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My game is crashing randomly i dont know why


The exit code is 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION


Please help me :down:


(Sry for bad english)

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Hello, Welcome to Bis forums!

Please post the following information, and answer the questions:

  1. Computer specs - cpu, gpu, ram, and OS
  2. What are you playing when your game crashes?
  3. Are you playing with any mods?

A suggestion for you to add -malloc=system to your startup parameter.

To do this go to:

steam Library ----> Arma 3 Properties ----> Set Launch Options -----> Type in -malloc=system


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Hello. I got the same error on dedicated server...

Running no mod.

Server just crash....

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On 4/29/2018 at 12:51 PM, Gunter Severloh said:

A suggestion for you to add -malloc=system to your startup parameter.

To do this go to:

steam Library ----> Arma 3 Properties ----> Set Launch Options -----> Type in -malloc=system


Did you try that?

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...in my case its dedicated server crashing.
i added this line some times ago in the line taken from TADST, and placed in the  *.bat file i use to launch the server,
sadly crash still happens.

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Need some more info:

  • Post your rpt here https://justpaste.it/
  • server.cfg
  • basic.cfg
  • what mission are you running when it crashes?
  • you said you start the server with a .bat, can you post the code you are using for that?
  • Thanks 1

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hey Gunter, thanks for your help!

justpasted:   https://justpaste.it/1kttm

i use TADST, the config.cfg is:


// Config file generated 06/05/2018 23:39 with TADST.

hostName = "DWAR  - CTI -  Dynamic War (no mods)";
password = "";
passwordAdmin = "********";
serverCommandPassword = "";
logFile = "";

motd[] = {
motdInterval = 3;

maxPlayers = 48;
kickduplicate = 0;
verifySignatures = 2;
allowedFilePatching = 0;
requiredSecureId = 0;

allowedVoteCmds[] = {};
voteMissionPlayers = 3;
voteThreshold = 1.5;

disableVoN = 1;
vonCodecQuality = 10;
persistent = 1;
timeStampFormat = "none";
BattlEye = 1;

doubleIdDetected = "";
onUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
onHackedData = "";
onDifferentData = "";
onUnsignedData = "";
regularCheck = "";

class Missions
    class Mission_1
        template = "DWAR-05-05-TEST.Altis";
        difficulty = "custom";


and the basic.cfg is :


// Basic config file generated 03/05/2018 17:26 with TADST.

MaxMsgSend = 128;
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512;
MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 256;
MinBandwidth = 131072;
MaxBandwidth = 2097152000;
MinErrorToSend = 0.0005;
MinErrorToSendNear = 0.02;
MaxCustomFileSize = 1310720;
class sockets{maxPacketSize = 1400;};

i'm running my custom mission, but as i sayed, was running fine for 24h (server auto restart every day).
the *.bat code is :


arma3server_x64 -port=2302 "-config=C:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\DWARtest\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\DWARtest\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\DWARtest" -name=DWARtest -filePatching "-mod=curator;heli;jets;kart;mark;orange;tacops;tank" -autoInit -malloc=system

other useful info:
before battleye ports update (some updates ago, around 1.78 - 1.80) all was working fine.
after weeks of test every night & day, i discovered that without the following script it runs for 24h without crash. as i sayed the mission was running fine WITH the script before the updates, but its the only discover i made about this problem.
especially i suspect the "DFN_Dspawn" function, because its the one that spawn/despawn AI. its goal is to make map "alive" by spawning AI units in a bubble around players, and despawning if too far away or dead, then starting the process again forever.


if (isServer) then {

DFN_dakka = {
   private _Dveh = _this select 0;
   while {faction (driver _Dveh) == "IND_F"} do {uiSleep 60;_Dveh setVehicleAmmo 1};
D_FarFromAll = {
    uiSleep 1;
    params ["_pos", "_limit"]; // Read the parameters sent to the function into these variables.

    // First assume that the position is far from all players.
    private _farFromAll = true;

    // Loop through all players in a forEach loop.
        // If the distance from the position to the player is less than the distance limit, then the position is not far from all
        if (_pos distance2D _x < _limit) then {
            _farFromAll = false;
    } forEach playableUnits;          //  was: forEach call BIS_fnc_listPlayers;

    // Return the value in _farFromAll (do not write a semicolon after a return value)

   _pos = nil;
   _limit = nil;

DFN_Patrol = {
private _grp = _this select 0;
private _pos = _this select 1;
private _maxDist = _this select 2;
private _Dry = _this select 3;
private _Dspeed = _this select 4;
uiSleep 1;
_grp setBehaviour "AWARE";

//Create a string of randomly placed waypoints.
private ["_prevPos"];
_prevPos = _pos;
for "_i" from 0 to 3 do                 //was    for "_i" from 0 to (2 + (floor (random 3))) do
    private ["_wp", "_newPos"];
    _newPos = [_prevPos, 150, _maxDist, 0.5, _Dry, 0.3, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;          //D   2 = must be in water (0 = land)
    private _prevPos = _newPos;

    _wp = _grp addWaypoint [_newPos, 0];
    _wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 200;

    //Set the group's speed and formation at the first waypoint.
    if (_i == 0) then
        _wp setWaypointSpeed _Dspeed;      //or LIMITED  or FULL
        _wp setWaypointFormation "COLUMN";
        _grp setBehaviour "SAFE";

//Cycle back to the first position.
private ["_wp"];
_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 0];
_wp setWaypointType "CYCLE";
_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 200;

        _grp = nil;
        _pos = nil;
        _maxDist = nil;
        _Dry = nil;
        _Dspeed = nil;
        _i = nil;
        _newPos = nil;
    _prevPos = nil;
    _wp = nil;

DFN_Dspawn = {
      uiSleep 1;
      private _maxDist = (_this select 0);
      private _minDist = (_this select 1);
      private _Dside = (_this select 2);
      private _DWPrange = (_this select 3);  // 3000
      private _Dtype = (_this select 4);
      private _DFNtype = (_this select 5);
      private _Dry = (_this select 6);       //0 = land only  1=waterORland 2=water only
      private _Dspeed = (_this select 7);
      waitUntil{sleep 3;(count playableUnits) > 0};

      private _allPPos = [];
      {_allPPos pushBack getpos _x} foreach playableUnits;  //was  allplayers
      private _RPPos = selectRandom _allPPos;
      private _Darea = [_RPPos, _minDist, _maxDist, 12, _Dry, 0.5, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
      private _grpDveh = [_Darea,_Dside,_Dtype] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;                        // SPAWNER
      _grpDveh deleteGroupWhenEmpty true;
      [_grpDveh, _Darea, _DWPrange,_Dry,_Dspeed] call DFN_Patrol;                               // for patrol
      private _Dveh = vehicle leader _grpDveh;
      [_Dveh] spawn Drandomizer;                                                                // to randomize vehicles skin
      _Dveh setVariable ["NOT_remove",true,false];                                              // TO SAVE FROM CLEAN SCRIPT
      if (_Dveh isKindOf "I_G_offroad_01_armed_F") then {_Dveh setObjectTextureGlobal [0,'\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa'];};  // to fix TFAR red pickup bug
      private _crewDveh = crew _Dveh;
      private _unitsDveh = units _grpDveh;
//      HINT "SPAWNED";  
      waitUntil { sleep 10; [(getPos _Dveh), _maxDist] call D_FarFromAll || !alive _Dveh };  // waituntil to allow side mission                          // variable to trigger side mission
      if !([(getPos _Dveh), _maxDist] call D_FarFromAll) then {
         if (_Dveh isKindOf "boat_F") then {sideSEA = true};                            // SIDE MISSION SEA
         if (_Dveh isKindOf "tank") then {sideTANK = true};                             // SIDE MISSION TANK

      uiSleep 1;

      if (!alive _Dveh) then  {uiSleep 180};      
//      waitUntil { sleep 60; [(getPos _Dveh), 50] call D_FarFromAll};                  // to go on  
//      {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _crewDveh;
      {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (_unitsDveh + _crewDveh);
      deletevehicle _Dveh;
//      HINT "DELETED";
      uiSleep 1;      
      [_maxDist,_minDist,_Dside,_Dspeed] spawn _DFNtype;

      _maxDist = nil;
      _minDist = nil;
      _Dside = nil;
      _DWPrange = nil;
      _Dtype = nil;
      _DFNtype = nil;
      _Dry = nil;
      _Dspeed = nil;
      _allPPos = nil;
      _RPPos = nil;
      _Darea = nil;
      _grpDveh = nil;
      _Dveh = nil;
      _crewDveh = nil;
      _unitsDveh = nil;
Drandomizer = {
// send me an object and I will randomise its texture and global it
params ["_obj"];
private ["_textures","_mytexturelist","_texturesources"];
switch (true) do
        default// everything else, grab all the available texs and choose one at random
                _mytexturelist = (getArray (configFile/"CfgVehicles"/typeOf _obj/"texturelist")) select {typeName _x isEqualTo "STRING"};// array also contains numbers, remove them
                _texturesources = [];
                if (not (_mytexturelist isEqualTo [])) then
                        _texturesources pushback ((getArray (configFile/"CfgVehicles"/typeOf _obj/"texturesources"/_x/"textures")) select 0);
                    }foreach _mytexturelist;
                    if (not (isnil "_texturesources")) then
                            _obj setObjectTextureGlobal [0,selectRandom _texturesources];
      private _Dtype = selectRandom ["C_Offroad_01_F", "C_Offroad_01_repair_F", "C_Quadbike_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "C_SUV_01_F", "C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_box_F", "C_Van_01_fuel_F"];
      private _maxDist = (_this select 0);
      private _minDist = (_this select 1);
      private _Dside = (_this select 2);
      private _DWPrange = 6000;
      [_maxDist,_minDist,_Dside,_DWPrange,[_Dtype],DFN_CARS,0,"FULL"] spawn DFN_Dspawn;

      _maxDist = nil;
      _minDist = nil;
      _Dside = nil;
      _DWPrange = nil;
      _Dtype = nil;    
      private _Dtype = selectRandom ["I_boat_armed_01_minigun_F"];     // DEFINE VEHICLES TYPE (SUBMARINE IS "I_SDV_01_F")
      private _maxDist = (_this select 0);
      private _minDist = (_this select 1);
      private _Dside = (_this select 2);
      private _DWPrange = 6000;
      [_maxDist,_minDist,_Dside,_DWPrange,[_Dtype],DFN_BOAT,2,"FULL"] spawn DFN_Dspawn;

      _maxDist = nil;
      _minDist = nil;
      _Dside = nil;
      _DWPrange = nil;
      _Dtype = nil;
      private _Dtype = ["I_diver_F","I_diver_F"];     // DEFINE VEHICLES TYPE (SUBMARINE IS "I_SDV_01_F")
      private _maxDist = (_this select 0);
      private _minDist = (_this select 1);
      private _Dside = (_this select 2);
      private _DWPrange = 900;
      [_maxDist,_minDist,_Dside,_DWPrange,_Dtype,DFN_DIVER,2,"FULL"] spawn DFN_Dspawn;

      _maxDist = nil;
      _minDist = nil;
      _Dside = nil;
      _DWPrange = nil;
      _Dtype = nil;
      private _Dtype = selectRandom ["C_man_1", "C_man_1_1_F", "C_man_1_2_F", "C_man_1_3_F", "C_man_polo_1_F","C_man_polo_2_F", "C_man_polo_3_F", "C_man_polo_4_F", "C_man_polo_5_F", "C_man_polo_6_F", "C_man_p_fugitive_F", "C_man_p_beggar_F", "C_man_w_worker_F", "C_scientist_F", "C_man_hunter_1_F", "C_man_p_shorts_1_F", "C_journalist_F", "C_Orestes", "C_Nikos", "C_Nikos_aged"];
      private _maxDist = (_this select 0);
      private _minDist = (_this select 1);
      private _Dside = (_this select 2);
      private _DWPrange = 900;
      [_maxDist,_minDist,_Dside,_DWPrange,[_Dtype],DFN_CIV,0,"LIMITED"] spawn DFN_Dspawn;

      _maxDist = nil;
      _minDist = nil;
      _Dside = nil;
      _DWPrange = nil;
      _Dtype = nil;

DFN_Ginf = {
   _dice = selectRandom [0,1];
   if (_dice > 0) then {
      private _Dtype = selectRandom ["O_G_Soldier_LAT_F","I_ghillie_sard_F","I_soldier_AA_F" ];
      private _maxDist = (_this select 0);
      private _minDist = (_this select 1);
      private _Dside = (_this select 2);
      private _DWPrange = 900;
      [_maxDist,_minDist,_Dside,_DWPrange,[_Dtype],DFN_Ginf,0,"FULL"] spawn DFN_Dspawn;

      _maxDist = nil;
      _minDist = nil;
      _Dside = nil;
      _DWPrange = nil;
      _Dtype = nil;
   } else {
      private _Gs1 = selectRandom ["O_G_Soldier_LAT_F","I_ghillie_sard_F","I_soldier_AA_F" ];
      private _Gs2 = selectRandom ["O_G_Soldier_LAT_F","I_ghillie_sard_F","I_soldier_AA_F" ];
      private _Dtype = [_Gs1,_Gs2] ;   
      private _maxDist = (_this select 0);
      private _minDist = (_this select 1);
      private _Dside = (_this select 2);
      private _DWPrange = 900;
      [_maxDist,_minDist,_Dside,_DWPrange,_Dtype,DFN_Ginf,0,"FULL"] spawn DFN_Dspawn;

      _maxDist = nil;
      _minDist = nil;
      _Dside = nil;
      _DWPrange = nil;
      _Dtype = nil;

DFN_Gveh = {
      private _Dtype = selectRandom ["I_APC_wheeled_03_cannon_F","I_G_offroad_01_armed_F", "I_MRAP_03_hmg_F","I_G_offroad_01_armed_F", "I_G_offroad_01_armed_F","I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F","I_G_offroad_01_armed_F","I_MBT_03_cannon_F" ];
      private _maxDist = (_this select 0);
      private _minDist = (_this select 1);
      private _Dside = (_this select 2);
      private _DWPrange = 6000;
      [_maxDist,_minDist,_Dside,_DWPrange,[_Dtype],DFN_Gveh,0,"FULL"] spawn DFN_Dspawn;

      _maxDist = nil;
      _minDist = nil;
      _Dside = nil;
      _DWPrange = nil;
      _Dtype = nil;
      private _maxDist = (_this select 0);
      private _minDist = (_this select 1);
      private _Dside = (_this select 2);
      private _Dtype = selectRandom ["ModuleMine_ATMine_F","ModuleMine_APERSBoundingMine_F"];
      private _allPPos = [];
      waitUntil{sleep 10;(count playableUnits) > 0};
      {_allPPos pushBack getpos _x} foreach playableUnits;
      private _RPPos = selectRandom _allPPos;
      private _Darea = [_RPPos, _minDist, _maxDist, 2, 1, 0.5, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;        // 0 = land only  1=waterORland 2=water only
      private _Dveh = _Dtype createVehicle _Darea;  
//      HINT "SPAWNED";
      private _DvehA = [_Dveh];
      waitUntil { sleep 15; [(getPos _Dveh), _maxDist] call D_FarFromAll };
      deletevehicle _Dveh;
//      HINT "DELETED";
      uiSleep 30;      
      [_maxDist,_minDist,_Dside] spawn DFN_MINE;

      _maxDist = nil;
      _minDist = nil;
      _Dside = nil;
      _DWPrange = nil;
      _Dtype = nil;
      _allPPos = nil;
      _RPPos = nil;
      _Darea = nil;
      _Dveh = nil;
      _DvehA = nil;


really thanks man!

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8 minutes ago, dlegion said:

mission was running fine WITH the script before the updates, but its the only discover i made about this problem.
especially i suspect the "DFN_Dspawn" function, because its the one that spawn/despawn AI.

Thanks for the info, your cfg's look normal, but as you said here, seems you may be right it could be the function, and the script,

i cant really help you there i know very little about code, all i can suggest is try something else that will spawn AI around you,

link in my sig for my Ai compilation list is a huge resource that could help you.

Sorry i couldn't be of any further help.

  • Thanks 1

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thanks for trying man ! :)
...maybe you can give me a suggestion about another (apparently unrelated) problem: me and other people get "kicked by battleye" at random times, from few minutes to 6+ hours.
tried with and without addons, different missions and -mod and -servermod,  always happens soon or later. obviously with battleye OFF it all works perfectly (but server is open to cheaters...so not a good option).
any idea about this?

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Looking at your rpt from your previous post, couple of reasons i think it could be crashing aside what you know already, is

1. you have this error ----> Mission DWAR-30-04-2018.Altis: Number of roles (67) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (48)


Thats an easy fix, go into the description of the mission and change the maxplayer to the number of roles,

i cant say for sure that is what is crashing but errors like that adds to the overall problem.


2. -nologs add this parameter to your command-line, it will stop the logs from spamming, and they do spam.

I only say that because imo you dont really need the rpt being generated unless you are running into a problem, be it with the game crashing, not able to connect to a mission,

among other things, for now aside the above error for players your rpt shows really nothing i can see in terms of why your crashing.


19 hours ago, dlegion said:

me and other people get "kicked by battleye" at random time

For Battleye here is a guide:

  1. Close Arma 3 and close Steam.
  2. Go to the location of A3 in your steam library and delete the following folder----------->  c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\BattlEye
  3. Delete the following folder--------->  c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye\
  4. Go to your windows user directory and delete the following file------->  c:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Arma 3\BattlEye\BEClient.dll  (you might have to allow display hidden / system folder and files to be able to navigate to it.)
  5. Start steam, and verify the A3 game cache ------->  Steam ---> Arma 3 ----> Properites -----> Local Files -----> Verify Integrity of Game Cache  this will download BE files, and rebuild the folder deleted in step 2.
  6. Start Steam, and launch Arma 3, you will be prompted to reinstall Battleye, this step rebuilds the folders deleted in steps 3 and 4, and restarts the necessary BE services.
  7. You should be able to play without being kicked.

Also, you might try running the install battleeye .bat file in the battleeye folder in your A3 root directory.


It may or may not work, other thing it could be router/internet idk, not really my dept of expertise if you will, lol anyways give a try and see what happens.

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thanks for this info man !
i already tried everything on my client, including this. i even formatted C:\ .
sadly this is something strange and probably related to server more han clients, because other people get kicked too.
thanks anyway !

will try about number of roles, never thinked it could be a problem (and never was in the past) , but worth a try! thx!

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Hey your welcome, hope you get it sorted, and when you do post again, i'd like to know what the issue was, i would aim for that function tho with the AI, swap that out with

something else see if that changes anything, being kicked is least of your worries, crashing will piss you off to no end if you dont sort it out. Cheers.

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Sure will do !

I fear its a memory leak, because i noticed some weird things...like "alldead" keep counting also deleted dead...mah !

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On 4/29/2018 at 12:51 PM, Gunter Severloh said:

1. Computer specs - cpu, gpu, ram, and OS

Why i asked, what is your setup especially your ram, also is the game on an HD or an SSD?

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Sorry, forgot about that !

Cpu intel i5 4440 (no ht)

Gpu geforce 660 ti 2gb

Ram 12 gb on 2 banks (8 and 4)

Win7 ultimate, updated.

I have 3 hdd and an ssd.

2hdd and ssd have win7 and steam with arma installed, so for the software part its like have 3 pc !

(I tried them all)

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ok...a little good news, the crash is still there (and i strongly suspect BIS AI spawner command), but seems i found what was causing the random "kicked by battleye" :
i found that battleye check the files at start, then randomly (heh!) check the files, and something is broken there on BE side, but this random check can be "turned off" with this command in the server.cfg:
regularCheck = "{}";
NB: probably everyone already have:    regularCheck = "";       but this does not work.   the {} are needed to make it stop random checks!
after two days of test , seems it works!
another strange things is that i have to reboot server after changes, otherwise it kinda mix old and new settings, causing the error! really weird...mah !
hope this helps someone else out there!
bye !

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Well thats good news, one problem solved!

1 hour ago, dlegion said:

another strange things is that i have to reboot server after changes

Should shut the server down anyways prior to making changes, i always make changes to any cfg on my desktop and delete the old one,

of course have a backup, and reupload the new one.

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19 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

Should shut the server down anyways prior to making changes, i always make changes to any cfg on my desktop and delete the old one,

of course have a backup, and reupload the new one.

yep, thats absolutely fine to shut down server process, what is strange is that i have to reboot the whole PC (server)!

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Error message which keeps popping up since the tank DLC dropped,  recent hotfix problem still there. GPU / OS up to date "windows 10 1803"  no mods enabled




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