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When I put the arsenal call function in the init field of a vehicle (a truck for example), the arsenal functions normally...

...up until the point where the vehicle is destroyed.


Is there a way I can be able to have the arsenal script automatically placed onto the example truck after it is destroyed and respawns?

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There should be an init expression field in the vehicle respawn module that gets executed when the vehicle respawns. you use "this" or "_this" (cant remember which one) to reference the vehicle that is spawning.

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Putting   0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;   in the Init of the truck and the respawn module doesn't respawn the arsenal when the truck comes back.  Tried both.

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When you use the expression field of the Respawn Module, you should name your vehicle.


init of vehicle named veh01

0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

Expression field of the Vehicle Respawn Module

0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[veh01,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

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You need to define the respawned veh first.

The expression should be executed only once (on server)

it means you need to remoteexec arsenal to players

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Thanks you for that!  All this and I kept overlooking that block.  

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How do I adjust this to include more than one vehicle/ojbect?  I tried   0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[[vic1,vic2],true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;   and it didn't work.  Thanks.

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0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[vic1,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[vic2,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

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Thanks.  I was hoping to just make a list inside the same script. 

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0 = {["AmmoboxInit",[_x,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal} foreach [veh01,veh02,veh03];

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  On 8/14/2016 at 7:23 AM, KevsNoTrev said:

0 = {["AmmoboxInit",[_x,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal} foreach [veh01,veh02,veh03];

Works perfectly, thank you!

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  On 8/14/2016 at 10:45 PM, tazmania720 said:

Works perfectly, thank you!

Best practice is to use the expression field of vehicle respawn:

["AmmoboxInit",[(_this select 0),true,{true}]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

(_this select 0) refers to the new vehicle that is being respawned. the method you are praising may lead to issues down the road.

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Question(s): What about for his use with multiple vehicles? What sort of issues?


  On 8/16/2016 at 11:45 PM, benargee said:

Best practice is to use the expression field of vehicle respawn:

["AmmoboxInit",[veh01(_this select 1)]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

(_this select 1) refers to the new vehicle that is being respawned. the method you are praising may lead to issues down the road.

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benargee, yes please elaborate.  And can this be used for multiple vehicles/objects?  Thanks.

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Yes, sorry. I made a few corrections to my post, syntax was off. For use with multiple vehicles, it works and it does so automatically. The expression field in the vehicle respawn module gets called every time it respawns a vehicle that it was synced to. _this  select 0 refers to the vehicle that was created by the respawn to replace the old destroyed or abandoned one. It passes [<new vehicle>, <old vehicle>] to the expression field.
Since the expression field gets called every time each vehicle respawns, including all vehicles in the call can create issues. In this case it doesn't because arsenal can only be initialized once. The reason this is bad is because it will create a bad practice to use that method for other script to be called. You will end up calling code more than it needs to be. Say you want to add a certain amount of weapons to the newly respawned vehicles cargo. As soon as another vehicle is respawn, all vehicles will have that weapon cargo added AGAIN and will go above the limit you intended them to have. This is only one example. It's not horrible but it's unintended behavior and might just cause users to ask more questions without understanding why this is happening. I'm just trying to address this before it becomes a problem for many people.


For even greater flexibility and automation, add this to the init field

 ["AmmoboxInit",[(_x),true,{true}]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;
} forEach synchronizedObjects this;

This will automatically add arsenal to all objects that were synced from the start. You wont have to add code to every vehicle's init field manually any more. This is useful since "Expression" only gets called after a vehicle is respawned and not on the original. "this" refers to the vehicle respawn module. "synchronizedObjects this" refers to all objects that were synced to it for respawn.





Hope that explains it

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Can someone help me? I tried all the ways from when my spawn vehicle returned with the arsenal. I can not do it. please help me

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Tried @benargee's approach, but it didn't work out of the box. It seems that all variables set on the vehicle are copied on respawn, which prevents you from adding the arsenal to the respawned vehicle. The solution is to reset bis_fnc_arsenal_action by adding the following to the respawn expression instead:

(_this select 0) setVariable ["bis_fnc_arsenal_action", nil]; ["AmmoboxInit",[(_this select 0), true, {true}]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;


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Old post! All these scripts... The reason why I created a module for respawning vehicles with all stuff: appearance, loadouts (even custom backpacks in cargo), crew, waypoints, actions (all, not only arsenal), pylons...

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