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Really Nice Indeed!


Cant wait until we have some enemy populating the objectives and stuff. Thxs for this great addon!



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: : UPDATE : :





v0.2.2 Beta
ADDED: Enemy AO Intel Menu (WIP - placeholder for SCAR)
CHANGED: Randomized Divers & Mines in Trawler Mission
FIXED: Menu Options on Laptop in CORE LOC were missing


*Notice* The NEW Menu Options for the SOCOM Object (laptop)

are only placeholders for now. They are tied into the NEW S.C.A.R

System (Enemy Spawner) that I have coming and ready for testing.

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you might wanna have a talk with the ALIVE guys, to see if you could add the framework they have for custom factions, because in ALIVE as long as the faction is set up like the vanilla factions i.e. sub groups named the same (infantry,motorized etc.), they work in ALIVE.

you also might wanna edit the the first post on the thread, just to making easier for the armaholic people to keep the armaholic page up to date

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So, I have the BETA SCAR module.  If I use the 0.2.2 version of SOCOM will that conflict with the stuff from SCAR?

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Also very interested in the SCAR Modules.


Tried some sessions in the editor, with only the SCAR modules, then along with the SOCOM module, and finally, as Von Quest recommended (this SCAR BETA post has disappeared or maybe i haven't retrieved it?) , with all the standalone modules, so to say CORE, FROG, LEAP, SOCOM and SCAR.


The SCAR modules start, all the intel messages are displayed on the map and finally the radar intel. Have waited, as recommended, till the disappearance of the final radar intel before starting anything, and then went for some free roam, or even tried some missions via the SOCOM laptop. the SCAR units never spawned. Got systematically some error messages concerning the spawn probabilities and the number of spawned units, as soon as the modules start, and during the wave of intel. Tried to lower the number of units spawned, tried to set the probabilities to 100%, same result. Not very precise, sorry, will try to report those error messages a bit more precisely next time.


Certainly, i missed some things or screwed some settings in the modules. For example, is it mandatory to start the mission at the off-map ops center? can we use the SCAR modules only? Is it working for you Ski2060?


Plenty of questions, as said, those SCAR modules seem very interesting  :)

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I placed all the modules and set them up to spawn. I have the Rogue faction as Greenfor, and the Opfor/RHS Russians as the other spawning faction with the pair allied.
I haven't had time to test much, just a quick random mission last night that got me the MI48 Intel retreival.
After all the INTEL briefings finished, I HALO'd into the area and made my way to the chopper.
I saw no Infantry, armor, or planes but I did have multiple helicopters in the AO (civi and at least one OpFor chopper doing a low slow patrol).

So, it's somewhat working.  I'll try to get some more stuff going and see if I can get some unit mates to test with me and see if anything else is spawning.



EDIT: here's Von's post with the SCAR module in it https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/176453-spookwarcom-darker-immersion-spec-ops-gameplay-on-hold/?p=3055316

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Can't respond in much detail as I'm on my phone...

Yeah, if you could report any errors in detail, that would be great. We've been testing for weeks now without issues. Did you place ALL Modules? And you have CBA running?

And as I stated it will run Hot & Cold. And it also takes time for the activity to build up. If you enter an AO you're not going to get blasted with action. The entire perspective is the same as SpookWarCom. It's meant to be used from the perspective of Spec-Ops/Black-Ops. Which means mostly low-key small skirmishes here and there. And that's ONLY IF YOU ARE SPOTTED.

It sounds kinda odd. I know. But if you approach this from the way I play, it will seem kinda boring at first as you are not meant to engage in full blown combat. It's designed to simulate behind-enemy-lines. A successful mission for us is Mission accomplished WITHOUT being spotted and zero shots fired. Being sneaky bastards. Lol.

So unless you ParaJump right into an Enemy Base (ALiVE), its gonna 'feel' a little slow. I also have ALOT more work to do. I'll likely be adding more modifers to amp up the action if desired.

You must keep in mind the AO is just an Area. It's not the Units themselves. The units are spawning all around you out-of-view with a 3km radius. Then they do random things that most of the time you are not going to see. But they ARE there. Somewhere. Waiting. Hiding. Patrolling. Etc.

If you want to see more instant action. Jump into a Radar Zone. ;)

Thanks for the feedback so far. Keep it coming!

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All my testing has led to some ai in the missions. If you wait until all messages related to Scar and Socom to be gone before activating a mission the mod works correctly... at least for me. I do, however, agree that it could use some extra options to spawn even more enemies as well as the ability to introduce some user custom factions and blackout some zones from the map. One thing I did to increase the chances of seeing some enemies around me is to run the mission with the skirmish component of TPW mods as well. Anyways, thanks for this great Addon von!




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Thanks for your answer Von.


Ran some more test sessions and wanted to bring a correct answer this time. First, yes, i run the latest CBA ( and all your standalone modules as mods, among other ones. Had to update two of them (SOCOM and FROGS if i remember well), so all your standalone mods are up-to-date.


The tests took place in Stratis mainly, and i made my own "starting base" on the map, with the SOCOM laptop. So i have not used the off-map ops center, or the camp for some tests. For other tests i started at the ops center and the error messages reported below were the same.



- All your standalone modules were put in the editor, as shown here :




- For the settings, all the SCAR modules were set to make RED/OPFOR/CSAT units spawning : most of the settings stayed the default ones, except some of them :


-In the SQUADS module, 30% probability for infantry. the rest are default settings.




-For the AOs module, all stayed by default, except the rogue intel and infantry intel percentages, set to STATIC. Reliable intel, so to say, for testing purposes.




- Finally, for the combatants module, 50% for the setting.




After some test sessions, but certainly not enough, found those settings quite satisfying to simulate a light map occupation, suitable, as you said, with specops and stealth ops (appreciate those ones as well :) ). Chained some SOCOM missions, infantry units spawned as expected, saw some planes or choppers units flying-by without attacking (TPW i guess), and even some choppers patrolling at low speed and low altitude. Very nice. Haven't seen submarine units near the shores, vehicles or armored units through the map though. Maybe because of the low probabilities or lack of tests more probably.


One or two observations with the spawned units : SQUADS Being able to spawn units in a 3000 meters radius is really good IMO. Along with the SOCOM missions, or simply from the map occupation/ambient battlefield point of view, it advantages the careful recon actions and suits well with those notions of probabilities. It ensures a good replayability. Then with the AOs, We have partial intel, and have to complete it directly on the field, by discovering in details where are the "cold" and "hot" spots. Very immersive. With different settings and ambient scuffles between allies and enemies, it's certainly quite interesting as well. Still have to test that.


Works very well on big maps like Altis for example, though when on Stratis or smaller maps, the AO "radius", from what i saw with intel reports, notably infantry ones, seem very large. when checking for example the infantry AO with the SOCOM laptop, the radius covers almost all Stratis island. This is not a complaint of course, and it could even appear as something "realistic" because, finally, you can find some enemy troops patrolling anywhere on the map thanks to the SQUADS module. A fortiori, a chopper or rapid vehicles covering quite a distance in a reasonable time. In fact, this is more a question about the "readability" of the AOs generated by SCAR's AO module : As you said, the units are actually spawning when we "enter" in this AO. I also keep in mind that the way they are represented can show a radio or radar radius, you'll tell us. Finally, gameplay-wise, the question is more something like "when am i entering in an AO, and what are its limits"? is it an invisible fixed radius around the icon like 400 or 500 meters, or is it one of the radius circles we can see on this pic, or something completely different? In addition, are the units spawned by the AO module operating or patrolling in that zone only?




Then, how is managed the "despawn" of units? at each cycle, or after particular events? Saying that because i followed some rogue units i think (OPF_G_F) at two occasions. 2 infantrymen approached a building (the ruined houses facing the Kamino firing range base) : had to go through to join an objective and decided to get rid of them. watched after their movements and they stayed there. Once i was on site, they simply weren't there anymore...not a big deal anyways, maybe i simply missed them :P


Do we have to set the same faction in the AO module, under "rogues", and in the combatants module?


Also, and here again, maybe my tests were not numerous enough, or maybe this is not your goal at all, but do you plan to make enemy forces occupy and defend strong points like military bases or large civilian infrastructures (it was possible with EOS IIRC), or do they only patrol in the open? Only tried your modules for now, but in cunjunction with ALiVE (AI commander with "occupy" behaviour and military placement), it could certainly do wonders.


- Finally, here are the error messages i encountered so far :


Systematically these ones, on the loading screen and as soon as the session starts : Not sure that the second one is caused by your mods, but as soon as i deactivate them in the launcher, this error disappears.








And this one, seems to pop out at regular intervals when i'm near or in a chopper AO : BTW, concerning the choppers, i had the impression that they were spawning in number, despite the low probability settings. Maybe even overrepresented on the field, in compact zones. Just a personal feeling, maybe i'm wrong.





Sorry for this wall and the approximative english guys, wanted to bring more precise elements this time. Anyways, your mods bring a lot to the immersion and ambience of the missions. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work :)


Edit : Not very comfortable with the new forums yet, please excuse the size of the pics. if they're too big, a moderator is welcome to resize them if necessary. thanks.

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Perfect. Thanks! That's the feedback was looking for. Good detail. I think you may have a bad version of that test public SCAR System. You can probably toss it in your rubbish bin. Lol. Sorry (Where you from? Your English is very good.)

I started several upgrades and continued progress on it, without finishing those parts which may have broke most of the system. So sorry if that's the case. I already have all those errors fixed on my dev version. And the FROGS error is from you not having any Object placed and named for the Sub Transport. I'll fix that too. BIS got more strict on what the game will accept for scripts, which is why alot broke a few updates back for everyone. You have to write cleaner code now or it often just cancels out and exits the script. I'm guessing they did this to increase optimization in general and reduce network loads for MP.

I'll upload a new test public version in the next few days. Kinda busy right now. So sorry.

And to shed more light on SCAR. The force size is directly related to the AO size. If you're not familiar, the small icon indicators above the Map Symbol is the AO Force/Size. And it I decided to translate that into the size of the AO. So for example, a single dot is Squad. Two is Section. Three is Platoon. And so on...

Each X is 1km. So 1 dot (squad) is read on the Intel Repot as X was spotted/known in that area for roughly a 1km square area. So it doesn't spawn 1 squad. It's an "Intel Report" to represent a SMALL area of activity of (unit type) there. 2 dots (section) would be 2km radius (4sq/km). And 3 would be 3km radius (9sq/km). 1-3 are all Dots (squad, section, platoon). 4-6 are Dash w/Ring. And 6-9 are X's with a Grid pattern. The small AOs are designed to be the most common. Just set your number based on map size. So if using Stratis, then maybe 1 or 2 AOs only.

Once you are actually IN the AO, then that enemy/units are going to spawn around you from 1.5km to 3km so you (hopefully) can't see them spawn it. So with that, technically for example if you enter a small 1km AO, then they could be spawning behind you out to about 3km (which would extend the "threat" area out to 4km). This helps keep it unpredictable and organic.

And IF you use the Dynamic setting, then the Intel Report is also representing the Age or Quality of that Intel. Enemy activity may or may not be there. You won't know until you are boots-on-the-ground. And even tben, you still might not know. The Intel is meant to be Intel only. With human error and Fog-of-War built right in. For example, if the Intel is reading 10%, then you could view that as it's now a full day old. Or the source was a local friendly contact who you don't trust. Or you could role play it's second-hand Intel from a pilot who happen to fly over at night and you can't trust his quick assessment. Maybe he saw Tanks, or maybe he saw Garbage Trucks through NVs. Who knows. So it's reported as 10%. The higher the probability, the more likely it's true or accurate. Never guaranteed.

And they despawn after you move more than 3km away. So the units you saw and were gone, either moved on somewhere else, or you move more than 3km away.

And about the Helicopters. If you were in a Heli AO and also had Ambient Aircraft on, then it's gonna get busy. Very busy. Or at least it seems that way. All units are the same though. It's just with the Helicopters, they are loud and very easy to spot. If Infantry or something else, they are also doing the same thing, it's just you can't see or hear them. Even a small AO, is still gonna be large and hard to find obvious enemy. But they are there somewhere. They are watching you from the bushes and calling in your Intel back to their Commander.

If you want MORE enemy, set the AOs to Static. Then you KNOW that they are there 100%.

This is still heavily WIP. It'll continue to get better...

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New mod v0.2.0-beta available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


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It seems no end triger  when mission complete. I must  return to notebook to select new mission

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It seems no end triger  when mission complete. I must  return to notebook to select new mission

I believe that is intentional.

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Correct. There is no "Mission Complete" or anything. It's up to you to know if you were successful or not. You can Role-Play however you wish. Plus there is a lot of grey area in war. I may add that as an option in the future, but it's doubtful.

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Sounds like a good time.

Basically I set up some sort of base/FOB as I see fit, drop module ( defaults even) and go... haha love it!


I like the idea of ALiVE integration for a little more OPFOR activity, provided I understood the previous posts correctly.

Obviously I have 100 questions but I'll just grab the Mod and poke around as I am sure some answers will fall out just from using it.


Very promising and thanks!

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Have it installed on our dedicated server, all going great so far. Love the idea. Great job. We also run aLive and ASR_AI and RHS.


We've had two 2 hour missions which we played with a group of about 8. Great fun had by all.


The first mission was a HVT assassination job. The HVT spawned out on the coast of Sahrani in a tiny building on it's own. (A little strange) but maybe the defector was hiding out. We approached on foot encountering a shit-ton of RHS Russian MSV on the way. Once the mission was completed we retreated back to  a local airfield to exfil. I acted as zeus and spawned in an empty Mi-8 that we were going to steal as our exfil vehicle. If i'm right, SOCOM spawned in a few bad guys which harried us as we exfil'd which was a nice addition. We failed at the airfield but we all had great fun bounding between buildings under huge amounts of fire. Apart from the Mi-8 i didn't do anything else as zeus.


The second mission was a lot quieter, it was a Recon Patrol of an area largely uninhabited in Northern Sahrani. Because i knew there would be little Alive resistance i spawned in a good deal of BDRM and BMP patrols as well as occupying some low priority empty areas. Again, most people had fun and a good evening was had by all. 


Just a couple of pointers for any updates (although i'm sure these are probably obvious)


The briefing is only pushed out to the person who initiates the mission and not the entire side. Changing this would be great. Map markers are however seen by all.


Briefing/Intel updates  didn't always work.... sometimes they appeared blank, or fake (The HVT briefing said he moved, but he didnt)


There was a bunch of other options available on teh laptop but i've no idea how to get them to work, SAT imaging etc etc. Have these been coded yet or are they a WIP?


Anyway, great job, huge help to me, cause i'm not great at coding.




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First off, VonQuest will tell you that NONE of the Spookwar stuff is tested or verified to work with Dedicated Server Multiplayer.  Anything working correctly at this point on Dedi is just icing ;)

The SATCom stuff is not working.  I think that VonQuest either hadn't got to that, or it broke when he was porting this stuff over from his earlier work.

Any briefing stuff not going out to other players is probably due to the modules for SpookWar being set up for SP or Coop Hosted, and not Dedi Hosted at this point.


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What ski2060 said is correct. Thanks!


Thanks for the feedback. I love to hear stories how my projects are being used. I'm not sure how to broadcast the Mission Briefing out to all Clients. If anyone knows, please post it. I'm sure its something simple (I hope).


And as for the odd location of the HVT Target, that can happen. The details and location are so random, it can occasionally throw an odd ball out. The HVT Missions can be a random object or location, a city or town where he mostly hides inside a building, or sometimes (if on Altis) will be a specific building next to a specific window so you are encouraged to take a sniper-shot through that window. You must have got the odd random location one it sounds.


The SATCOM stuff was WIP, and still is. I stopped work on it because we were using ALiVE and if you try and use a SAT-VIEW of the area, no ALiVE units were spawned in yet in the area since you have to be there yourself. So it got shelved, and to be honest forgot all about it unitl you mentioned it. It would be a short fix to get it working again. I should write that down...... "note to self"! LOL.


The RECON Mission sounds like you got the LRRP? Those can be long and boring. Embrace the Suck.


Thanks again for the Feedback. More Missions and updates coming!

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I'll ask my buddy about the Mission Briefings getting broadcast out to all the players in the mission, or JIP players.  He made a munch of missions for the unit, and they had TASK/Briefings that showed up for everyone upon trigger of the brief.

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Hey again! Been trying to use this module as well and I'm not sure it's exactly working either </3

I get an error message while the mod boots up and receive no indication of a generated objective. Am I missing something?

Thanks again.

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I'm at work now, but I'll try to get my VQI testing map up tonight and see if mine is doing the same thing after the latest patch.

What is your mod list, if I may ask?  and how are your Modules set up?

Also, Single player? Or Coop hosted?

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Mod list is mostly map mods though if you need it still let me know and no other modules were running in the screencapped mission. 

I was playing single player.

Did you also get this error or was this only on my end?
Thank you!

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