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What are the general goals of the simulator Arma 3?

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I like games that allow me to re-enact historical military events. I used to play Combat Flight Simulator and create missions based on historic accounts.


If the intent is to provide a platform where historical re-enactment is possible, then realism would be a priority. Would this be a goal for development?


I would like to suggest using Major John Plaster's books and youtube videos for sniper team re-enactments. http://www.ultimatesniper.com

Just the one book "Ultimate Sniper" would provide more breadth and depth to game play. It could then serve as a training forum as well.


Just an idea... B)


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Do you get paid to mention "Ultimate Sniper by John Plaster" in every single post you make on this forum or something?

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Do you get paid to mention "Ultimate Sniper by John Plaster" in every single post you make on this forum or something?

I was wondering the same thing. Maybe he IS John Plaster and he's trying to drum up his commission?

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That's viral advertizing ?

6 posts with 6 mentions of the same website. Its blatant spam, but mixed with enough "relevant" material as to be considered 'worthy' contributions. At least it would seem that way anyway, given no action having been taken.

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I like games that allow me to re-enact historical military events. I used to play Combat Flight Simulator and create missions based on historic accounts.


If the intent is to provide a platform where historical re-enactment is possible, then realism would be a priority. Would this be a goal for development?


I would like to suggest using Major John Plaster's books and youtube videos for sniper team re-enactments. http://www.ultimatesniper.com

Just the one book "Ultimate Sniper" would provide more breadth and depth to game play. It could then serve as a training forum as well.


Just an idea... B)

The last thing we need in Arma 3 is more sniper oriented things. The most expected would be advanced ballistics but that's even now still something BI are 30/70 about. Also, Arma 3 is not a simulator, it is an Infantry Focussed Combined Arms Sandbox, thus your title is mis-leading, and would have been better in the Asked Questions thread with a more fitting title like say... "Is Arma 3 A Simulator", while the request for realistic sniper half of this should have gone to the feature request section of these forums.

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I like games that allow me to re-enact historical military events. I used to play Combat Flight Simulator and create missions based on historic accounts.


If the intent is to provide a platform where historical re-enactment is possible, then realism would be a priority. Would this be a goal for development?


I would like to suggest using Major John Plaster's books and youtube videos for sniper team re-enactments. http://www.ultimatesniper.com

Just the one book "Ultimate Sniper" would provide more breadth and depth to game play. It could then serve as a training forum as well.


Just an idea... B)


Hope is under your requirements.

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I would like to suggest using Major John Plaster's books and youtube videos for sniper team re-enactments. http://www.ultimateslolzorz.com

Just the one book "Ultimate Sniper" would provide more breadth and depth to game play. It could then serve as a training forum as well.

This guy has no idea what he is talking about. That book is not ultimate enough. You are better off checking out way-more-uber-sniper.com and AccuracyEvolutionDeluxeHaxors.cum. Written by Sergeant Master Sniper Person Major Tom Thompson.
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Why do these guys always have to be the Ultimate Sniper? I'm content with being a medium speed, some drag but I'm surrounded by all these Rangers and high speed operators!

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I agree that this game desperatedly needs as much realism as it can get, but Ultimatesniper? Seriously?


There is no more obvious way to say "not legit" than placing the kind of word as "ultimate" into the name.

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Arma 3 is not a simulator... IMHO. As a game, its main goal is to offer the player  a wide range of military scenarios in which he and other like minded players can have "fun" pretending to be men involved in a fictional armed conflict.


That being said, I will now close this thread, as the irritation felt by some users when denied the chance to post snarky comments in a thread gives me great pleasure.


I'm a scary moderator RAWR!

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