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F14 tomcat by ikar

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You should take a look on IKAR's website to DL his beautiful F14 TOMCAT who will come in another version (bi-place) in a few day. For now, this ADDON is a beta one.

Hellden website


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Wow, the folding wings really impressed me! Before testing the addon I went to Military Analysis Network to check out some facts about F-14, which made me wonder about those folding wings, but Team Hellden surprised me again smile.gif I could see a strange white object when using the cockpit view, but hey, this is just beta. Hope the final version has better arms loadout, I don't think F-14 has a 30 mm Aden cannon which looks like being ripped off from Kegetys. Otherwise a really nice plane! Can't wait to see the final version.

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Sweet. smile.gif

Now we need a Nimitz class carrier to launch it from. tounge.gif

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Yeah, but first we'd need some F-5's to simulate the "MiG-28's" lol biggrin.gif

I'm still in awe at how good that thing looks

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maybe when he makes the complete version he should maybe ad that rod that folds out from the back (forgot what its called) and maybe somehow w/ some fancy scripting make it so that when you could land on a carrier, when its released you could stop faster. i just hope he adds the working rudders and animated airbrakes like the Su-27 and thunderbolt has.

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It's a tail hook.

I just tried to land the civie plane on the deck of the LSD, lol, it takes lots of trial and error but I got one sucessful landing. If you hit the deck and bounce up and hit the ship, you'll explode, but if you're slow enough (full flaps down, 100 or less air speed when you hit) you'll hit the deck and roll to the "building" and hit it and kinda stop (the ship will be pushed forward).

On one of my first attemps, I crashed into the garage under the deck, lol

-=Die Alive=-

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Looks nice. Does the AI actually engage other jets?

Radar range needs extending, if possible. This baby was made to be an interceptor for fleet defense, it should be able to see every aircraft on the OFP maps.

Also suggest air-to-ground version. Recent Tomcat upgrades have given it bombing modes.

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just add phoenix missiles and i'll be happy. want a ground attack aircraft i'll d/l the tornado, ov-10, or just use the regular a-10. i wanna see some dog fighting in these tomcats though biggrin.gif maybe someone could start a topgun tournament??

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smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif WOW!! i love it its a looker and a good flyer wink.gif

but i have a few complaints driven by my sheer love for the F-14 Tomcat and i know its only a beta so i hope it will be put to current stats wink.gif . First where did the RIO run off to? i know it wouldnt be much use in ofp but it would be fun to sit back and watch the pilot do his job smile.gif my second is that 8 sidewinders on the outer pylons? if memory serves me right it holds six missles on the wing pylons then four on the fuselage. usualy AIM-7 or phoenix missiles and/or bombs on the D varient. sorry for knit picking it.

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK smile.gif Cant wait till the next version wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (NavyEEL @ Oct. 16 2002,04:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">maybe someone could start a topgun tournament??<span id='postcolor'>

*Changes his username to "Goose" just in case*

Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of fire biggrin.gif

That would be soo cool!

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It shouldn't be landable on a carrier unless the tailhook is down

It would be realistic, but it can be made automatic...

(when gears lowers, tail hook lowers too)

I remember thousand times in f14 fleet defender that i forgot to lower grappling hook (is this the real name) and made "bolt landing"

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">lower grappling hook (is this the real name)<span id='postcolor'>

nope, its called an Arrestor hook

Nice Pic

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Belldandy @ Oct. 16 2002,03:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">First where did the RIO run off to? i know it wouldnt be much use in ofp but it would be fun to sit back and watch the pilot do his job  smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

A backseater could be fully functional, the OV-10 has one.

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I just wanted to add that personally I think that the handling leaves much to be desired. I had to keep the nose up very high all the time to keep from slamming into the ground. The aircraft is also prone to spinning out of control while turning.

It also would be nice if the point of aim for the cannon was lower because I usually smack into the ground trying to fire the cannon at targets.

Finally the Sidewinder missiles don't seem to track very well. It usually takes many missles before they hit a target and that is WITH the target locked on with the diamond on the target box. Of coarse as everyone else mentioned it's missing the RIO (the guy in the backseat).

Oh...also the AI doesn't dogfight very well. The regular Su-25's keep creaming my F-14's. sad.gif But I think that's because the missiles aren't working well on the F14, but maybe that was done on purpose to make dogfights last a little longer.

Other then that however it's wonderful and it actually takes off without crashing. smile.gif Haven't tried landing it yet though, but I assume that it does that ok.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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