The tents are also configured to act as an inventory object, capable of storing a realistic chunk of loot. Each version is also configured to spawn with a useful inventory item, like a map, compass or a FAK. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 21, 2019 7 hours ago, Vandeanson said: Hi all, Good stuff is coming! Fellow survivalists are currently combining forces to create a.. tam tam taaaam... World War Z: a Ravage & Vandeanson's Apocalypse dedicated server We are puting together (just to name a few) Ravage, VA, and some custom scripts and mods to create an awesome DayZ like (sorry for the overused reference..) PVE and PVP experience. The focus is on creating a persistent Multiplayer experience. We also plan to implement a leveling system with the possiblity to gain access to new Tiers of items/gear, events and locations, to keep things interessting. The project is in its first days and more information and testing events will follow. It is a core element that we create a interessting loot and trade economy with a custom loot table. We want to use the Ravage loot system for that and are looking for someone that is proficient (with University Diploma and AAA references) in putting together custom loot tables for ravage. The Server will run the ChernarusRedux map, is based in Frankfurt and should be capable of handling up to 100 player slots. We hope to create a persistent, long standing home for all Ravagers and other Survivalists to hop on and have a good time. The "game mode" will be as hardcore as possible but playable. Our first priority is to get the base systems/features working on a acceptable FPS level. On that basis, we will extend the features. This will require a lot of testing and we will be reaching out here to invite for test events at some point. In the hopes to have gotten you hyped.. Cheers VD & The Architect Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 24, 2019 2 hours ago, Vandeanson said: Wanna hear me talk nonsense for one hour straight? Knock yourselves out. Settings tutorial and some updates;) part 1 part 2 Cheers VD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 30, 2019 News from Vandeanson's Apocalypse : On 8/25/2019 at 10:24 PM, Vandeanson said: Hi all, Vandeanson's Apocalypse v2.141 beta is ready for testing: I am trying to improve the quality of my updates by reserving some time for beta testing. It would be specially informative for me to understand how the current VA version works in your typical ravage mission. - Site spawners are tweaked and should affect FPS minimally while dormant now (even when spawning large numbers of sites and AI) - Sites can no longer spawn outside the map, by default -> except Shipwrecks and Boats, where I am still looking for a good solution - sites will no longer spawn in the debug zone sometimes - respective checks are implemented - bleeding updated (dynamic animation/animation interruption, bleed effects) - Animal spawner updated (Sheep, goats, cocks and wild-boars hooked to the caching function) - first iteration of scripted (Event-handler "fired near") fleeing behavior of animals - AI FPS saving mechanics - Debug notifications added, you will see a hint summary of what has been spawned in. - Auto recognition of ravage (disables ravage related content if ravage is not active) - feral and patrol dog sounds fixed - you can now chose the side (east, west, independent or random) that will spawn at any site EDIT: NEW LINK v2.141beta adds: - key to open all addaction for bandaging, blood transfusion, anti virus injector use and anti virus pill consumation: Shift + F -> requires you to have the respective items and be under the effects of the relevant issues (bleeding or infected) - press Shift + F again to hide the addactions - Healing system added: once the player has 90+ blood, is not bleeding and (ravage only) has 80+ hunger and thirst, he will heal every X seconds for Y amount of health. X and Y can be adjusted in the VA - Player settings. The feature can be turned off. I recommend to pair with the feature to disable FAK and other stuff=) If you feel like testing, and have questions, feel free to join discord: cheers VD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 30, 2019 Enhanced Tents by EO Configured to add an inventory to all Arma 3 camping tents. Can be used as Simple Objects via their "special states" attribute. Unbinarized config file, feel free to edit the config to suit your own needs. Current Maximum Load: 2000 Current TransportItems: First Aid Kit, Map, Compass. Includes a server key. More info here : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites