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Tutorial: How to make an object play sound or music? (Radio_FM)

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1- place a unit (player).

2- place an object, let's say FM Radio.

save the scenario, then go to its folder "\documents\arma 3\missions\name_of_your_scenario"

3- Create music folder "music" and put your music file or the sound file inside this folder.

4- Create "description.ext" file in that folder which is you scenario folder. open it and paste this:

class CfgSounds {
	sounds[] = {};
class sound1 
	name = "sound1";	
	sound[] = {"music\YOURSOUNDFILE.ogg",1,1,18,1,1,1,0};	//The 18 indicates the distance at which the sound will be heard;
	titles[] = {};

Go back to the editor "eden" and double click the object and write this in its init field:

this say3D "sound1";

That's it.

Many thanks to Feuerex who helped me a lot with his videos.

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The mission file.


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If you want it to loop you can add this line below to your desired object's init field.


nul = [this] spawn {while {true} do {(_this select 0) say3D "sound1"; sleep 150;};};

150 at the end is how long the track/sound you are playing is. When the countdown hits 0 it'll repeat the whole script, thus putting it on a loop.


I decided to share this here because for some reason I had difficulty finding out how to do this and there might be others out there with the same problem.


Special thanks to avengerarts for making this thread in the first place!

Kind regards,





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9 hours ago, avengerarts said:

//The 18 indicates the distance at which the sound will be heard;

What are the rest of the params? 


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1 minute ago, killzone_kid said:

What are the rest of the params? 



To be honest, I don't know! but the first one is the volume "1"


9 hours ago, avengerarts said:



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In multiplayer, don't forget to remoteExec say3D.

And here is the very good point of this command: you just need relative path (or class in cfgSounds).

NB: playSound3D is limited by the need of an absolute path for finding the sound. This fails in some cases whatever method you intend to extract the "mission root" (just because the returned path sometimes looks like _curMPmission.yourworld, instead of something like c:\users\...\arma3 - other Profiles\mpmissions\yourmission.yourworld).

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Hello, 9 years later and it's still working, thank you very much for this script, just what I was looking for, I have a question if I want it to stop the music, for example when shooting the radio, can it be done? thx again

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4 hours ago, BULLWAR said:

if I want it to stop the music, for example when shooting the radio, can it be done?





an object can only "say" one sound at a time

in order to stop a say3D sound:


So destroying the object with gunfire or whatever should work fine.

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I used an object near the radio fm and I put the following on it trigger; condition: Getdammage barrel1 > 0.85 on activation:  call{radio1 setDamage 1} 


the radio fm cant get damage and still play the sound but with another objet i can do the SetDamage 1,  thx Harzach

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