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Door Keypad [SCRIPT] Request

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Hello all,


I am interested in a door keypad script like the one seen here in the video.   


I have tried to message the author on YouTube but he seems to have abandoned the development and has not posted the sqf anywhere. I would also like the tablet to be able to be attached to a building and have it serve as the imaginary keypad system, just like in the video. Could anyone help out with this project 

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7 hours ago, WarhammerActual said:

Hello all,


I am interested in a door keypad script like the one seen here in the video.   


I have tried to message the author on YouTube but he seems to have abandoned the development and has not posted the sqf anywhere. I would also like the tablet to be able to be attached to a building and have it serve as the imaginary keypad system, just like in the video. Could anyone help out with this project 

:yeahthat:Would like to know as well.

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Hero's survive script has a key card which is pretty good. Can't remember if it had a keypad script. 

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14 hours ago, Chuc said:

Can't remember if it had a keypad script.

It does indeed....



demomission===>use===>  UseCheckCard.sqf


if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
//--->> Close dialog
closeDialog 0;
//--->> Define parameter
private ["_Use","_PosXYZ","_ObjeList","_IsInList","_x","_Obje",
//--->> Incomming parameter:
_Use = _this select 0;        // Object the player use
//--->> Read all objecs in front of the player (radius 2)
_PosXYZ = player modelToWorld [0,1.5,0];
_ObjeList = nearestObjects [_PosXYZ, [], 15];
//--->> Check if a cardreader into the list
	if ((typeOf _x) == "Land_her_CardReaderGrey") then {
	if ((typeOf _x) == "Land_her_CardReaderGreen") then {
} forEach _ObjeList;
//--->> If a cardreader into the list
if (!_IsInList) exitWith {};
playSound3D ["her_a3w_survive\sound\check.ogg", player, false, getPosASL player, 8, 1, 10];
if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_main")) then {
	[1, [], {Her_L_Progress=1}, {Her_L_Progress=2}, ""] call ace_common_fnc_progressBar;
} else {
	[1] call Her_Fnc_ProgressBar;
waitUntil {Her_L_Progress != 0};
if (Her_L_Progress != 1) exitWith {hint "Out 2"};
//--->> Check if the used card = the card in variable of the cardreader
//--->> 0 = Building
//--->> 1 = Card the player has to use
//--->> 2 = Door
_CardData = _Obje getVariable ["Her_Card",[29664,"herl_o_card_green",1]];
_CardStat = _Obje getVariable ["Her_Status",false];
_Building = _CardData select 0;
_Card = _CardData select 1;
_Door = _CardData select 2;
//--->> _CardStat = false / and / _Card = card to use // then // open door
if ((!_CardStat) and ((format ["%1",_Card]) == (format ["%1",_Use]))) then {
	_nObject = (position player) nearestObject _Building;
	_Obje setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"\her_a3w_survive\models\objects\data\green.paa"];
	_nObject setVariable[format ["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_Door],0,true];
	_Obje setVariable ["Her_Status",true,true];
	playSound3D ["her_a3w_survive\sound\check_open.ogg", player, false, getPosASL player, 8, 1, 5];
//--->> _CardStat = false / and / _Card != card to use // then dont open door
if ((!_CardStat) and ((format ["%1",_Card]) != (format ["%1",_Use]))) then {
	playSound3D ["her_a3w_survive\sound\check_lost.ogg", player, false, getPosASL player, 8, 1, 5];


You HAVE to ask permission to author for any nip&tucking tough!!! 

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Thanks for the replies but I'm looking more for a KEYPAD than a key card. Something such as this would be perfect


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What youre asking isn't a small job. Thats probably why there isn't any responses.

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3 hours ago, MKD3-FHI said:

What youre asking isn't a small job. Thats probably why there isn't any responses.

I know I've messaged both authors via YouTube inquiring about their work, sadly they have yet to respond. Figured I'd reach out here and see if anyone recognized the work and were willing to carry it on 

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I made a sort-of keypad script of my own to disarm bombs and access protected cell phones/computers, etc. However, it utilizes the action menu instead of a GUI with buttons. I would love to upgrade it to an actual keypad GUI, but as is it gets the job done.


I know it's not exactly what you're looking for but I'm willing to share if you're interested. 

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There was a keypad in Operation Arrowhead



Of course it's written in Farsi or similar language. If you have a copy of that game you could in theory figure out how to make it work and use your own GUI overlay. If you're adventurous that is.


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6 hours ago, AZCoder said:

use your own GUI overlay. If you're adventurous that is.


Thats a big red pill

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well ive been learning about dialogs for a solid 2 hours before attempting this(even made a little tut using listBox and buttons in that timeframe where you can teleport/kill a selected player from the box :D).

so this is what ive got so far, its a pre placed house/tablet for the door for testing, just need to learn how to get the doors on all houses(no clue how to yet so please give suggestions) to make this kind of universal but its progress, have less than an hour into it. once that is sorted out i plan to make it so you can set your own code for the door




Update: got keypads spawning to the left of the main door on any building dynamically with the ability to lock/unlock all doors

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11 hours ago, gokitty1199 said:

well ive been learning about dialogs for a solid 2 hours before attempting this


Nice gokitty1199 !

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13 hours ago, gokitty1199 said:

well ive been learning about dialogs for a solid 2 hours before attempting this(even made a little tut using listBox and buttons in that timeframe where you can teleport/kill a selected player from the box :D).

so this is what ive got so far, its a pre placed house/tablet for the door for testing, just need to learn how to get the doors on all houses(no clue how to yet so please give suggestions) to make this kind of universal but its progress, have less than an hour into it. once that is sorted out i plan to make it so you can set your own code for the door




Update: got keypads spawning to the left of the main door on any building dynamically with the ability to lock/unlock all doors

updated: it now spawns a laptop(screw trying to use setVector -_-) on any building you want it to to the left of the main door by simply walking up to the building and it assigns a code to the building automatically(going to make it so you can set your own code with the key pad, just need to make it bigger so i can fit more buttons). you can now re lock the building that you have placed the key pad on, you cannot place more than one keypad on a building.


to do:

i want to make it so you can choose to unlock all doors in the building or just the main door.

when you lock the building make it close all doors to ensure safety of the building.

add lock building option to the keypad itself and not a separate addAction.

add ability to set a new code for the building only when the building is unlocked.

rename everything and set it so people can easily add to their mission and use it

possibly add it so its a addon? idk how to do that yet so if anyone wants to point me in the right direction on how to do this that would be great!

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On 5/18/2018 at 3:51 AM, WarhammerActual said:

Hello all,


I am interested in a door keypad script like the one seen here in the video.   


I have tried to message the author on YouTube but he seems to have abandoned the development and has not posted the sqf anywhere. I would also like the tablet to be able to be attached to a building and have it serve as the imaginary keypad system, just like in the video. Could anyone help out with this project 

hows this so far


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23 hours ago, gokitty1199 said:

well ive been learning about dialogs for a solid 2 hours before attempting this(even made a little tut using listBox and buttons in that timeframe where you can teleport/kill a selected player from the box :D).

so this is what ive got so far, its a pre placed house/tablet for the door for testing, just need to learn how to get the doors on all houses(no clue how to yet so please give suggestions) to make this kind of universal but its progress, have less than an hour into it. once that is sorted out i plan to make it so you can set your own code for the door




Update: got keypads spawning to the left of the main door on any building dynamically with the ability to lock/unlock all doors

Hey man,

Thank you for responding and beginning work on this so quickly.


This is EXACTLY what I am looking for a mission that has 6 buildings I am using a a detention facility. I want my players to assault a guarded position and obtain the door code to the 6 buildings they will have to enter. (all codes will be the same for ease of access) .... I need a pre placed tablet like the one in the video you just linked and they need to use it to enter and exit. The above video you linked with the Tablet looks great.

This is the building I had envisioned using :


http://www.antihelios.de/EK/Arma/images/Land_i_Barracks_V1_F (Side1).jpg

Players can make entry from one of the doors on the ground level and exit out of that same door, limiting entry and access points.


For my purposes I'm not really interested in it being place able on other buildings dynamically or the teleport function. I just want to be able to put down that building in the editor and have the script launch the functionality as you see in the video above. Just basic keypad entry for me . 


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22 minutes ago, WarhammerActual said:

Hey man,

Thank you for responding and beginning work on this so quickly.


This is EXACTLY what I am looking for a mission that has 6 buildings I am using a a detention facility. I want my players to assault a guarded position and obtain the door code to the 6 buildings they will have to enter. (all codes will be the same for ease of access) .... I need a pre placed tablet like the one in the video you just linked and they need to use it to enter and exit. The above video you linked with the Tablet looks great.

This is the building I had envisioned using :


http://www.antihelios.de/EK/Arma/images/Land_i_Barracks_V1_F (Side1).jpg

Players can make entry from one of the doors on the ground level and exit out of that same door, limiting entry and access points.


For my purposes I'm not really interested in it being place able on other buildings dynamically or the teleport function. I just want to be able to put down that building in the editor and have the script launch the functionality as you see in the video above. Just basic keypad entry for me . 


no problem. ill try to have a modified version of it sometime tomorrow. are the buildings ones that you have placed down in the editor? or are they already on the map?

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1 minute ago, WarhammerActual said:

They are one's I placed down in the editor , so they have object init's . 

alrighty easy enough. all you need to be able to do is know the door numbers

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4 minutes ago, gokitty1199 said:

. all you need to be able to do is know the door numbers

Those pop up in the editor . So I believe I'd need door 1 .



Is it possible to put the data pad on more than one door Effectively making a few access points. You know how players can be and go to the wrong side ;p . But I guess I could specify that they need to find the single access point in mission briefing ..

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5 minutes ago, WarhammerActual said:

Those pop up in the editor . So I believe I'd need door 1 .



Is it possible to put the data pad on more than one door Effectively making a few access points. You know how players can be and go to the wrong side ;p . But I guess I could specify that they need to find the single access point in mission briefing ..

thats it. all we really need is the door numbers for the doors you want to open with the code lock so we only open the ones we want to open

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2 hours ago, WarhammerActual said:

This is EXACTLY what I am looking for a mission that has 6 buildings I am using a a detention facility. I want my players to assault a guarded position and obtain the door code to the 6 buildings they will have to enter. (all codes will be the same for ease of access) .... I need a pre placed tablet like the one in the video you just linked and they need to use it to enter and exit. The above video you linked with the Tablet looks great.

This is the building I had envisioned using :


http://www.antihelios.de/EK/Arma/images/Land_i_Barracks_V1_F (Side1).jpg

Players can make entry from one of the doors on the ground level and exit out of that same door, limiting entry and access points.


For my purposes I'm not really interested in it being place able on other buildings dynamically or the teleport function. I just want to be able to put down that building in the editor and have the script launch the functionality as you see in the video above. Just basic keypad entry for me . 

I'll be VERY interested in this as well. A script version also would fit better my usage, as mission maker.Less mods in the list the better.

Anyway....you're doing an AWESOME work with this @gokitty1199

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13 hours ago, zagor64bz said:

I'll be VERY interested in this as well. A script version also would fit better my usage, as mission maker.Less mods in the list the better.

Anyway....you're doing an AWESOME work with this @gokitty1199


16 hours ago, WarhammerActual said:

Hey man,

Thank you for responding and beginning work on this so quickly.


This is EXACTLY what I am looking for a mission that has 6 buildings I am using a a detention facility. I want my players to assault a guarded position and obtain the door code to the 6 buildings they will have to enter. (all codes will be the same for ease of access) .... I need a pre placed tablet like the one in the video you just linked and they need to use it to enter and exit. The above video you linked with the Tablet looks great.

This is the building I had envisioned using :


http://www.antihelios.de/EK/Arma/images/Land_i_Barracks_V1_F (Side1).jpg

Players can make entry from one of the doors on the ground level and exit out of that same door, limiting entry and access points.


For my purposes I'm not really interested in it being place able on other buildings dynamically or the teleport function. I just want to be able to put down that building in the editor and have the script launch the functionality as you see in the video above. Just basic keypad entry for me . 


hows this? all you need to do to get it to work is drag the folder into your mission and do what i say in the video. id like to change it so it gets the buildings name and the door its closest to automatically and all you have to do is pass in this and the door number instead of

null = [this, buildingName, doorNumber] execVM "kitty_lockFolder\kitty_codeLockInit.sqf";

so it gets ride of one little annoyance and would allow use on buildings that are already baked into the map


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37 minutes ago, gokitty1199 said:

hows this? all you need to do to get it to work is drag the folder into your mission and do what i say in the video. id like to change it so it gets the buildings name and the door its closest to automatically and all you have to do is pass in this and the door number instead of

null = [this, buildingName, doorNumber] execVM "kitty_lockFolder\kitty_codeLockInit.sqf";

so it gets ride of one little annoyance and would allow use on buildings that are already baked into the map


Thank you man!!!

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