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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

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Your wish is my pleasure, Master ;) 

Here're my questions / suggestions, i've sent zbug via PM :

- now i have some questions. first of all, i would like to move your mission to chernarus (after you have released your next version). are you allowing me this ? if you do so and you are interested, i'd send you the mission file. so you can offer a second map to the public. i guess as long as i keep your marker-nomenclature and everything else of your "framework" one-by-one, technically it shouldnt be a problem, right ? 

- could you add an option/parameter to disable the intro camera and join right at the deploy-screen ? for the first few times the intro-camera wasn't that bad... but after a few mission/server-restarts it a bit annoying  ;) (i dont mean it in a bad way)

- i have noticed, that sometimes after server starts (full dedicated server) all of the static helicopters placed on the carrier are destroyed (except the huron). i dont know the reason and it is not reproducible. seems a spawn-timing issue at mission-load. maybe the helis are placed first and a litte bit too low, then the carrier loads and spawns right "into" the helis.... boom.

for your info... i have added the =atc= airdrop script and areosons groupmanager script (https://forums.bistu...-group-manager/). both are working flawlessly. 
i really reccommend you to have a closer look at the groupmanager. it is really helpful in certain situations. maybe you would like to integrate it by default.

thats all for now. would appreciate to hear from you.


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You are playing Mission in server

Really fun!


By the way, questions

how to IED dismantling?


The blown off but even approaching slowly in the far engineers.

I wonder if there is no choice but to blow up?


Please answer even in my spare time.



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Day 5 on Dedi Server:  AI will not die? I am trying to take the location, destroyed the building and the AI spawned on the floor in the air where the Building was and you cannot kill them?  Any idea what is going on?




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Day 5 on Dedi Server:  AI will not die? I am trying to take the location, destroyed the building and the AI spawned on the floor in the air where the Building was and you cannot kill them?  Any idea what is going on?




We have had some instances where the AI and vehicles spawn in front of you too - on another note performance is good for us.

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By the way, questions

how to IED dismantling?
The blown off but even approaching slowly in the far engineers.
I wonder if there is no choice but to blow up?


The chance of IED detonation depends on the number of blufor units in its activation radius, there's hardly a chance a solo engineer will trigger it. I will lower the activation radius and the chance of detonating just in case ;)

Noted here


1- now i have some questions. first of all, i would like to move your mission to chernarus (after you have released your next version). are you allowing me this ? if you do so and you are interested, i'd send you the mission file. so you can offer a second map to the public. i guess as long as i keep your marker-nomenclature and everything else of your "framework" one-by-one, technically it shouldnt be a problem, right ? 

2- could you add an option/parameter to disable the intro camera and join right at the deploy-screen ? for the first few times the intro-camera wasn't that bad... but after a few mission/server-restarts it a bit annoying  ;) (i dont mean it in a bad way)

3- i have noticed, that sometimes after server starts (full dedicated server) all of the static helicopters placed on the carrier are destroyed (except the huron). i dont know the reason and it is not reproducible. seems a spawn-timing issue at mission-load. maybe the helis are placed first and a litte bit too low, then the carrier loads and spawns right "into" the helis.... boom.

4- for your info... i have added the =atc= airdrop script and areosons groupmanager script (https://forums.bistu...-group-manager/). both are working flawlessly. 

i really reccommend you to have a closer look at the groupmanager. it is really helpful in certain situations. maybe you would like to integrate it by default.


1) The mission is released under the MIT license which allows you to do whatever you want with it, no limits, no restrictions. I've chosen this license in full knowledge of what it meant, yet people still ask me if it's okay to do their own modifications :D

As for porting, oh my, that might be a bit too soon. There may not be a lot of new map elements and gameplay markers incoming, but I can't tell for sure. There are some major changes coming (namely the RTS interface and the new secondary objectives system), and I can't say how difficult it will be to merge these changes with your own version. There's also some major refactoring in progress so you might want to wait until it's done, as all the gameplay variables might end up in the same file, easier to modify.


My advice would be to wait until we're closer to the stable release, but because of the licensing, you're free to go against my advice and try anyways ;)


2) Yep, I've added that to the incoming mission options here


3) Ugh that damn issue again... it seems the height of the LHD is different on each server, and sometimes it's different enough that the deck will clip into the choppers indeed. I had made a few changes in 0.85 but I suppose it's still not fixed. I will try some more ideas. Noted here


4) Well there's already a group manager in the greuh options, I'd rather try to improve it rather than scrap it for something else. What would you want to be able to do, that you can't do with the current system?


Day 5 on Dedi Server:  AI will not die? I am trying to take the location, destroyed the building and the AI spawned on the floor in the air where the Building was and you cannot kill them?  Any idea what is going on?


That's a strange one. You mean the building was already destroyed, then AIs tried to spawn in and got glitched? That could also be a synchronisation issue (network performance or something else), anyways I've noted a tentative fix here


@Daneplant: yep there's some cases where the spawning script will kick in slowly, going in with 1 person or assaulting a capture point with helicopters flying high enough will surely cause that kind of thing. The idea is that a small amount of forces wandering into a sector by mistake should not trigger massives spawns which cause massive lag. If you are attacking sectors with only 1 or 2 persons on purpose then well, yeah, stuff tends to spawn in your face :P


As usual, thanks a lot for all the feedback! :)

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vengeance1, on 21 Aug 2015 - 08:18, said:snapback.png

Day 5 on Dedi Server:  AI will not die? I am trying to take the location, destroyed the building and the AI spawned on the floor in the air where the Building was and you cannot kill them?  Any idea what is going on?


That's a strange one. You mean the building was already destroyed, then AIs tried to spawn in and got glitched? That could also be a synchronisation issue (network performance or something else), anyways I've noted a tentative fix here



No don't think a Network thing, rejoined Server AI are gone, 1 left, took location, went to Molo Airport No Enemies spawned.  Server Restart Day 6 and works fine.

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Are you using the latest version? v0.87a and not v0.87 ;)

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Are you using the latest version? v0.87a and not v0.87 ;)


I am using v0.87.  Did not see that post, I will update.

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I am using v0.87.  Did not see that post, I will update.


No worries, the 0.87a was a quick hotfix just for the issue you're having now :)


As for the 0.88, we have an internal playtest later today, so depending on the result, the release might be available tonight or tomorrow (sunday). Lots of good stuff incoming in this version ;)

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0.87a solved the issue, Molos Airfield not Blue with Red label and I was able to take as normal.




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Hi Zbug,


First thank you for that COOP, then here some feedback after a dozen hours of playing.


Contexte: We are 2/3 players, with game running as a mpmission on my PC, non dedicated server.




Seen on 0.87a

- When host disconnect when some other players still online, on next session he will spawn with one AI for each players he forced disconnected at last log-off

- Some AI shoot on other squad's members player or AI.

- Stationnary helicopter on a not discovered zone will not trigger spawn, but on landing, hell's appear.

- On long gaming session Arma 3 won't save mission and crash, eventually creating some rage amongst player after a 2h fight for 4 houses and a Church ;-) Might not be mod related.




Seen on 0.88

Just used the 0.88 pbo and this happened after respawn, when I tried to build a vehicle, did not test any further.

Have the same issue with the Arsenal menu too.



- Host's spawn seems fine while other players have a forced spawn on Island (no FOB available)





Disclamer: I have not idea what is doable or not, and if adding to much Scripting is a good idea :-o


- Add boats, it could add some assault options and gameplay diversity. (Can spawn on land and be moved with helicopter)

- Can recycle AI Grunts (I hate killing those cool dudes), if only they could drive correctly ^^

- Can choose which squad member to spawn on.




- Still not getting why some "moches" surrender to my unarmed Hunter and fight to death vs a M2A1 with their 6.5mm

- Still not figure out how Radio Tower network work, some close one have small influence on reinforcment while others far away keep sending stuff.

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Hi Zbug,


First thank you for that COOP, then here some feedback after a dozen hours of playing.


Contexte: We are 2/3 players, with game running as a mpmission on my PC, non dedicated server.


Hey Tetsel, many thanks for your feedback :)


A lot of your issues seem to be caused by the original save system, which you shouldn't use. I know it's counter-intuitive but you should have been starting your server by clicking the "restart" button, as demonstrated here: http://imgur.com/fySwGJu

Now I've just discovered that enableSaving is a real thing, so you will only have the "play" option from now on, which relies on my own save system and not bohemia's ;)


This explains:

- Players being replaced by AIs,

- The save rollback. My own save system forces the savegame to the hard drive every 60 seconds so you can't lose any progress. The built-in save system only saves when you quit the game, unless there's a script to force it (which I don't)

- The action error with build, arsenal and else. Basically you've been using 0.87a actions on 0.88 scripts :D


This might explain the player spawning issue, unsure about this one. Try with the right method and tell me if it still happens ;)



Some AI shoot on other squad's members player or AI.


If you kill BLUFOR soldiers or vehicles (even empty) you will  be kicked from your faction and everyone  will start shooting at you, including your own AIs, including your own squad. This is the normal behaviour in every scenario. Now that mission options have been implemented I could prevent that, because removing that system on every server (including public servers) seemed like a bad idea at first. Noted here




Stationnary helicopter on a not discovered zone will not trigger spawn, but on landing, hell's appear.


I've just tested it and it works, it's just a matter of timing. I've reduced the delay in 0.88a but it will still take about 40 seconds (from 70-80) to trigger a spawn with a solo helicopter. Also you have to be flying below 750 meters. Also if you're renegade (because of the teamkilling) you're not counted as BLUFOR anymore and you won't trigger anything - again, a global game mechanic that I can't really override.



- Add boats, it could add some assault options and gameplay diversity. (Can spawn on land and be moved with helicopter)


Good idea, noted here



- Can recycle AI Grunts (I hate killing those cool dudes), if only they could drive correctly ^^


The Zeus interface is a placeholder and comes with such few limitations, in the next system you'll be able to do that. In the meantime you can edit their group and rename it "delete" (or "DELETE" or "Delete") and they will dissapear after a short while.



- Can choose which squad member to spawn on.


Yeah the current system sucks, it's been noted here for a while but not prioritized yet ;)



- Still not getting why some "moches" surrender to my unarmed Hunter and fight to death vs a M2A1 with their 6.5mm


Baddies will surrender when they have less than 3 people alive, or when the BLUFOR has overwhelming forces (more than 85% of everyone in the sector, excluding civilians). So technically if you solo a town you will have 2 guys surrender to you :P




- Still not figure out how Radio Tower network work, some close one have small influence on reinforcment while others far away keep sending stuff.


Well here comes the complete ruleset:

- When a sector is active, reinforcements are called when 15% of the initial defenders have been killed,

- The only exception is large towns, reinforcements are called as soon as the sector is active,

- The time it takes for reinforcements to answer the call is determined by this:

_reinforcements_time = (((((markerpos _nearestower) distance (markerpos _targetsector)) / 1000) ^ 1.66 ) * 150) / GRLIB_difficulty_modifier;

Depending on the distance to the nearest tower  (csat controlled), on normal difficulty, that means:

250 meters -> 15 seconds

500meters -> 47 seconds

1km -> 2 minutes 30 seconds 

2km -> 8 minutes

3km -> 15 minutes

4km -> 24 minutes


For each active sector, reinforcements can only be called once, unless the sector deactivates/reactivates again. All patrols will answer the call for the next 30 minutes.

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reinforcements spawn always in sector? Its bad. im in sector try to clear and then spawn a tank in front of me. you can change this?

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reinforcements spawn always in sector? Its bad. im in sector try to clear and then spawn a tank in front of me. you can change this?


No, reinforcements don't spawn anywhere close to BLUFOR units, what you may have here is that you're playing solo and you've gone straight to the hostile spawn before it had a chance to activate. What version are you playing? Are you sure you're not a renegade after killing teammates or empty vehicles?


I can't change the spawn mechanics for solo players, activating sectors immediately for one person would cause a massive lag everytime you're flying a jet or an helicopter and you fly over a sector. Sectors will activate slightly faster in the next version but that's all I can do. If you are rushing right into an hostile town on your own, there is a slight problem with the way you play, not the mission. I can make it work somewhat, but I can't make it realistic, because what you're doing isn't realistic either.

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reinforcements spawn always in sector? Its bad. im in sector try to clear and then spawn a tank in front of me. you can change this?


This mission is not meant to be played solo, Rambo-like.


For a better playing experience. Play with friends and/or AIs in your squad.

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No, reinforcements don't spawn anywhere close to BLUFOR units, what you may have here is that you're playing solo and you've gone straight to the hostile spawn before it had a chance to activate. What version are you playing? Are you sure you're not a renegade after killing teammates or empty vehicles?


Ok i try it with team. thanks

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v0.88a released, with minor fixes to sector activation delay and civilians management

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Not on my end, I check the server rpt after each play test and yesterday's was clean. But no doubt you've got a problem here. Can you reproduce it or is it a one time thing? Any change you've made to the source, mods you've added maybe?

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please fix that the spawning of the offroad-truck´s costs our green-fist-ressources. (v.0.88)

(switch to turn off the trucks in mission parameters)


ist there a possibility to turn off civil-life? (mission parameters)

-> to increase the performance



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Not on my end, I check the server rpt after each play test and yesterday's was clean. But no doubt you've got a problem here. Can you reproduce it or is it a one time thing? Any change you've made to the source, mods you've added maybe?


Thanks for the quick response.

No, the mission has not been modified in any way, and yes it's reproduceable. I've got 1 log file for each evening we played.


We will use the latest version 0.88a this evening and I'll report back if the error still occurs.

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this line in the new version init.sqf: enableSaving [ false, false ];


does it mean the progress wont be saved?

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