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ok i dont no if its true or not but i heard they bringing EAX back into resistence?confused.gif

if they r i jus think its a huge mistake cuz eax is soooooo shite and unrealistic ...with eax u can every1 all over a map and its impossible to win if u dont have eax and the other person has it...and anyways if u trying to make the game realistic as posible then who the hell do u no who can hear some1 from 300m away...PLZ dont bring eax back into resi..its greatly toned down in resi and makes multiplayer gameplay much more fairer and brings skill back into the game...and the NOOBS who complained about>if u cant play the game without EAX then dont play it at all...

what do the rest of use think about this??

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I too am totally against the missuse of EAX. Ok if you have a surround sound set-up then you want surround sound options from the games but the EAX in ver 1.46 as i have heard is totally unrealistic and totally unfair to people like me who dont use it. If this is true about the option being put to the way it was in ver 1.46 then it will ruin the game for alot of people out there. I have played matches where you play people with eax who can hear you from over 300 metres away and have no chance of beating them due to their ability to hear your every move. Please please please..dont bring EAX back to the same level as ver 1.46 as it really did make me lose interest in the game when i realised that i was being in some way cheated because of a added option that people were using. So message to BIS is, if this rumour is true "Dont make EAX the same as it was in ver 1.46 as it will totally kill the game for alot of players out there who have played your game for over a year now. Put EAX in but not so it has the added bonus of helping people hear your everymove from hundreds of metres away"

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And you heard this rumour where?

Moving to General, not really a news item IMO smile.gif

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EAX support was never removed, but the buggy implementation of sound ramping in some drivers was addressed.

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I agree with Murzo, but is EAX working in resi patch 1.85. I hope not but can some1 shine a light on this question plz

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Yep it's been fixed from what I have noticed.  My Audigy still plays sounds from far far away in 1.46, but when I start up Resistance it's much much better.  I love the sound of an incoming Blackhawk, hearing just a distant bass echo but as it gets closer the trebles get louder, just as in real life.

Here listen to a blackhawk pass me by on a mountain (recorded from within game)

BLACKHAWK 661kb stereo

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Yeah, EAX works fine in ofpr. I dont understand why people dont get ofpr??? I still see alot of people in ofp.   mad.gif

oh btw advocatexxx, I like most of the sounds in your mod but hate the mg sound on the jets.

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Alot of people have got resistance [All UKA have] but we have had alot of problems with the netcode not being quite as polished as ver 1.46. We are waiting for that big new patch that hopefully will get the desync sorted on resistance. Apart from that it is a great addon pack with great sounds and great gfx.

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Yea, my EAX works very well now (except the crackling)... and it sounds just like what advocatexxx posted. So there is no cheat, but I do know where sounds are coming from, I think that's normal when computers actually support surround sound.

Also you can't say people are cheaters just because they get the newest or best equipment, sorry, that's just life. You want to have even and 100% fair matches, you have to have them in the same building, with same machines.

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I`m using Win98SE, DX8.1b and the latest Audigy player drivers (the lazy Creative guys haven`t updated them for months!! mad.gif ) and I don`t have any crackling problems any more. On OFP v1.85.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FallenPaladin @ Nov. 03 2002,08:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I`m using Win98SE, DX8.1b and the latest Audigy player drivers (the lazy Creative guys haven`t updated them for months!! mad.gif ) and I don`t have any crackling problems any more. On OFP v1.85.<span id='postcolor'>

Would you be so kind as to point me to a DL link? I have An SB Live 5.1 DE confused.gif

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Thanks, and you use the Audigy driver (which one? A1 or A2 Platinum, Gamer)? What kind of card do you have again? smile.gif

EDIT: I think you have no crackling because you are not using XP... forgot about that

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Well, it`s win-dumb...  tounge.gif

I own an Audigy gamer. Not so expensive as an Audigy platinum, but great sound-quality, too!!

And of course I use the Audigy gamer drivers. I wouldn`t try to use Audigy drivers for a SB Live, though. Don`t know what would happen confused.gif

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That crackling is so helluva annoying. The game works so damn fine for me except for that sound issues. I have learned that when I switch to 3rd person mode and then back to 1st person when there is crackling and while I am inside of an vehicle, it is gone for a while. Too bad however, it is still noticable a bit (even though far less than normal) but it comes back eventually if a vehicle turns off it's engine and starts it again. Because of this, playing on server with 1st only (my prefered way of playing) is a pain in the arse, as you have no chance of switching to the 3rd person for a brief moment to negate the crackling effect.

If BIS would implement a command line parameter for the .exe which automatically starts the same sort of sound alteration which is executed when you change your view, this might already be a solution which would make me and hundreds of others happy. It won't fix the problem at all, but at least gives us the option to minimize the crackling effect.

I have tried any other solution provided by VIA or from plenty of sound related forums, but none works. The only thing where I achieved some success was when I applied some unofficial drivers (the one's from http://come.to/sblive) which focus on musicians mainly, however, the do not support EAX yet.

The problem with my system is that even if I turn off hardware acceleration and EAX, there are problems. The sound will colapse after a short time and can only be heared again when I turn hardware acceleration back on, which unfortunatly causes the crackling again.

If someone at BIS would look into the whole problem more in detail, they might come up with at least a temporary fix. Help is very much appreciated as I have no clue what else to do. All other games like Mafia and Ghost Recon are fine which are told to have the same related problem, so is any sound related program of mine. It just happens with OFP.

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This is great, (sarcasm)

I just got the newest SB Live 5.1 DE drivers... (23MB or so)... installed them on my XP machine, and guess what?(I had crackling already)

ITS WORSE! biggrin.gif

Oh man, what to do? Solution is on BIS desks... alcohol.


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I wonder why I dont have that problem with my Audigy. I only have the loud foot step sound in 1.46, but it not as bad as it used to be. I can hear people from across the map like the older version. The EAX works very nice in 1.85 and I never get the crackling noise. I have a 2.4 P4 with 1024 pc800 ram and a GF4 ti4600. I used the sound card drivers from the offical site.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R71 @ Nov. 03 2002,23:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wonder why I dont have that problem with my Audigy. I only have the loud foot step sound in 1.46, but it not as bad as it used to be. I can hear people from across the map like the older version. The EAX works very nice in 1.85 and I never get the crackling noise. I have a 2.4 P4 with 1024 pc800 ram and a GF4 ti4600. I used the sound card drivers from the offical site.<span id='postcolor'>

Your OS?

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It is a problem which is related almost exclusevly to systems using a combination of VIA chipset and SBLIVE. I don't know one with an Intel PC who has a similar problem, just a large number of AMD users.

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It's on Intel Also. I have P4 and SB live 5.1 and it crackles like.....well.......rice crispies.

I think is't just SB cards and XP. Help BIS.

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I used to have SBLive! on my Win2K and I also had that crackling sound. I would hear it whenever the sound got "pitched" up or down or when I boarded a vehicle. It got to a point where (and I'm not being sarcastic here) I took the god damn SBLive! card out of my computer and smashed the fucker with a hammer.

Then I was stuck with a crappy motherboard soundcard for about 2 months until recently I got around to buying Audigy Gamer. With the latest driver release for it it works fine without any problems whatsoever.

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Weird, I use AMD's exclusively, but I gave up on VIA a long time ago... I use Elitegroup boards (SiS chipsets). I have 2 different versions of SB Live here and they both crackle...

I just don't know what to do, I kind of ignore the problem all the time. biggrin.gif

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Hehe if you don't ignore it, you'll turn mad some day.

I have a Gigabyte GA-7vRXP Mainboard with KT333 Chipset, AMD XP1800 CPU and a SBLIVE! 5.1 Player.

As I said before, you can at least minimize the crackling but that option is not possible when playing on 1st person only servers, as you have to switch between 1st person and 3rd person view everytime an engine is started again or when you board a vehicle. We (seems to affect a large group of players)really need some help here! At least something which lessens the crackling effect...

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Thats odd  confused.gif   My old comp from Gateway P3, 600Mhz, SBlive, GF3, 512 pc133ram, does not have that crackling. I heard it a few times but it was not loud and it only happened a few times. I sold it to a friend and he plays ofpr on it now.

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