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[SP/CO6) Ghost Recon: Island Thunder 2 Campaign

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Could you perhaps make it an option?

I'm not all that fond of the new fancy scifi'ish Ghost Recon stuff, but maybe it's just me being old and grumpy ?

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Oh don't get me wrong, I'm old school as it gets.

What I've been doing though the last couple of nights is moving all the unit loadouts from scripts to arsenal loaded units so it's easier to manage in future and saves some loading.

As part of the loadouts though, i have put tactical glasses on all the units so that if ppl decide to use the 'diamonds mod' with my campaign it will work.

Old schoolers can just continue as normal without the mod.


I should have the Revive fixed tomorrow, moving from Psycho's Revive script to Vanilla BIS so less problems in future, i hope.

The way it will work is:

Ghosts can be killed by heavy injury, i.e. 50 cal or AT rounds. Non-revivable.

The rest will be injured and can be healed by non-Medic in 30 seconds or Medic in 15 seconds.

Revive timer is set for 3 minutes, after that, you ain't coming back. :)

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Yeah. Keep it old school. Here's someone trying to re-create that Ghost Recon magic:



Yeh that's Jarrad, fellow aussie, who created the Diamonds mod and also recreating some GR missions including Watchful Yeoman, which is the same as my Mission 1. Haven't got round to trying his yet but I have downloaded it.

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Revive may not be as bad as first thought - there is an option to disable TFAR when player is down.

When player was down it caused everyone to lose TFAR.

I will try disabling that feature and see if that resolves the issue.

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8 October Update -

Great news! Psycho's Revive is not broken - just a fix required to prevent TFAR radios disabling for MP.

First two missions updated, will update the rest by tomorrow.

​I have also gotten rid of loadout.sqfs  and using the Editor loadout method through the Arsenal - that will be updated in all missions too.

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9 October Update -

All mission back in order! Enjoy!

​Note: All missions have had some enemy AI tweaks so they aren't quite as quick to detect Ghosts in the jungle, and a bit lower accuracy generally (even closer to Ghost Recon now then I could ever have hoped for).

​Plus, the time repairing the old missions has given me time to think on the last mission some more - and it's going to be even better than I first thought!

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First of all, I want to say, and I think I speak for everybody, thank you for your hard work and efforts.


Secondly, as a mission maker myself, it's not easy work, but it's a labor of love.
So I for one, shall enjoy your work as I have done so in the past.




Dude, btw, I'm 54 years old and still playing Arma!

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Thanks and yes it is a passion of mine, and tge need to keep the essence of GR alive.

Arma and Ghost Recon for life!

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Question: How are people finding the AI difficulty in SP and MP?

Too hard? Too easy? Just right?

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thank you for these missions.

im up to mission 8 and its pretty awesome atmosphere and gameplay.


Im finding difficulty just right. 

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Thanks, I have made some minor tweaks which includes giving the Ghosts some stealth coefficients so a little harder to detect.

Also wound back the AI detection and accuracy so they take slightly longer to detect and a few seconds more to get their aiming centred.

That doesn't mean the Ghosts are safe though, it just means the valuable few extra seconds should give the Ghosts the edge.

It's closer to what you would expect for highly trained Spec Ops versus Militia with basic training.

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It's interesting that some of my missions have around 800 downloads and others only 150 or so.

Not sure why that is, but I have added Steam links to all of the missions to see if that makes a difference.

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maybe if you've updated them it might it reset the download count?

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Hello lightspeed!


I've downloaded all your missions from Steam Workshop, however, when I try to run the scenario, I get following error:

steam\__cur_sp.Tanoa\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item31.type: Vehicle class Land_Antenna no longer exists

I am on latest dev branch, have all DLCs installed, not running any mods.


Any solution to this, or is the problem on my end?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Having problems with NVG's in missions 6, 7, and 8.

Player must switch team, then switch back to player to get them to kick in.


Seems to be a problem I have faced in many many night time missions from other mission makers.
Especially the Black googles.

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Do u have Apex? And which mission?


I have Apex installed. It's the first mission.

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hmm interesting, will look into it.

are you playing in SP or SP in MP browser?

Playing just SP.

Most everything works fine.

But the NVG's don't.

I've played Killjoyau"s OFP missions. He has a few night missions. He uses the black NVG's. They don't work either.

Can't switch team in his missions because he doesn't set them up for team switch, so I have to give up on those.

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So you should be playing the SP through the MP browser as I don't think the Revive system will work correctly through SP Scenario.


Are you using any other mods besides CUP Core and RHS? Because I ran it this morning and NVG worked in both SP and MP browser.

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