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How do I find the in-game icons?

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I've been trying to implement some of the icons I see on official Bohemia missions into my mission. How do I find them?


For example, I've been trying to find the icons they used for the different "Roles" (assault, support, recon) in the End Game game mode. Is there any easy way to view all the icons in the game that I can choose from?

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Most of what you want can be found in ui_f_data.pbo . Simply depbo it and you can use the paths for your needs.

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Hmm, forgive me, but where exactly is ui_f_data.pbo and how do I depbo it?


EDIT: I found the file, but I'm still not sure how to depbo it. I tried using a tool that used to work for Arma 2 (Pbo View), but doesn't seem to work for Arma 3. Says "It seems that it isn't ArmA pbo". What tool do you guys use?

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Ah, thanks. I installed PBO Manager and seems to work well on Windows 10 if anyone else was curious.


Now I'm trying to figure out how to view these .paa files. Google mostly mentioned TexView 2. I installed it but it doesn't work. It crashes every time I try something. The only other one I found was a photoshop plugin, but I'd rather not go that route. Do you know any other tool that can easily view .paa files?

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Why do you need unpbo the files, they should be in the 3den editor under markers.

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Think this calls for a little experiment, as why not!


LARs_fnc_findGameImages = {
	if !( canSuspend ) exitWith { _this spawn LARs_fnc_findGameImages };

	private [ "_color", "_total", "_totalIndex", "_stxt", "_display" ];
	params[ [ "_cfg", configFile ] ];

	_fnc_createProgress = {

		createDialog "RscDisplayNotFreezeBig";
		waitUntil { _display = findDisplay 100002; !isNull _display };

			_ctrl = _display displayCtrl _x;
			_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
			_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
		}forEach [ 101, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083 ];

		_stxt = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscStructuredText", 1000 ];
		_stxt ctrlSetPosition [ 0, -0.1, 1, 0.1 ];
		_stxt ctrlCommit 0;

	_fnc_working = {
		params[ "_count", "_msg" ];
		_msg params[ "_prefix", "_suffix" ];

		_msg = format[ "<t color='%1'>%2</t>", _color, _prefix ];

		for "_i" from 0 to ( _count % 30 ) do {
			_msg = format[ "%1.", _msg ];

		_msg = format[ "%1<br/>%2/%3 %4<br/>", _msg, _totalIndex, _total, _suffix ];
		_stxt ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _msg;


	_fnc_isTexture = {
		params[ "_value" ];

		if ( toLower( _value select [ 0, 6 ] ) isEqualTo "str_a3" ) then {
			_value = localize _value;
		if ( _value isEqualTo "" ) exitWith {};

		_value = toLower _value;
			_tmp = _value splitString _x;
				_part = _x;
					if( _part select [ (( count _part ) -4 ), 4 ] isEqualTo _x ) then {
						_nul = LARs_configTextures pushBackUnique _part;
				}forEach[ ".paa", ".jpg", ".tga", ".bmp", ".png" ];
			}forEach _tmp;
		}forEach[ "'", " ", "," ];

	_fnc_getProperties = {
		params[ "_cfg" ];

		_properties = configProperties[ _cfg, "isText _x || isArray _x", false ];


			[ _forEachIndex, [ "Searching config", "root classes" ] ] call _fnc_working;

			switch ( true ) do {
				case ( isText _x ) : {
					( getText _x ) call _fnc_isTexture;
				case ( isArray _x ) : {
						if ( _x isEqualType "" ) then {
							_x call _fnc_isTexture;
					}forEach getArray _x;
		}forEach _properties;

	_fnc_getClasses = {
		params[ "_cfg", [ "_root", true ] ];

		_classes = ( "true" configClasses _cfg );
		if ( _root ) then {
			_total = count _classes;

			if ( _root ) then {
				_r = linearConversion[ 0, _total, _forEachIndex, 1, 0 ];
				_g = linearConversion[ 0, _total, _forEachIndex, 0, 1 ];
				_color = [ _r, _g, 0, 1 ] call BIS_fnc_colorRGBAtoHTML;
				_totalIndex = _forEachIndex;

			_x call _fnc_getProperties;
			[ _x, false ] call _fnc_getClasses;
		}forEach _classes;

	call _fnc_createProgress;

	if ( isNil "LARs_lastConfig" || { LARs_lastConfig != _cfg } ) then {
		LARs_lastConfig = _cfg;
		LARs_configTextures = [];
		_cfg call _fnc_getClasses;

	if ( count LARs_configTextures > 0 ) then {

		_ctrlGrp = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscControlsGroup", 1001 ];
		_ctrlGrp ctrlSetPosition [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ];
		_ctrlGrp ctrlCommit 0;

		_total = count LARs_configTextures;

		_picHeight = 0.15;
			_r = linearConversion[ 0, _total, _forEachIndex, 1, 0 ];
			_g = linearConversion[ 0, _total, _forEachIndex, 0, 1 ];
			_color = [ _r, _g, 0, 1 ] call BIS_fnc_colorRGBAtoHTML;
			_totalIndex = _forEachIndex;
			[ _forEachIndex, [ "Please wait filling UI", "images found" ] ] call _fnc_working;

			_picGrp = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscControlsGroup", 1010 + _forEachIndex, _ctrlGrp ];
			_picGrp ctrlSetPosition [ 0, _picHeight * _forEachIndex, 1, _picHeight ];
			_picGrp ctrlCommit 0;

			_pic = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscPicture", 3010 + _forEachIndex, _picGrp ];
			_pic ctrlSetPosition [ 0, 0, _picHeight, _picHeight ];
			_pic ctrlSetText _x;
			_pic ctrlCommit 0;

			_btn = _display ctrlCreate [ "RscButton", 5010 + _forEachIndex, _picGrp ];
			_btn ctrlSetPosition [ _picHeight, 0, 1-_picHeight, _picHeight ];
			_btn ctrlSetText _x;
			_btn buttonSetAction format[ "hint 'copied to clipboard'; copyToClipboard str %1", str _x ];
			_btn ctrlCommit 0;
		}forEach LARs_configTextures;


	_stxt ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "Finished";
	sleep 3;
	_stxt ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "Please select a file path to copy to clipboard";


[ configFile ] call LARs_fnc_findGameImages;

Just run from the debug console, once finished just click on a file path to copy to clipboard.

Be careful running on a modded game, vanilla alone comes back with +7000 references. You can always limit the searched config by passing in a configpath e.g


[ configFile >> "CfgMarkers" ] call LARs_fnc_findGameImages
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  On 10/8/2016 at 1:50 AM, Larrow said:

That's crazy. :blink:

I'll try it tommorow.

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This is amazing. You should definitely release that!


There's one thing I'd suggest though. Since Eden got the editor previews, it would be nice if one could blacklist certain file extentions lile jpg or p3d etc.

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  On 10/8/2016 at 1:50 AM, Larrow said:

Think this calls for a little experiment, as why not!

I somehow missed this gem of a tool.  Awesome Larrow!

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(NB: If any earlier posters of this thread object, I'll of course remove this "necro" of the topic)

I'm thankful that this function exists. It solved a number of problems in finding both icons and textures (such as examples for all the Art of War canvas objects which are still in .ebo). 

But this function didn't find a set of icons that I needed: the default terrain icons. Specifically the one for the wind generators. I've cropped a screenshot that looks quite artifacted when zoomed at any level: https://ibb.co/CKM6rb4
I spent two evening dinners combing through the enormous output of the function, but didn't find the .paa . Don't know which .pbo to look either. Does anyone have a suggestion?

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