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I would like to disable the vehicle panels showing GPS, radar, and crew. I have tried using the showHUD command and its parameters, but it does not work for vehicles.

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Try using this command "enableInfoPanelComponent"


These are not documented in the wiki yet so you'll have to press F1 while in the debug console to see how they work

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object enableInfoPanelComponent [panel name (str), component (str), enable (bool)];


[object,turretPath] enableInfoPanelComponent [panel name (str), component (str), enable (bool)];

But unfortunately I don't see a way to get the names of the available components.

[infopanel "left",infopanel "right"] returns (sitting in a Hunter): [["EmptyDisplay","EmptyDisplayComponent"],["EmptyDisplay","EmptyDisplayComponent"]] and

{(vehicle player) enableInfoPanelComponent ["left",_x,false]} forEach (infopanel "left");{(vehicle player) enableInfoPanelComponent ["right",_x,false]} forEach (infopanel "right");

doesn't do anything.

Me stupid. I found the following displays in vehicles thus far:



{(vehicle player) enableInfoPanelComponent ["left",_x,false]} forEach ["MineDetectorDisplayComponent","MinimapDisplayComponent","CrewDisplayComponent","TransportFeedDisplayComponent","SensorsDisplayComponent","SlingLoadDisplayComponent"];

should do the trick for now.

I whipped this up quick and dirty: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_MissionTemplate/blob/master/adv_missiontemplate.altis/functions/server/internal/fn_enableInfoComponent.sqf


Terrible oversight to have most of these panels available all the time. You can even conjur up the "MineDetectorDisplayComponent" while on foot - without having a mine detector. Every vehicle, be it civilian, a modded 100 year old Ford, a WW2 era tank or whathaveyou - they all have suddenly got a GPS and a mine detector and probably a gunner and commander cam.

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14 hours ago, belbo said:

{(vehicle player) enableInfoPanelComponent ["left",_x,false]} forEach ["MineDetectorDisplayComponent","MinimapDisplayComponent","CrewDisplayComponent","TransportFeedDisplayComponent","SensorsDisplayComponent","SlingLoadDisplayComponent"];

This works perfectly. 


I am still new to scripting and advanced things like this, so I didn't understand the code you linked @belbo. Would you mind explaining to me how it is different than the lines I l quoted? In addition, where would be the best place to store this code?

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The code I wrote is a function that you can implement into a mission that offers a bit of flexibility so you can simply call it on any vehicle without having to write as much code.

Create a fn_enableInfoPanel.sqf in your mission folder, copy my code over to that file, then you can remove the displays for any vehicle in the editor like this:

[this,false] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_enableInfoPanel.sqf";

or alternatively in your init.sqf with the corresponding vehicle names:

adv_fnc_enableInfoPanel = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_enableInfoPanel.sqf";

[veh_1,false] call adv_fnc_enableInfoPanel;
[veh_2,false] call adv_fnc_enableInfoPanel;
[veh_n,false] call adv_fnc_enableInfoPanel;


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Does this work work UAVs as well? I cannot seem to get this to work with the latest drone form the Contact DLC. 

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Sorry to bring this thread back to life however I am trying to use Belbo's function and whilst it seems to initially work, when I switch to the commander seat of a tank, the panels are back alive again. This is also true for the Gunner so I believe this is only disabled for the driver.


I am using the method of calling [this,false] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_enableInfoPanel.sqf"; in the init line of the tank, and fn_enableInfoPanel is set up identical to the GitHub code.

Is there a way to run this on the Commander position of the tank?

The desired result I am trying to achieve is to remove calling the mini-map/gps on a tank from all seat positions to simulate pre GPS era warfare.



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On 1/14/2023 at 2:16 PM, randy andy tw1 said:

Sorry to bring this thread back to life however I am trying to use Belbo's function and whilst it seems to initially work, when I switch to the commander seat of a tank, the panels are back alive again. This is also true for the Gunner so I believe this is only disabled for the driver.


I am using the method of calling [this,false] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_enableInfoPanel.sqf"; in the init line of the tank, and fn_enableInfoPanel is set up identical to the GitHub code.

Is there a way to run this on the Commander position of the tank?

The desired result I am trying to achieve is to remove calling the mini-map/gps on a tank from all seat positions to simulate pre GPS era warfare.



I am not behind a computer, but this seems pretty straightforward to implement using the "getInMan" and "getOutMan" event handlers, in the initplayerlocal.sqf. See: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#GetInMan

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