SENSEII 104 Posted March 4, 2016 Got a version running on oure server... Just want to ask.. what script is running enemy?? Mutch better than @asr_ai3!! I made my own dynamic spawn and patrol scripts for the enemies, but that's about it :) . The vanilla AI is much better than it use to be. So if I understand this right...all I need to do is set up a base with a marker that is dcg_base or do I need to use everything from the mission dcg_west.altis in order for this to work? All you need to do is... create an object or marker named dcg_base (if dcg_base doesn't exist the addons will still work, but the safezone functionality won't run) define dcg_main_enemySide (default EAST) define dcg_main_playerSide (default WEST) The rest of the stuff in dcg_west.altis is optional Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DieselJC 196 Posted March 4, 2016 I made my own dynamic spawn and patrol scripts for the enemies, but that's about it :) . The vanilla AI is much better than it use to be. All you need to do is... create an object or marker named dcg_base (if dcg_base doesn't exist the addons will still work, but the safezone functionality won't run) define dcg_main_enemySide (default EAST) define dcg_main_playerSide (default WEST) The rest of the stuff in dcg_west.altis is optional So I have a base set up and named it as their an example of how to define the enemy and player side? I'm a bit lost on that part..otherwise I tried it in the editor with @dcg enabled and nothing briefing no missions nothing...ran around for 20 minutes trying to figure out if there was a spot to get missions from or exactly how the whole thing works and nothing. Is there set time it spawns a mission or do I need to go patrol for objectives? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted March 5, 2016 The easiest way to define the sides is in the mission's init.sqf. There should be an unpacked version of dcg_west.altis included in the download; you can use that as an example. Just so you know, I use macros in the mission files, so in the init.sqf you'll see code such as... EGVAR(main,playerSide) = WEST; This is the same as writing... dcg_main_playerSide = WEST; If you don't have experience with macros just be aware of the difference before you copy/paste code from dcg_west.altis. Even if you don't set the sides, DCG will use the defaults, so the addons should still run regardless. Make sure you're testing this in multiplayer. The mod won't have any effect in the single player editor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DieselJC 196 Posted March 5, 2016 So tried loading the mod on my server and get this error and it crashes the server...Include file d\dcg\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found and I got the download from the link you put up in the forum here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted March 5, 2016 So tried loading the mod on my server and get this error and it crashes the server...Include file d\dcg\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found and I got the download from the link you put up in the forum here. Look at Yokhanan's post on this post #17. If you still have trouble after that, PM me and we'll sort it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DieselJC 196 Posted March 5, 2016 Look at Yokhanan's post on this post #17. If you still have trouble after that, PM me and we'll sort it out. PM sent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DieselJC 196 Posted March 5, 2016 That happened to me as well when Senseii asked me to test the download link and try launching it. I unchecked all my mods and forgot to check @dcg, so while the mission launched in the mission browser, once I got to the map I received that error and crashed. So make sure you are using the mod itself as well as make sure everything is where it ought to be like the userconfig and whatnot. Because it's definitely not DCG, but something wasn't launched/loaded that it needs. :) So how did you get that to work? Are you running @dcg as a clientside Mod as well? I get a CTD every time I try and join with it set up server side only. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loopdk 92 Posted March 7, 2016 can i make diffent civials in like diffent enemyes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PTV-Jobo 821 Posted March 8, 2016 So how did you get that to work? Are you running @dcg as a clientside Mod as well? I get a CTD every time I try and join with it set up server side only. Make sure anything in the @dcg/userconfig folder exists in your arma 3 userconfig folder. And then just make sure to run the @dcg mod. Problem is gone. :) [edit] not sure if it matters about the userconfig directory, just so long as you launch with @dcg directly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
polarfuchs 1 Posted March 16, 2016 Hi everyone, at last I found this thread. Thank you VERY MUCH for your work SENSEII! Make sure anything in the @dcg/userconfig folder exists in your arma 3 userconfig folder. And then just make sure to run the @dcg mod. Problem is gone. :) [edit] not sure if it matters about the userconfig directory, just so long as you launch with @dcg directly. Just to be clear on that matter - you just added -mod=@dcg on your server startup parameters? Sadly that does not work out for me (unless I load the mod clientside). My startup line is: -port=2302 -cfg=configs\basic.cfg -nosound -servermod=@dcg -mod=@cba_a3;@ace;@task_force_radio -profiles=D:\TCAFiles\Users\gameroot\2947\ -config=configs\server.cfg I downloaded the archive provided bei SENSEII in post #16 and uploaded @dcg as well as userconfig to the servers base directory. Without starting the mod clientside loading the mission will result in d\dcg\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found What could be wrong? Regards polarfuchs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DieselJC 196 Posted March 16, 2016 Having the same issue here yet..never did get it to work without it being clientside as well. No errors just a CTD. From my understanding its supposed to be server side only..but the couple of servers I see running it lists it as a clientside needed Mod. Looks like a great mission/mod too bad I cant get it to work on my server. Diesel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted March 18, 2016 To be clear, DCG is a server side mod. The mod will have no effect on a client. However, the included mission does run on the client (when you connect to a server) and there were a few problems with how I was handling the mission. So, I've uploaded a new pre-release build ( that should fix the issue :) . Download Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
polarfuchs 1 Posted March 18, 2016 Thank you very much! The mission update did the trick. :) :) :) Regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
themoggster 10 Posted March 19, 2016 Hi there, been loving this combat generator, pretty much cant live without it these days. though i think i noticed one thing that i wanted to check if its working as intended.. the AI are getting cached (i think, not too knowlagable about it) when they share the same vehicle as me, or whenever i get into a vehicle in genral, my squad sometimes get "cached" before they can even get into the vehicle with me! thanks for any assistance and sorry if its because im not using it as intened or something like that! EDIT: ive tried turning off caching via the serverconfig file but with no joy, it still seems to happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted March 20, 2016 Hi there, been loving this combat generator, pretty much cant live without it these days. though i think i noticed one thing that i wanted to check if its working as intended.. the AI are getting cached (i think, not too knowlagable about it) when they share the same vehicle as me, or whenever i get into a vehicle in genral, my squad sometimes get "cached" before they can even get into the vehicle with me! thanks for any assistance and sorry if its because im not using it as intened or something like that! EDIT: ive tried turning off caching via the serverconfig file but with no joy, it still seems to happen. Thanks for pointing this out. I'm looking into the issue involving cached units and vehicles, but for the serverconfig issue check out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.House 2 Posted March 23, 2016 First of all i must say verry good job on this mission, we verry much like it. I do have a question though in the dcg_task.pbo i see multiple missions that never show up in the server. is there a reason behind this or am i doing something wrong. Its the taskArty, taskDefuse, taskIdentifyCiv, taskInformant, taskRebelCiv, taskRescueCiv, taskStabilizeCiv and taskSteal. We are also having dificulty`s interacting with civilians and officers. We do use ace basic system and have medics disabled. Cheers House. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted March 24, 2016 First of all i must say verry good job on this mission, we verry much like it. I do have a question though in the dcg_task.pbo i see multiple missions that never show up in the server. is there a reason behind this or am i doing something wrong. Its the taskArty, taskDefuse, taskIdentifyCiv, taskInformant, taskRebelCiv, taskRescueCiv, taskStabilizeCiv and taskSteal. We are also having dificulty`s interacting with civilians and officers. We do use ace basic system and have medics disabled. Cheers House. Glad you enjoy it :) DCG is still a work in progress, so those tasks aren't finished. I'll add them to the default task lists once they're done. Plus, you can edit the primary and secondary task lists in the userconfig. Concerning AI interaction, most of that will be added when I push the updates to the approval addon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Verlich 0 Posted March 27, 2016 I'm getting the (script \userconfig\dcg\sen_unitpools.sqf not found) error, would anyone know whats causing this. I've tried packing it with the files, I've enabled the server side mod on the server yet nothing seems to work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SENSEII 104 Posted March 27, 2016 I'm getting the (script \userconfig\dcg\sen_unitpools.sqf not found) error, would anyone know whats causing this. I've tried packing it with the files, I've enabled the server side mod on the server yet nothing seems to work. You must have mixed up some files from an old version of DCG. sen_unitpools.sqf hasn't been used since the project was converted to a mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zafjr 50 Posted March 28, 2016 I can't seem to capture Cities. This error always pops up: Capturing villages works fine though. Is there a way to prevent ai from spawning in the water? This happened while i was testing the Defend supplies task: :p poor guys Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=NO= Le_Seb 0 Posted April 12, 2016 Good job for this mod. I just take this version and I had two small questions: is it possible to change ace settings? (to not die and wait for a doctor)? I can't finish the mission Deliver Supplies? What should I do after repair the truck? Thanks in advance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.House 2 Posted April 13, 2016 Good job for this mod. I just take this version and I had two small questions: is it possible to change ace settings? (to not die and wait for a doctor)? I can't finish the mission Deliver Supplies? What should I do after repair the truck? Thanks in advance. In the task discription (in the map) there should be a location where you have to bring it too, i did notice it doesn`t always seem to clear the task but when you see a lot of civ ai in the vilage park the truck in between them and wait for a bit, i did get it to complete a couple of times but yeah it is a WIP so not everything is finished yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=NO= Le_Seb 0 Posted April 13, 2016 Thanks for your answer. It will try again. Do you have an idea to modify mod to desactive death in ace ? With the lastest version (3.09), it was possible to change it, and now, i search in different script and I don't find this parameters... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OldManNative 11 Posted April 24, 2016 Senseii, First off I wanted to thank you for this mission. It is probably one of the most played missions my little group has. Our only problem with it at the moment, is that the vehicle spawns are too far away for our liking and that we don't spawn with our last selected kit (We die a lot.) I've tried going into the Eden editor and copying over the scripts, but I think I may have done something wrong. I'll try to figure it out, but if you have any suggestions how to fix, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MichaelJmad 0 Posted April 28, 2016 I am having issues.. loads fine but it never spawns missions or objectives Share this post Link to post Share on other sites