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Hi does anyone have a reliable Heli transport script out there they could recommend ?


needs to be MP   - I did have one a long time ago throw smoke it lands and takes you where you need to go but cannot find it anymore :(


Need it to transport players around if no pilot is on








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2 hours ago, 1para{god-father} said:

- I did have one a long time ago throw smoke it lands and takes you where you need to go but cannot find it anymore :(


I remember this as well. It would be great if it could be found or even recreated.

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39 minutes ago, Rich_R said:

or even recreated.


This can be adjusted i think !

I 'll give it a try!

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Neat script. I tried it and everything works except heli never showed up.


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I have one for you if want it. Pm later and ill send it. Smoke and ir nades to make them land and map click for destination. Can be inserted by fastrope or landing. 

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6 hours ago, thedubl said:

Pm later and ill send it.


Is it possible to share also this thedubl ?



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Yes please share it @thedubl ?

One of my pet peeves is when somebody asks for help and gets it and never replies back or if someone has an issues and find some solution but never post it for everyone to see or somebody says they have something that'the main conversation of a thread and they don't share it lol good day gentleman this was not a criticism just an observation for enlightenment Avibird.

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Ill share it when I get to it (at work). Fyi- my life doesn't revolve around the bis forum. Also, I dont post scripts for the sake of posting. I offered and said pm me since they have already found one. Deal with it. 



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5 minutes ago, thedubl said:

Ill share it when I get to it (at work). Fyi- my life doesn't revolve around the bis forum. Also, I dont post scripts for the sake of posting. I offered and said pm me since they have already found one. Deal with it. 




I can get the one mentioned above all to work properly but the helo never comes. Sending PM.

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52 minutes ago, thedubl said:

Deal with it. 


Ok but really don't be so offensive.

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What I would adjust from the get go.

1.The loitering behavior while the heli waits for smoke or the ir.

2. Disable whomever gets the action until the heli is destroyed or the insertion is complete.


How it works.

  • Call the heli via addaction,
  • wait until all is in the heli to click the map,
  • once the map is click you most use the new action "Order Pilot".
  • You select wither insertion or land (if insertion wait until heli stops of insertion point and toss ropes.)
  • once on the ground order the heli back to base. (heli will move to "transportdelete" marker for clean up.)


Please note, the heli will find a safe place to land. Not always right next to you.


1. add this to initplayerlocal

[[player,[("<t color=""#ff8000"">" + ("Transport") + "</t>"),{_this execVM "scripts\insertion.sqf"},[player],0,false,true, "",'player ==_target']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

2. Place this code in folder called "scripts" and name it "insertion.sqf"

3. place a default marker anywhere on the map called "transportdelete"


UPDATE: I forgot to give rep too zealot111 for the fastrope




[[player,[("<t color=""#efe92b"">" + ("610 Helo Insertion") + "</t>"),{_this execVM "scripts\insertion.sqf"},[player],0,false,true, "",'player ==_target and (_target distance getMarkerPos ''safezone'') >= 250']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

// Add it back when you die/respawn.

player addEventHandler
		insertion = [[player,[("<t color=""#efe92b"">" + ("610 Helo Insertion") + "</t>"),{_this execVM "scripts\insertion.sqf"},[player],0,false,true, "",'player ==_target and (_target distance getMarkerPos ''safezone'') >= 250']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;





1. add this to initplayerlocal

[[player,[("<t color=""#ff8000"">" + ("Transport") + "</t>"),{_this execVM "scripts\insertion.sqf"},[player],0,false,true, "",'player ==_target']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

2. Place this code in folder called "scripts" and name it "insertion.sqf"

3. place a default marker anywhere on the map called "transportdelete"


_host = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;
_params = _this select 3;
_type = _params select 0;//true for all group, false for player only.

"Roger... Transport inbound! " remoteExec ["hint"]; sleep 2;

spawn chopper
**Going to make this spawn multiple helos later.
_heliPos = [(getPos player select 0)+1000,(getPos player select 1)+random 1000,(getPos player select 2)+300];
InsertionHeli = createGroup WEST;

	_vehType = _x select 0;
	_vehName = _x select 1;
	_veh = [_heliPos, 0, _vehType, InsertionHeli] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
	if (_vehName != "") then {
		(_veh select 0) setVehicleVarName _vehName;
		missionNamespace setVariable [_vehName, (_veh select 0)];
} forEach [
		 ["B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_Tropic_F", "helo"]		//** heli types B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_Tropic_F,B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F

sleep 1;
_playerPos = getPos player;
_arrivePos = [( _playerPos select 0)+50,(_playerPos select 1)+100,( _playerPos select 2)];
_pickupPos = [( _playerPos select 0)+round(random 10),( _playerPos select 1)+round(random 10),( _playerPos select 2)];

_monitor = [] spawn { waituntil  { sleep 1; (alive helo) && (!alive player)}; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew helo + [helo];};

//Go to location wait for signal
_insertWp = InsertionHeli addWaypoint [_arrivePos, 0];
_insertWp  setWaypointType "Move";
_insertWp  setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
_insertWp  setWaypointFormation "COLUMN";
//_insertWp setWaypointLoiterRadius 50;
_insertWp  setWaypointCompletionRadius 100;
//_insertWp setWaypointStatements ["true", "if (daytime >= 0 && daytime <= 6 ) then {""Deploy IR gernade!"" remoteExec [""hint""];}else{"" Pop smoke!"" remoteExec [""hint""];};"]; 

//depending on time of dayt requires either ir or smoke
if (daytime >= 0 && daytime <= 6 ) then {
//_caller groupchat "Wait to deploy IR gernade until we clear the area and in range!";
hint "Pilot: Wait to deploy IR gernade until we clear the area and in range!";


//_caller groupchat "Wait to pop smoke until we clear the area and in range!";
hint "Pilot: Wait to pop smoke until we clear the area and in range!";

//Wait until the chopper is close. 
waituntil  { sleep 1;  (_caller distance helo) <= 250 ;  }; //B_IR_Grenade
if (daytime >= 0 && daytime <= 6 ) then {

"Pilot: Deploy IR gernade!" remoteExec ["hint"];
waituntil  { sleep 1;  count(_caller nearObjects ["IRStrobeBase",50])!=0 };

"Pilot: Pop smoke!" remoteExec ["hint"];
waituntil  { sleep 1; count( _caller nearObjects ["SmokeShell",50])!=0;};

sleep 5;
//_caller groupchat  "We have eyes on... Landing!";
hint "Pilot: We have eyes on... Preparing to land!"; sleep 2;

//set the way point for pickup
_insertionWp = InsertionHeli addWaypoint [_pickupPos, 0];
_insertionWp  setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD";
_insertionWp  setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
_insertionWp  setWaypointFormation "COLUMN";
_insertionWp  setWaypointCompletionRadius 10;

sleep 3;
//_caller groupchat "Once we land, load up quickly...";
hint "Pilot: Once we land, load up quickly...";

//Once in allow order options
waituntil  { sleep 1; (player != vehicle player && player in helo && alive helo || (!alive helo))  } ;

//**********************************open map and get pos***************************

if (not alive _host) exitwith {
hint "Inserttion Not Available"; 
_host removeaction _id;

//_caller groupchat "Select insertion point.";
hint "Command: Select insertion point."; 

openMap true;

mapclick = false;

onMapSingleClick "clickpos = _pos; mapclick = true; onMapSingleClick """";true;";

waituntil {mapclick or !(visiblemap)};
if (!visibleMap) exitwith {
	//_caller groupchat "Request Cancelled...";
	hint "Command: Request Cancelled...";
pos = clickpos;

sleep 1;

openMap false;


//_caller groupchat "Waiting for orders... use the order pilot action!";
hint "Pilot: Waiting for orders... select a map poistion and use the order pilot action!";

if (!alive helo) exitWith {};

/**************Funcitons for commanding pilot******************************/

dub_showActions = true;

dub_fnc_insertion = {

_insertionWp1 = InsertionHeli addWaypoint [pos, 0];
_insertionWp1 setWaypointType "MOVE";
_insertionWp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
_insertionWp1 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN";
_insertionWp1 setWaypointCompletionRadius 10;
InsertionHeli setBehaviour "CARELESS";
helo flyInHeightASL [25,25,25];
_insertionWp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "hint ""Pilot: GO! Toss the ropes!"";"];  

dub_showActions = false;

//Add rtb addaction
[] spawn dub_fnc_rtb;

dub_fnc_Land = {

_insertionWp2 = InsertionHeli addWaypoint [pos, 0];
_insertionWp2 setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD";
_insertionWp2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
_insertionWp2 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN";
_insertionWp2 setWaypointCompletionRadius 10;
InsertionHeli setBehaviour "CARELESS";
_insertionWp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "hint ""Pilot: Unload!"";"];  
helo flyInHeightASL [25,50,50];

//Add rtb addaction 
[] spawn dub_fnc_rtb;
dub_showActions = false;


dub_fnc_rtb = {

hint "Pilot: Once everyone is out, use the Order HELO RTB to order us home! "; sleep 2;

_rtb = player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>ORDER HELO RTB!</t>" ,{

_insertionWp3 = InsertionHeli addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "transportdelete", 0];
_insertionWp3 setWaypointType "MOVE";
_insertionWp3 setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
_insertionWp3 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN";
_insertionWp3 setWaypointCompletionRadius 50;
InsertionHeli setBehaviour "CARELESS";
_insertionWp3 setWaypointStatements ["true","{deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew helo + [helo]; " ];  

_player = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;
_player removeaction _id;

hint  "Pilot: Good luck solider! Over and out! ";

},[],0,false,true,"",'vehicle player ==_target'];  





	["Insertion", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "_thread = 1 spawn dub_fnc_insertion;"]], "1", "1"],
	["Land", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "_thread = 2 spawn dub_fnc_Land ;"]], "1", "1"]	


_menu = _caller addAction [("<t color=""#007fff"">" + ("Order Pilot") + "</t>"), {showCommandingMenu "#USER:INSERTIONMENU";}, [], -99, false, true, "", "dub_showActions"];

if (!alive helo) exitWith { _caller removeaction _menu;};


Edited by thedubl
rep needed
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FYI - that is not being offensive. People just need to have patience.

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51 minutes ago, thedubl said:

FYI - that is not being offensive. People just need to have patience.


I can appreciate that, but a more polite response would have been better.

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Hello gentlemen I never meant this to be rude insulting or to turn into something. Just an observation. We are all here for the love of the game and the enjoyment of scripting and help others. Good day gentleman Avibird.

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