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  1. i use this with my medic of unidad, where the medic_1 only working with the team_1, that in intit box of medic_1, i dont remeber but i take this of youtube. working good. [] spawn { while {sleep 1; alive medic_1} do {{ if (damage _x > 0) then { medic_1 action ["healsoldier", _x]}} forEach units team_1}}
  2. hi, If I wanted as a condition to have equipped a "V_RebreatherB" I should write Vest or vestitem? Example: player vest "V_RebreatherB" ?
  3. in trigger activation I put your script: showMap false; addMissionEventHandler["Map", { params["_mapIsOpened", "_mapIsForced"]; if (_mapIsOpened) then { hintSilent "Use your tablet"; showGPS false; } else { showGPS true }; }]; now I am trying to make a non-GPS zone of something like 500 meters activated by trigger, I put that code and well, what I am looking for is when leaving the trigger the map is activated again
  4. hi master, this works fine, how active the map if i use a trigger ? i tried but i cant do
  5. I used an object near the radio fm and I put the following on it trigger; condition: Getdammage barrel1 > 0.85 on activation: call{radio1 setDamage 1} the radio fm cant get damage and still play the sound but with another objet i can do the SetDamage 1, thx Harzach
  6. Hello, 9 years later and it's still working, thank you very much for this script, just what I was looking for, I have a question if I want it to stop the music, for example when shooting the radio, can it be done? thx again