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[Release] JBOY Fish Jump Script

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Here's a fun script I created to add ambience to Mabunga Swamp in my new mission Property of Mabunga.

To use this script, create a trigger activated by anybody present, and put this code in On Activation to call the script:

dmy = ["Random", thistrigger,-1] execvm "Scripts\JBOY_FishJump.sqf";

In your mission folder, create a folder called Scripts.  Then inside the Scripts folder, create a script file named JBOY_FishJump.sqf, and put this code in it:

// JBOY_FishJump.sqf 
// By: johnnyboy
// dmy = ["Random", thistrigger, distance] execvm "Scripts\JBOY_FishJump.sqf";
if (isServer) then
	_fishType = _this select 0;  // Specific Type of Fish, or "Random" will select randomly from a list of fish
    _observer = _this select 1;  // Point where fish originates
    _distance = _this select 2;  // Distance from origination point to spawn fish, or -1 for Random
    _pos = getpos _observer;
    _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, -2];
    //_distance = -1;
    _fishTypes = ["Salema_F","Ornate_random_F","Mackerel_F","Tuna_F","Mullet_F","CatShark_F"];
    if (_distance == -1) then
        _distance = 0 + random 3;
    if (_fishType == "Random") then
        _fishType = (_fishTypes call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle) select 0;
    _fish = createAgent [_fishType, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _fish playmove "";	
    _fish setpos (_fish modeltoworld [0,_distance,-.2]);
    _fish enableSimulation true;
    _vel = velocity _fish;
    _dir = random (360);
    _fish setdir _dir;
    //_speed = 4 + (random 3);
    _speed = 2.5 ;
    //_zVel  = 5 +random 3;
    _zVel  = 8;
    _heading = [getPosASL _fish,_fish modelToWorld [0,10,0]] call BIS_fnc_vectorFromXToY; 
    _velocity = [_heading, _speed] call BIS_fnc_vectorMultiply; 
    _velocity = [_velocity select 0, _velocity select 1, _zVel];
    _fish setVectorDir _heading; 
    // create an object to attach fish to and setVelocity on
    _bullet = "Land_CanOpener_F" createVehicle [10,10000,0];
    _bullet disableCollisionWith _fish;
    _bullet setMass 10;
    _bullet setVelocity [0,0,0];
    _bullet setdir direction _fish;
    _bullet setVectorDir _heading;

    _bullet setpos getpos _fish;
    sleep .1;
    // attach fish to moving object
    _fish attachTo [_bullet, [0,0,0]];
    _bullet setVelocity _velocity; 
    //  wait until fish is above water, then falls back below water
    waituntil {sleep .01; getpos _bullet select 2 > 0};
    waituntil {sleep .01; getpos _bullet select 2 <= 0};
    // create bullet at final position to guarantee a splash effect
    _bullet2 = "B_556x45_dual" createVehicle [10,10000,0];
    _bullet2 setpos (_bullet modelToWorld [.1,0,-.2]);
    _bullet2 setvelocity [0,0,-2];
    sleep 1;
    deletevehicle _bullet2;
    waituntil {sleep 1; getpos _bullet select 2 <= 0};
    detach _fish;	
    deleteVehicle _bullet;
    sleep 1;
    // fish created via createAgent aren't being deleted by deleteVehicle for some reason, so setposing them away
    _fish setpos [110,110,0];
    _fish enableSimulation false;
   deletevehicle _fish;

That's all there is to it!  Have fun, and try my mission Property of Mabunga to see this in action.

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Thanks Bad Benson, it was fun to make.  If you like this, you're gonna love my "bird of prey" script...coming soon!

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Thanks for the feeback ineptaphid and sarogahtyp!.


This fish script inspired another script:  Bird of Prey


Here is a scene from Animal Planet's nature show called "Swamp Hawks of Mabunga":



These Swamp Hawks live and hunt in Mabunga Swamp, so keep an eye out for them.  Especially if you are an ornithologist.


Script release coming soon...

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Wow. I love sandbox arma and the creativity of its community...

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Can those hawks attack players?....... :pray:

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Can those hawks attack players?....... :pray:

Mabunga Swamp is a dangerous place bro.  It picked up a big-ass tuna, I know that much!  :D


If there is a pterodactyl mod out there, I can make it work no problem.

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Any chance for addon version? Your script should be already in game, this makes island be more realistic and beautyful to explore.

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Any chance for addon version? Your script should be already in game, this makes island be more realistic and beautyful to explore.

Thanks Vasily.  I have so much in my to-do queue that I'm unwilling to pursue addons at this time.  But I give full permission for anyone to transform any of my scripts into an addon, or be used and modified in any way.  As long as I'm credited somewhere.

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I updated original post to correct the instructions (i.e., added you need to create a folder called Scripts), and also modified the script to make the jumps look a little better.


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