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Jet engine sounds cool too. Don't know if it's just the original one with higher pitch, but it has a nice thin hiss to it - I like that.

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Yes, the engine sound is just the original jet sound with a bit of pitch added to it. But, when you go fast in OFP, the engine seems to add an extra wind "whooosh" sound, which happens rather easily with the hawk as its so fast, and that makes it sound even better smile.gif

The takeoff is a little problem, but with flaps it takes off just barely from the big airports in Everon and Malden. The reason why it doesnt take off as easily as the other planes is because it has most of its weight to the front. If it wouldnt have that, it would fall over to its back smile.gif

The sidewinders were a bit tricky to make, the OFP homing code doesnt seem to suit AA missiles that well. Even now with their huge manoveurability they miss their target often if its moving fast. Even a hind can evade it by going upwards if the pilot is lucky smile.gif

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Hey Kegetys, I've found kinda serious bug on your plane. I'm probably not the first who told you, but anyways I will do: If you raise the gear while the plane is on the ground, it floats like a hoovercraft. This does not happen to original planes like A10.

Til later, PSC

P.S.: Besides, do you continue working on that plane. It would interest me to know if you will add some new features like flaps/airbrakes/rudder animations...

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some advice.... on the first model you made the sidewinders weren't very accurate.... even if i was directly behind the target it would follow but just before it got to the target it would just fly over the top of it for no reason, Its a bit too heavy, like the others have said its very good well done but we will need to see some animation on the plane...

Airwolf: im sure if you use the same animations from the planes wheels you should be able to retract them... maybe im wrong, but it sounds pretty stupid that it wont allow it just because it has a heli's characteristics

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I've also noticed the relative difficulty in taking off. The other odd thing I noticed is that sidewinders can lock onto ground targets (but not that accurately)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Airwolf: im sure if you use the same animations from the planes wheels you should be able to retract them... maybe im wrong, but it sounds pretty stupid that it wont allow it just because it has a heli's characteristics<span id='postcolor'>

if BIs says that it does not work, then it doesnt if it would have worked or works the hind should have it to so confused.gif


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trust BIS's words,Airwolf

Anyway,Kegetys?can i edit the model,change textures,change config for your plane?and give u credit?

because i seem to have done that,fiddle with the config and the taking off is much like the a10 or su-25

hhhhhhhhhhhmmm confused.gif

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