Von Quest 1163 Posted July 1, 2016 i have just tested this together with CORE and for some reason i cant get into the sub from the OPS Center, the lap top is there and the actions are there, they just don´t do anything. please fix soon, i really liked the older version, which apart from the slight wonkyness worked just fine. I'll upload the small update(s) today/tonight if I have time. FROGS, CORE, and SOCOM Haven't had much time to work on ArmA stuff the last couple weeks. Also been working on a U-Boat style Sub too. Will this have AI support in the next update? It should already. Is it not working? Nice job, this is great!!! Thanks! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cryofrost 11 Posted July 1, 2016 great to hear, will be waiting anxiously :),if it works my clan and I will soon be doing some SpecOps missions, VQI style :ph34r: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted July 2, 2016 : : UPDATE : : v0.2.1 Beta=======================ADDED: Enemy Sub AOs (WIP - placeholder of NEW AO system)ADDED: Submarine transport Travel-Time optionsFIXED: SDV can now attach back onto HMS ProteusFIXED: Mod ICON *Notice* The NEW AO System will delete your pre-placed Markers. DO NOT USE if you don't want any of your Markers to get erased at the Mission Start. Leave OFF or WAIT to place your Markers. When the System starts up, it places the "Enemy Waters" AOs all over the Map (water) and then SAVES the Data and Hides them. To Check the Intel (known Enemy Sub Locations via SAT, etc) you can run the Intel Report from INSIDE the Sub or SOCOM Laptop. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matkob 6 Posted July 7, 2016 Hi, there seems to be a couple of bugs - Surface mod is not working anymore with dev branch (Always says that it is too shallow regardless of the depth - tried with Tanoa and Stratis). Also once I assign equipment for SDVs, they are both destroyed, only wrecks appear. In the LOC chamber if I do not constantly press "X" I get stuck under the chamber during drying of the chamber. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cryofrost 11 Posted July 9, 2016 Hi, there seems to be a couple of bugs - Surface mod is not working anymore with dev branch (Always says that it is too shallow regardless of the depth - tried with Tanoa and Stratis). Also once I assign equipment for SDVs, they are both destroyed, only wrecks appear. In the LOC chamber if I do not constantly press "X" I get stuck under the chamber during drying of the chamber. the current LOC chamber is a stand-in, so yeah its a bit wonky Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted July 9, 2016 Yes, it's wonky. And I haven't had time to work on the new LOC model for months. And the fix for the Surface Sub setting will be in the next update. Not sure why the SDVs got damaged. Must be a glitch. Never had that happen. And for the time being, when you Drain the LOC, you need to swim up to the top and get to the surface of the water when you can. Then just float at the surface until you can touch the floor with your feet and then try and walk. Otherwise if you just do nothing, you'll get sucked out the floor and into the sea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted July 9, 2016 Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. =VQI= Frogs v0.2.1 Beta Community Base addons A3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derpy_Rage 0 Posted August 15, 2016 FROGMEN, RE-BREATHERS, OPERATIONS, GEAR, and SUBMARINES by R. Von Quest VERSION: v0.2.1 Beta UPDATED: 02 July 2016 INTRODUCTION: Work-In-Progress. This is the Stand-Alone Module of my Comabt Diver System from my SpookWarCom Project. This will focus on the Underwater Environment and the unique elements of the murky and chilling capacity of Combat Diving Operations. For me, one of the greatest parts of ArmA is the Diving and NEW v1.6 water environment. What an amazing experience for a game. I want to build off the rebreather and add more layers to the SCUBA and explore some deep water possibilities and immersion. This project will be similar to my HALO Mod, but instead of the extreme altitude, this will focus on the deep sea and combat underwater operations. I want to explore more options of Gear & Systems (mostly fictional) for deep water ops, like salvage, recovery, surveillance, etc. I also will be adding a Submarine or three with the ability to use a Lock-Out Chamber for deploying Spec-Ops, CRRCs and SDVs. "Brave Men, Dark Waters" FEATURES: * Submarine Transport: HMS Proteus * Submarine Ready Room (Gear-Up) * Submarine Lock-Out Chamber (WIP) * Submarine Exterior Lighting (WIP) * EFX, Sound, and Immersion * Lighting: Low, Med, and High Vis * SDV Mini-Sub (lock & unlock from Sub) * CRRC Zodiacs (inflate/deploy from Sub) **Note: This is EXPERIMENTAL. You can Enter and Exit from the LOC. Flood and Drain the LOC multiple times. Re-Route of the Submarine possible as well. Multi-Mission capable. Can get a little unstable at times. Use caution. Stay clear of the SDV when Unlocking and Locking, as this is heavy equipment and can injure or kill the player. The same is true for the CRRC. Stay clear when inflating it and especially when detaching it as it will shoot up to the surface when you unlock it. Take care when placing the Sub as it is very hard to find again. GPS recommended for navigation if you want to find, then re-enter the sub. If playing MP, some features cant be experienced by the client. (I think, untested) Main features have been tested and work fine in MP. The SCUBA and other sections of this Mod are still under development. This part is ready for public testing and feedback. The first LOC broke and I hastily had to re-do it, so this is a "test / low res" placeholder version only. I have some better stuff coming as part of a bigger package and Submarine Project. REQUIRED: 1. CBA A3 - Community Based Addons A3 DOWNLOAD =VQI= FROGS COMBAT DIVER PROJECT Von Quest Industries THIS IS A GAME CHANGER.... THANK YOU SO MUCH, guys at 7th cav thank you. we are loving this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 15, 2016 Thanks! But I think most of my released projects are currently broken after the Apex update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted September 29, 2016 UPDATE: v0.2.2 Beta=======================FIXED: Hotfix for CORE (old Ops Center)ADDED: Trident Diving ComputerADDED: Stingray Re-Breather RigADDED: SA-2 Bottles: DIVOX & NITROXADDED: Combat Diver Operations Crate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted September 30, 2016 Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. =VQI= Frogs v0.2.2 Beta Community Base addons A3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Variable 322 Posted September 30, 2016 Wonderful mod! Just a slight correction: After the chamber is flooded it also get pressurized. That means that this is when the diver's ears will pop, not when he opens the hatch. If the chamber is not pressurized, the diver won't be able to counter the differential pressure from outside the sub to open the hatch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
carpediem833 0 Posted October 1, 2016 I am trying it out on Tanoa and it keeps saying, even at placing the submarine on the surface, that I need -20m minimum. I've check the depths and am definitely in excess of that... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edwacoo 14 Posted October 1, 2016 Where would one go to place the Sub in the Eden Editor. Cant seem to find it :\ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted October 1, 2016 @foxhound Thanks! @Variable True! Good catch. The whole Lock-out thing is just a placeholder for now. WIP. I have some good stuff coming this winter. Thanks. @carpediem833 -30m You need to go a little deeper. The Captain of the boat doesn't want to ruin his Billion-Dollar toy. Let me know if that works. @Edwacoo Not sure you even can. I thought I saw it somewhere. I don't have the game up as I type this. Do a SEARCH in Object Mode (yellow). @Everyone So sorry guys!!! I see there are NEW issues with the last couple BIS updates. Fuck! Again with this garbage. Several things are broke again. We noticed we couldn't get out of the LOC and also access the Control Panel for the SDVs & CRRCs. Damn it. Anyone else having issues? And what are everyone's thoughts on the New Stingray w/ Trident Computer? Its still WIP (as always), but I love it! I have a lot more to do of course. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skuijs 17 Posted October 4, 2016 I have the same problem von quest cant get out of the LOC :( Hope you can fix it. Any chance you be putting your stuff on the workshop ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 12, 2016 Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. =VQI= Frogs v0.2.2 Beta Community Base addons A3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted October 12, 2016 @ withSIX Please STOP! Knock it off already. You guys never read the Licence. Grrr. @foxhound Thanks. But you already posted this update. withSIX is messing you up by spamming the forums all the damn time. The update was a while back, but withSIX makes it look like it was just posted. Not once have they ever contacted me... The ONLY Mirror I endorse is Armaholic! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BohemiaBeck 305 Posted October 14, 2016 Thread cleanup to remove the withSIX posts, which were also double and triple posted spam. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadHabitz 235 Posted October 14, 2016 ...it was just posted. Not once have they ever contacted me... The ONLY Mirror I endorse is Armaholic! I feel your pain. I was in the same position. You never knew what version they were using, because they used their own version numbers. Also sucked when people were reporting errors because if they were using Pw6 you didn't know if they were using the current version or not. I messaged them plenty of times and never received a reply. Frustration. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ski2060 167 Posted October 16, 2016 So I finally managed to get another testing map built with the new Spookwar modules. Issues I found just goofing around last night.FROGS: Tried making a mission on Lingor 3.66 using sub infil, but the water appears to be too shallow on the entire map for it to work. I attempt to pick Shallow or Deep, but the script throws an error and then stops executing. I moved everything over to Altis, and it works fine with placement of the Sub. When TPing to the Dive room and LOC, it spawns them out in BFE uner the water (which I assume is what it's supposed to do) and I show up. No issue there.I cannot TP back to the HQ with the option though, it does nothing. Opening door to the LOC is OK, filling with water works. No hatch opening (as you stated above).I made sure to set up Zeus for #adminlogged just in case, so I was able to TP myself out to the Sub. From there I WAS able to access the CRRC/SDV control box on the back of the sub. I had to get to a funky angle on the side of it, but I did release an SDV and was able to pilot it to shore.So, if you are using the Sub to INFIL, Zeus TP will work after everyone is geared up to get them to the submarine until the LOC chamber TP is working.I did NOT see the new Stingray gear in the sub though, only the older wetsuit and rebreather. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dufalator 2 Posted October 17, 2016 Hello VQ, This is So COOOOL! But I am having some issues that I want to make you aware of. I too have downloaded from Armaholic. I have managed to get to the submarine by both TP and swimming out to it. When I swim to it, I have been able to unlock the SDV. I cannot, however, open the sub to go through the airlock. When I TP into the sub, I flood the airlock chamber, but then I cannot get the outer door in the ceiling to open so that I can exit the sub. Also, I tried to TP myslef and three other AI divers (a team) of divers into the sub. I made it into the sub but the AI did not. I really think this has the potential to be an awesome Mod. This is a great Idea. BTW, I used to be a commercial diver, and have had experience with deep water operations. I may be able to help you out with the realism and deep water operational methods, techniques.....Let me know. Thanks Dufalator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted October 18, 2016 Thanks guys! I recommend everyone wait to use this for a while... It's broken yet AGAIN. The addAction Menus are not showing up, and the SDVs are often invisible for us in testing. I have a hotfix for the missing/invisible SDVs right now that I think isn't uploaded yet, but haven't had time to address the bad menus for players. So sorry guys. And I'm sorry for always saying... sorry. Lol. Just the nature of modding and dev work for games. I'll be working on this in a week or two. I feel like I've been stuck at this dreaded 20% mark for a long time now. Which is why I pushed out the Diving Computer fast, just so there was something a little new. I haven't even gotten close to getting back to work on the new Lock-Out-Chamber for about 9 months. For those of you who haven't see it yet, you can search for my WIP Thread in the Discussion area for a sneak peak of the framework I did in Blender. Thanks Dufalator, I'll make a note and keep you in mind. Cool. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted February 25, 2017 - UPDATE - v0.2.3 Beta ======================= ADDED: Naval Marker Color Option CHANGED: Partial re-work of Naval AOs ADDED: Upgraded SUBs Details (WIP) CHANGED: Increased Intel to 5min The Transport/LOC is STILL BROKEN. DO NOT USE. You'll have to teleport yourself around for now if you really want. I was just using this time to upload all my current fixes/work today. I haven't uploaded in a long time. I started to get back into modding ArmA again and should have some new stuff (and a new proper LOC) in the next few weeks. Modeling is done on a few Submarines, and a NEW 4-Man Lockout-Chamber. I just have to do the graphics and config work. Thanks! 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites