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I see, thanks for the info.

as you say, actually  you have to use one unit to be the artillery gunner (no need to put two units)

I know how to use the "Communication menu", but I've to make some limit to prevent player from bombing the whole map !

I'll make a test version with this feature to see how it go, I tell you when you can test

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Thank you!


That is true- I have no idea how to tie that to their ammo or the global ammo supply in order to limit it's effectiveness. Possibly there could be a cooldown, so that you could only fire so much so often?


I wasn't planning on dealing with any of that haha, and just self limiting xD I'm used to it since I'm always the commander\have access to Zeus.


Thanks for looking into this 😄



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Been playing for a few hours and I think it's a very cool mission. I wish AI would scale based on number of players, since I am alone I am stuck with 1 squad of 4 (3 AI). I gotta close the game and get some sleep for work tomorrow, is there a way to save progress? I'd like to come back to this and play more now that I've started to get the hang of it, but it wouldn't be great to have to restart every time

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hi dreadedentity,


some informations:


the number of AI with you, grow with your rank (one more AI per level)
you can choose the number of AI at startup in the mission parameters


the game save by itself, the status of the game ( the stats, and the list of captured points)  every 60 seconds

your progression (xp, ammo) and your vehicles are also saved


however, your AI squad units are not saved and the inventory of vehicle is lost when your close the game.


when you continue the mission (the next day), you should get back the state of previous game


have fun !


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Awesome! So I can just buy some more AI when I come back on. Also, I'm assuming that once you win, it will start over if you start the server again?

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4 hours ago, dreadedentity said:

Awesome! So I can just buy some more AI when I come back on. Also, I'm assuming that once you win, it will start over if you start the server again?

When you wish to restart, at the bottom of the server parameters you can change "Load Save" to 'NO', there are two of them to make sure you don't do it on accident. The next time you launch the server it will be a fresh game, just make sure you disable the "do not load save" parameters ASAP so that you don't forget 😉

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@pSiKO, thanks for a great mission!


Could you set up a save system like KP Liberation when AI Units are saved?

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I don't really understand how saves work.

When I enter the game every next time, the First Time Player Notice window appears every time. My Score is always 0, amount of resources (ammo) is always 400. Previously purchased AI Units and vehicles left near the FOB disappear.
Only FOB, MHQ location and captured points are saved.

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The time of day is also not saved. The clock always starts at 7 am.

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3 hours ago, CAM0M1lE said:

The time of day is also not saved. The clock always starts at 7 am.



hmmm, something seems broken !


fyi, the auto save include:


FOB, MHQ location and captured points
vehicles (around FOB) + virtual garage
any object near FOB

player stats


i'll think about an AI save system


did you use vanilla mission (ie not modified) or some MOD ?

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I have similar problems when I test a mission in the editor (ranking, ammo,... are not saved). 

Everything is saved running the mission on dedicated server (ranking, ammo, vehicles in FOBs)
and i use a lot of additional mods (CUP, Ravage) and scripts.
I always use a new [user].vars.Arma3Profile on the server.

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@pSiKO, I just edited the default parameters in the file ui\mission_params.hpp for to change sides to RHS.
Try it later on the vanila version.
The mods that I use are RHS, CUP, JSRS.
I don't use a dedicated server.

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@pSiKO, another question please:
Addon PAR AI Revive is very cool. Can I use it in my missions and how do I do it?

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I use AIS Revive instead of PAR Revive. It is very similar and easy to implement as a script in every mission (with a lot of parameters):


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@Ed Fox, thanks, i already tried this mod. But in it AI units do not revive each other automatically. I have to keep an eye on it.

PAR AI Revive is good because it is completely autonomous.

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Hi pSiKO,

I noticed that in "F_getNbUnits" you determine the number of enemies depending on the number of players.
I use 3 HCs on the server and they are also counted as players. So the number of enemies increases unintentionally.
Maybe you could calculate the number of players without the HCs (west countSide allPlayers).

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h, friends !

about  the save issue,

 remember that the player need at least 20 XP point to be saved (lower score are not saved).

the debug tool can print the savegame content if called this way (on server):
[1] execVM "scripts\shared\diag_debug.sqf";    //replace 1 to zero to keep only the functions list



about Addon PAR AI Revive,

to be used elsewhere I need to transform the addon into a mod (separate classname, variables and translation data in individual files)

actually , it will need some work to be used in other projects
I plan to make an addon with this one.



@Ed Fox: good shot ! i'll fix it in next release!

spoiler: next version include :

- personal fuel management

- personal manpower management

- better libspawnvehicles

- synchro rewrite (better perf)

- a fistful of fixes !! (look at commit to see them)

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I have found a solution for a whitelist-only arsenal, if anyone is interested. I.e. only those items are shown in the arsenal which are defined in the array GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal = [] (in the arsenal.sqf file of the respective faction).
To do this, make the following changes:



    class EnableWhiteFilter {                    
        title = "Only Whitelisted Items";
        values[] = { 1, 0 };
        default = 0;

GRLIB_filter_arsenalWhitel = ["EnableWhiteFilter",0] call bis_fnc_getParamValue;





if (GRLIB_filter_arsenalWhitel == 1) then {
[myLARsBox, ["GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal", "GRLIB_blacklisted_from_arsenal"], false, "Liberation", { false }] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal;

if (GRLIB_mod_enabled) then {
    [myLARsBox, ["GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal", "GRLIB_blacklisted_from_arsenal"], false, "Liberation", { false }] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal;
} else {
    //[ myBox, [ whitelist, blacklist ], targets, name, condition ] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal;
    [myLARsBox, [GRLIB_arsenal_side, "GRLIB_blacklisted_from_arsenal"], false, "Liberation", { false }] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal;
    waitUntil {sleep 0.5; !(isNil "LARs_initBlacklist")};

    //[ box, arsenalName, [ white, black ], _targets ] call LARs_fnc_updateArsenal
    [myLARsBox, "Liberation", ["GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal"], false] call LARs_fnc_updateArsenal;


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I cannot get zeus to open. 


I am logged in as admin (it's my own dedicated server on my 2nd computer) and I am in the commander slot. 


I am using FASTER to host my server. 


I can't figure out why I can't get into zeus. I had no problem in KP liberation. 

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16 hours ago, M.Mosley said:

I cannot get zeus to open. 


I am logged in as admin (it's my own dedicated server on my 2nd computer) and I am in the commander slot. 


I am using FASTER to host my server. 


I can't figure out why I can't get into zeus. I had no problem in KP liberation. 



it should work, I've just tested.


did you modify/customize the mission ?

did you use some mods ?
it is working in locally hosted ?


did you ear the Zeus call ?

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On 4/3/2022 at 1:58 PM, Ed Fox said:



hi dude !


I don't see the tricks ! 🙂


if (GRLIB_filter_arsenalWhitel == 1) then {
  [myLARsBox, ["GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal", "GRLIB_blacklisted_from_arsenal"], false, "Liberation", { false }] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal;
} else { .....


the only difference with when 'GRLIB_mod_enabled' is true, is that I add 'side faction' items

I think we can reach the same goal, only by using  'GRLIB_mod_enabled' to make sort of empty mod that only use the whitelist


maybe an Params  like "GRLIB_filter_arsenalA3",  look at end of "fetch_params.sqf"


just speaking 🙂

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The problem I have with the Arsenal is hard for me to describe. 

I use the Fractions mod 3CB Factions. 3CB requires RHS for this.

If I use the RHS filter, all 3CB weapons are gone.
If I don't use the RHS filter, all vanilla stuff is there and I have to blacklist a ton of items.
However, I need RHS because 3CB uses the ammunition from RHS.

If I want to use the 3CB-BAF faction from 3CB, I also want to have only the British Armed Forces specific weapons in the arsenal. Therefore I would be here
much faster with a whitelist arsenal compilation than with a blacklist.

I have the same problem with Cold War III Rearmed - that needs CUP as a basis.

Hard problem 😉 Somehow I will solve it pragmatically.


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I face the same with R3F/AMF mod,

fortunately I add support for multi mod in filters 🙂

look a the end of fetch_param, you'll see a filter setting:


if ( GRLIB_R3F_enabled && GRLIB_filter_arsenalR3F) then { GRLIB_MOD_signature append ["r3f_", "amf_"]; GRLIB_mod_enabled = true };


that mean, filter will keep every items starting by "r3f_"  OR  "amf_" !


to implement for 3cb/rhs,  you have to add (or  I do it when I've downloaded 3CB):

- detector like "GRLIB_3CB_enabled" (check for a classname)
- filter setting (like the one above)


and you don't have to edit arsenal white list


in my mind, whitelist is for adding items that not belong to faction side (or are missing)

and blacklist is to remove some object you dont want in the game (nightstalker !)


there is another whitelist, called "GRLIB_whitelisted_from_arsenal_limited"

that is used when you use the mod filter, to add missing items (flashlight, binocular, medikit, etc..)



edit: the idea of single whitelist is still pertinent, if you want to build a pistol only arsenal. (or something like that)

I keep it in mind 🙂



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Great stuff - Thanks.

At the moment I'm testing a new faction (Mod:Cold War Rearmed III). Here I will then check the possibility described by you. Thanks again.

In the meantime, I've published a few more maps in the workshop. There should be something for everyone:

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Somehow I reach the limits of my little scripting knowledge.
I tried to implement the filters for 3CB, BWMod and CW3 but I always get error messages or a black screen.
Maybe you can add these filters, I can't do it - sorry.


DLC - BWMod: configfile >> "CfgMods" >> "BWA3" Arsenal-Filter: "BWA3_"

DLC - 3CB (requires RHS): configfile >> "CfgMods" >> "UK3CB_BAF_Weapons" Arsenal filter: "UK3CB_".

DLC - Cold War Rearmed III (requires CUP) configfile >> "CfgMods" >> "cwr3_dlc" Arsenal filter: "cwr3_"      ("cwr3_b_", "cwr3_o_",, "cwr3_i_")


Anyway. The weather is much too nice to crouch in front of the PC, so I'm going hiking now. Have a nice day...

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