Dwarden 1125 Posted February 26, 2018 you mean 144373 ... just make sure you update the libraries Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devd 12 Posted February 26, 2018 Yes, I mean 1.64.144373 For example: ... Thread Object created, F6100470 ... Thread Object created, F5700470 16:37:48 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.217) 16:37:48 Host identity created. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 224580 16:37:48 Game Port: 6302, Steam Query Port: 6303 16:37:48 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 6302, Steam Query Port: 6303 16:37:49 Connected to Steam servers ArmA 2 OA Console version 1.64 : port 6302 16:41:13 Zekichan uses modified data file 16:41:13 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Zekichan (*.*.*.*:20859) connected 16:41:13 Player Zekichan connecting. 16:41:13 Mission DayZMod read from bank. .....stuck here..... 16:41:46 Player kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding 16:41:46 Player Zekichan disconnected. 16:42:11 Player kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding The host is Debian 9.3 (stretch) - 4.9.0-4-amd64 The server "1.63.126652" works perfectly -arma-2-operation-arrowhead-linux-server-beta-163126652 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nklar 17 Posted February 26, 2018 Hello! Want to thank you for your work and for the callExtension for linux server. I collected some function that i want to use in ArmA 2 OA. Please consider to add them. getCargoIndex magazinesAmmo (at least for vehicles) currentMagazineDetail primaryWeaponMagazine vehicle addMagazineTurret [magazineName, turretPath, ammoCount] ammoCount parameter currentMagazineDetailTurret currentMagazineTurret currentWeaponTurret magazinesAmmoCargo selectWeaponTurret allTurrets fullCrew itemCargo getItemCargo isFlashlightOn stance compileFinal difficulty hideObjectGlobal (with possibility to remove trees) nearestTerrainObjects setObjectTextureGlobal playableSlotsNumber getClientState attachedObjects attachedTo isEqualTo Subtraction from MultiArrays (nested arrays) reverse pushBack deleteAt pushBackUnique deleteRange append sort splitString joinString arrayIntersect openYoutubeVideo (just for fun) configClasses configProperties setTimeMultiplier timeMultiplier isLightOn scriptNull enablePersonTurret magazineTurretAmmo setMagazineTurretAmmo getObjectTextures turretOwner controlsGroupCtrl diag_activeSQFScripts diag_activeSQSScripts serverName remoteExec remoteExecCall getMousePosition getRelDir getDirVisual moonPhase roadAt screenshot ctrlSetAngle selectMax selectMin Another thing is the Headless Client for Linux it doesn't seems to work. Thank you 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noma 8 Posted February 26, 2018 After the update, there were errors: Warning Message: Addon 'nm_hide' requires addon 'CA_HC_Sounds' Warning Message: Addon 'nm_hide' requires addon 'CA_Missions_Templates_SecOps' Also missing the A2 vanilla markers (factions) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted February 27, 2018 @Noma make sure you first re-verify Arma 2 data via steamclient then start Arma 2 once (that's must for registry entries to be saved) there were some troubles updating Arma 2 data hence it's better to do so also are those errors seen by just starting game ? are you on Arma 2 stable or Arma 2 beta branch? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devd 12 Posted February 27, 2018 No changes on Ubuntu 17.10 (32 bit). The server stops at "Mission *** read from bank". The strace tool don't show any activity. I tried to start with disabled battleye - unsuccessfully... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reconteam 19 Posted February 27, 2018 Sorry for a really stupid question but how do I install this patch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noma 8 Posted February 27, 2018 On 2/27/2018 at 4:09 AM, Dwarden said: make sure you first re-verify Arma 2 data via steamclient Ok. On 2/27/2018 at 4:09 AM, Dwarden said: also are those errors seen by just starting game ? are you on Arma 2 stable or Arma 2 beta branch? Yes, my addon stopped working after arma 2 vanilla was updated. Stable. I fixed it by moving AddOns and Dta folders into A2OA game folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted February 27, 2018 that's definitely not correct fix ! best is start STEAMclient via "run as administrator" then after verified Arma 2 data , start via steamclient once "Arma 2" and exit it and then start Arma 2 OA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JOHN007 9 Posted February 27, 2018 Arma 2 OA 1.64.1443373 I'll provide a simple mission for diagnostic. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e0wac1zcpf3dds0/FLARETEST.Takistan.rar?dl=0 No mods, just a normal install of Arma2 and OA. All you have to do is activate NVG and fire a flare straight up, anytime after 20:30 the bug is at its worse. Vegetation starts flashing/flickering between a white texture and a black square as some kind of alpha bug? Huge black squares on the terrain start flashing/flickering some kind of grid z-fighting bug? NVidia or AMD GPU, new or old drivers. High end GPU or Low end GPU, We have tried everything. DVD Version. 1.60 / 1.62 / Steam Version 1.63 / 1.64 / End of the day if an enemy fires a flare its game over. This bug is so bad it needs seizure warning. Please consider looking into this game breaking bug. Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted February 27, 2018 On 2/27/2018 at 6:42 AM, reconteam said: Sorry for a really stupid question but how do I install this patch? If you're not running beta, but another version, you would switch to beta version. Beta in Steam is installing the latest candidate from first post (currently v1.64.144373). And if you are already on beta and it's not updating, you might check your update setting in Steam, could be turned off or waiting for your prompt to update. To switch to beta: When you have Combined Ops (CO, which is A2 + OA), it's important that both A2 and OA are set to beta, and that A2 gets loaded and launched first before OA gets loaded and launched. CO needs A2 content to run before OA gets run. Whenever versions are switched, download- verify- launch A2 first, then download- verify- launch OA. A2: 1.) Have Steam launched in administrator mode. 2.) In Steam library right click A2 game and select properties. Select 'betas' tab and choose -beta from the list. An update queues. Wait for the A2 files to complete downloading. 3.) Right click A2 and go to properties again, select 'local files' tab. Choose button: Verify Integrity of Game Files. Wait for verification of the files to complete. 4.) Launch A2. You only need to reach the main selection screen. OA: same process, 1.) Have Steam launched in administrator mode. 2.) In Steam library right click OA game and select properties. Select 'betas' tab and choose -beta from the list. An update queues. Wait for the OA files to complete downloading. 3.) Right click OA and go to properties again, select 'local files' tab. Choose button: Verify Integrity of Game Files. Wait for verification of the files to complete. 4.) Launch OA. You only need to reach the main selection screen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nklar 17 Posted February 28, 2018 I found some time to reason why we need functions I asked for in my previous post to not look like a kid that just want some new toys. I hope it will be helpful for you. getCargoIndex At the moment you can only sit someone to specified cargo index but you cant get the cargo index of someone if you want to perform some operation that involve getting the unit out then back. The maximum that you can do, map every position in model space, but it is too match work and not very reliable. fullCrew Can be reproduced if the above function will be added, but still will be better if we don't need to go trough every unit in the vehicle and check its cargo index. vehicle addMagazineTurret [magazineName, turretPath, ammoCount] ammoCount parameter setMagazineTurretAmmo At the moment there is no way we can specify the ammo count of specific turret. The only way is to unload the whole vehicle then add the needed magazine after that set the ammo of the vehicle from 0 to 1 find the right number and fill up all other turrets on the vehicle. And the worst thing that with this method you can only set specific ammo count only for one turret magazine. allTurrets You can only get it by recursively going over the config of the vehicle and applying weaponsTurret to all turret path. magazinesAmmo magazineTurretAmmo magazinesAmmoCargo currentMagazineDetailTurret currentMagazineDetail currentMagazineTurret currentWeaponTurret There is no way at the moment to get ammo count of vehicle turrets by scripts. Sorted by the most important. hideObjectGlobal We have hideObject, but it is local and it can not hide trees and some specific buildings and structures on map. setObjectTextureGlobal We have local version only. attachedTo attachedObjects Good to have when working with attach. Many times i needed this functionality and can't done my mod ideas. deleteAt Subtraction from MultiArrays (nested arrays) [1,2,3,4] - [2,3] = [1,4] Working [[1,2],3,[4,5],6] - [[4,5]] = [[1,2],3,6] Not working splitString arrayIntersect reverse deleteRange selectMax selectMin pushBackUnique pushBack append sort joinString A basic thing that just needed for array and string operations without converting array to string string to array and looping trough array many times. Sorted by the most important diag_activeSQFScripts diag_activeSQSScripts Needed for debuging scripts and finding errors in our project modpack remoteExec remoteExecCall At the moment we can only do player setVehicleInit _command; processInitCommands; getMousePosition Needed for some advanced game interface projects. moonPhase It was asked by mission makers many times from me: Is it possible to set the moon phase? screenshot At the moment we can do it using only external dlls. It will be useful for kill shots making. ctrlSetAngle Without this command if we want to rotate controls on the screen, that means make 360 .paa-s after load the necessary one. Not the best way but we have no other way to do it. Good to have selectWeaponTurret isFlashlightOn stance compileFinal isEqualTo nearestTerrainObjects playableSlotsNumber openYoutubeVideo configClasses configProperties setTimeMultiplier timeMultiplier isLightOn scriptNull enablePersonTurret getObjectTextures turretOwner controlsGroupCtrl serverName getRelDir getDirVisual roadAt 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JOHN007 9 Posted February 28, 2018 Update here. I have an idea, which may actually fix this issue but we need your assistance if we may ask? Countermeasure Flares don't have a flickering light source, which don't cause z-fight bugs with the terrain and vegetation. The theory is to actually disable the 'flickering' effect of the flare, which is apparently the reason why this bug occurs. If you fire a flare at nighttime, looking at the terrain without nightvision active you can see the bug, as the flare increases light the terrain goes black. As soon as the flare dims the terrain is rendered normal. Its the flares effect causing this. The problem is, how do you actually disable the flickering parameter of a light source? ie the flare? //Calculate vehocity to launch flare at _div=abs(_dirpos select 0)+abs(_dirpos select 1)+abs(_dirpos select 2); _flarevel=[(_dirpos select 0)/_div*_muzzzlevel,(_dirpos select 1)/_div*_muzzzlevel,(_dirpos select 2)/_div*_muzzzlevel]; _vvel=velocity _v; _flare setvelocity [(_flarevel select 0) + (_vvel select 0),(_flarevel select 1) + (_vvel select 1),(_flarevel select 2) + (_vvel select 2)]; hint format ["%1",_flarevel]; _flares=_flares+[_flare]; _sm = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _flare; _sm setParticleRandom [0.5, [0.3, 0.3, 0.3], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 0, 0.3, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0,360]; _sm setParticleParams [["\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 8,0], "", "Billboard", 1, 3, [0, 0, 0], [0,0,0], 1, 1, 0.80, 0.5, [1.3,4], [[0.9,0.9,0.9,0.6], [1,1,1,0.3], [1,1,1,0]],[1],0.1,0.1,"","",_flare]; _sm setdropinterval 0.02; _sp = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _flare; _sp setParticleRandom [0.03, [0.3, 0.3, 0.3], [1, 1, 1], 0, 0.2, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0,360]; _sp setParticleParams [["\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 13, 2,0], "", "Billboard", 1, 0.1, [0, 0, 0], [0,0,0], 1, 1, 0.80, 0.5, [1.5,0], [[1,1,1,-4], [1,1,1,-4], [1,1,1,-2],[1,1,1,0]],[1000],0.1,0.1,"","",_flare,360]; _sp setdropinterval 0.001; _li = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal getpos _flare; _li setLightBrightness 0.1; _li setLightAmbient[0.8, 0.6, 0.2]; _li setLightColor[1, 0.5, 0.2]; _li lightAttachObject [_flare, [0,0,0]]; _emmiters=_emmiters+[_sm,_sp,_li]; }; (_emmiters + _flares) spawn { sleep 4.5 + random 1; {deletevehicle _x} foreach _this; }; We researched the setParticleRandom' and setParticleParams' but unless we missed something we couldn't see any parameter for the flicker effect? Another theory could be to setup the flares parameter similar to a streetlamp, a coned source of light instead. Also I don't know if the script provided is for countermeasure flares only I'm not 100% sure? I know we can fix this BIS Devs the theory is there, we just need to execute the parameters which in all 6 years of modding Arma2 we have never had to edit light sources. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrisb 196 Posted February 28, 2018 On 2/28/2018 at 5:08 PM, JOHN007 said: Update here. I have an idea, which may actually fix this issue but we need your assistance if we may ask? Countermeasure Flares don't have a flickering light source, which don't cause z-fight bugs with the terrain and vegetation. The theory is to actually disable the 'flickering' effect of the flare, which is apparently the reason why this bug occurs. If you fire a flare at nighttime, looking at the terrain without nightvision active you can see the bug, as the flare increases light the terrain goes black. As soon as the flare dims the terrain is rendered normal. Its the flares effect causing this. The problem is, how do you actually disable the flickering parameter of a light source? ie the flare? //Calculate vehocity to launch flare at _div=abs(_dirpos select 0)+abs(_dirpos select 1)+abs(_dirpos select 2); _flarevel=[(_dirpos select 0)/_div*_muzzzlevel,(_dirpos select 1)/_div*_muzzzlevel,(_dirpos select 2)/_div*_muzzzlevel]; _vvel=velocity _v; _flare setvelocity [(_flarevel select 0) + (_vvel select 0),(_flarevel select 1) + (_vvel select 1),(_flarevel select 2) + (_vvel select 2)]; hint format ["%1",_flarevel]; _flares=_flares+[_flare]; _sm = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _flare; _sm setParticleRandom [0.5, [0.3, 0.3, 0.3], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 0, 0.3, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0,360]; _sm setParticleParams [["\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 8,0], "", "Billboard", 1, 3, [0, 0, 0], [0,0,0], 1, 1, 0.80, 0.5, [1.3,4], [[0.9,0.9,0.9,0.6], [1,1,1,0.3], [1,1,1,0]],[1],0.1,0.1,"","",_flare]; _sm setdropinterval 0.02; _sp = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _flare; _sp setParticleRandom [0.03, [0.3, 0.3, 0.3], [1, 1, 1], 0, 0.2, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0,360]; _sp setParticleParams [["\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 13, 2,0], "", "Billboard", 1, 0.1, [0, 0, 0], [0,0,0], 1, 1, 0.80, 0.5, [1.5,0], [[1,1,1,-4], [1,1,1,-4], [1,1,1,-2],[1,1,1,0]],[1000],0.1,0.1,"","",_flare,360]; _sp setdropinterval 0.001; _li = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal getpos _flare; _li setLightBrightness 0.1; _li setLightAmbient[0.8, 0.6, 0.2]; _li setLightColor[1, 0.5, 0.2]; _li lightAttachObject [_flare, [0,0,0]]; _emmiters=_emmiters+[_sm,_sp,_li]; }; (_emmiters + _flares) spawn { sleep 4.5 + random 1; {deletevehicle _x} foreach _this; }; We researched the setParticleRandom' and setParticleParams' but unless we missed something we couldn't see any parameter for the flicker effect? Another theory could be to setup the flares parameter similar to a streetlamp, a coned source of light instead. Also I don't know if the script provided is for countermeasure flares only I'm not 100% sure? I know we can fix this BIS Devs the theory is there, we just need to execute the parameters which in all 6 years of modding Arma2 we have never had to edit light sources. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon. The effect is o.k. If you have a bright light at night there is a certain amount of dazzle to your eyes, the game reflects that. This is why the terrain darkens a little. If you wore n/g they would white-out (green-out;)), more or less, its what happens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noma 8 Posted February 28, 2018 First campaign mission errors: Generating ST on the fly is very slow Empty word in sentence '' Empty word in sentence '' Empty word in sentence '' Error in expression <ssile) select 2)) / _travelTime; }; [_velocityX, _velocityY, _velocityZ] }; > Error position: <_velocityX, _velocityY, _velocityZ] }; > Error Undefined variable in expression: _velocityx File ca\missions\campaign\missions\C1_IntoTheStorm.chernarus\launchMissile.sqf, line 55 Error in expression <eck = call _homeMissile; if ({(typeName _x) == (typeName 0)} count _velocityForC> Error position: <_x) == (typeName 0)} count _velocityForC> Error Undefined variable in expression: _x File ca\missions\campaign\missions\C1_IntoTheStorm.chernarus\launchMissile.sqf, line 81 Error in expression <eck = call _homeMissile; if ({(typeName _x) == (typeName 0)} count _velocityForC> Error position: <_x) == (typeName 0)} count _velocityForC> Error Undefined variable in expression: _x File ca\missions\campaign\missions\C1_IntoTheStorm.chernarus\launchMissile.sqf, line 81 Error in expression <eck = call _homeMissile; if ({(typeName _x) == (typeName 0)} count _velocityForC> Error position: <_x) == (typeName 0)} count _velocityForC> Error Undefined variable in expression: _x File ca\missions\campaign\missions\C1_IntoTheStorm.chernarus\launchMissile.sqf, line 81 Empty word in sentence '' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JOHN007 9 Posted February 28, 2018 On 2/28/2018 at 5:50 PM, chrisb said: The effect is o.k. If you have a bright light at night there is a certain amount of dazzle to your eyes, the game reflects that. This is why the terrain darkens a little. If you wore n/g they would white-out (green-out;)), more or less, its what happens. Hello and thankyou for the reply Chris. I completely understand the reason behind the flickering light effect on the flare. I would suggest reading the last post from us which describes the problem with this effect. ( 6 posts back ) The effect is not ok if the terrain flashes huge black squares and the vegetation flickers from black squares to white textures. I even provided a simple mission pbo where if you have 5 mins spare please load up the mission and all you have to do is fire a flare straight up. Then you will 100% understand why this flare flickering effect needs to be either disable or toned down drastically. Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noma 8 Posted March 1, 2018 And in addition, is it possible to fix the bushes on distance and light at night? Reveal hidden contents Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrisb 196 Posted March 1, 2018 On 2/28/2018 at 9:27 PM, JOHN007 said: Hello and thankyou for the reply Chris. I completely understand the reason behind the flickering light effect on the flare. I would suggest reading the last post from us which describes the problem with this effect. ( 6 posts back ) The effect is not ok if the terrain flashes huge black squares and the vegetation flickers from black squares to white textures. I even provided a simple mission pbo where if you have 5 mins spare please load up the mission and all you have to do is fire a flare straight up. Then you will 100% understand why this flare flickering effect needs to be either disable or toned down drastically. Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon. Ah, I see. Should have read up on it a little further back. ;) Are you lads running any mods ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JOHN007 9 Posted March 1, 2018 Hello Chris thankyou for the reply. I spent weeks going through every single patch for Arma 2 and OA. Also editing the Video options and config files till I bashed my head against the wall and realized 'Every' patch has this issue. For diagnostic I have 3 units with different versions. 1 has the DVD version 1.60 1 has another DVD version 1.62 1 has a Steam Version Beta 1.64 No mods. Its a real shame because the amount of work BIS coded with the star system is outstanding. We should be able to enjoy the nighttime, not have a near seizure when the terrain starts flashing black squares. If BIS would kindly point us in the right direction where the flares light parameters are located we will be able to fix this issue by disabling/reducing the flicker effect. We can edit the parameters with Ace_sys_Flares but we don't know what parameter controls the flicker effect? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JOHN007 9 Posted March 1, 2018 Thankyou for the screenshots Noma greatly appreciated. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nklar 17 Posted March 1, 2018 Is it possible to fix the rendering issue, when you attach something to a vehicle and then look at it from inside of the vehicle first person view? Example images below. Reveal hidden contents 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krzychuzokecia 719 Posted March 2, 2018 (edited) On 2/14/2018 at 6:02 PM, Dwarden said: Arma 2 stable received Arma 2 beta data (that should solve the North America/ Rest Of World data-set schism) A2 beta branch == A2 stable branch FALSE ALARM: Steam client apparently messed up update FYI: after latest update to A2 stable branch, A2 content is not properly recognized when playing OA/CO stable (notice only 4 icons on the lower left, and "arma2" mod activated in upper right). None of the A2 missions (SP, MP, Harvest Red campaign) can be accessed. However units, weapons and islands can be used without problems. Edited March 2, 2018 by krzychuzokecia False alarm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted March 2, 2018 (edited) On 3/2/2018 at 3:39 PM, krzychuzokecia said: FYI: after latest update to A2 stable branch, A2 content is not properly recognized when playing OA/CO stable (notice only 4 icons on the lower left, and "arma2" mod activated in upper right). None of the A2 missions (SP, MP, Harvest Red campaign) can be accessed. However units, weapons and islands can be used without problems. I just switched from beta (both A2 and OA) to stable, and it's not recreating what you show. I get all five icons lower left, (A2,OA,BAF,PMC,ACR) and the A2 missions content is accessible. Are you launching by using mod params that exclude A2? In library right click Operation Arrowhead, select "properties" and then button "Set launch options" and check param "-mod=" if used; or if launching by .bat file, check its param: -mod=. Edit: Launching with params in Steam, I just encountered the issue. Launching with these params were no problem: -nosplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty But as soon as I included a -mod= line, the problem occurred. I went down the line removing mods; -nosplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2\arma2.exe;Expansion;ca;BAF;PMC;ACR" -nosplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2\arma2.exe;Expansion;BAF;PMC;ACR" -nosplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty -mod=Expansion;ca;BAF;PMC;ACR -nosplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty -mod=Expansion;BAF;PMC;ACR -nosplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty -mod=BAF;PMC;ACR -nosplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty -mod=BAF;PMC -nosplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty -mod=BAF -nosplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty -mod=st_bunnyhop (last test used a community mod only) All of them reproduced krzychuzokecia's issue. Only when the -mod= line was variously restored to "-nosplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty" did Arma 2 content reappear. Using the "Expansion" launcher for mods worked fine though. Seems the issue is perhaps with using the -mod= param? Edited March 2, 2018 by opusfmspol Could reproduce the issue with more testing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krzychuzokecia 719 Posted March 2, 2018 @opusfmspol I was running it directly from Steam client, so I wasn't messing with params. Apparently Steam client failed to properly update the game - I verified local files integrity and it redownloaded 18 files. Several times in a row (when update rolled out, verifying game data showed no problems at all). Finally I simply redownloaded whole A2, and now it works. Blame Valve, not BI! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted March 2, 2018 Now I apparently have to do the same. I noticed A2 made no switch download when I went from beta to stable, but Dwarden had posted earlier "A2 beta branch == A2 stable branch", so I thought nothing of it. Appears something does need changing though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites