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About lordweed88

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  1. lordweed88

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Alright got it... thank you.
  2. lordweed88

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Thanks you for your fast respsonse. So i defined true and false in my Des.ext wich solved instant all errors within the tool. But somehow it still breaks all scripts with a GUI like VAS or MagRepack. Do i have to change all lines where something is defined true to 1? Like change enableSimulation = true; to enableSimulation = 1;?
  3. lordweed88

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Hey there, we recently bought Mikeros Tool in order to encrypt our mission file but experienced massive problems occuring during the encryption process due errors inside multiple .hpp files. It says everytime there is a problem with "true and false do not exist". If i delete the reported lines it eventually works and the file protected but the mission is completely broken. Does someone experienced similar problems and got any advice for us?
  4. lordweed88

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks for letting us know what your up to, sounds good. I do understand the missing balancing in letting zeus spawn units. But my intention is not spawn friendlys, just wanted the possebility in case we are to many players to make things really difficult...like spawn a counter atack on FOB or something.... Edit: guess u already know just wanted to tell, this is a big step to something like arma2 mso and we appreciate very much...
  5. lordweed88

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hey, i cant get Zeus to work. Im logged as Admin and Zeus tells me "Placing Objects is not available". Any Ideas how to solve this?
  6. lordweed88

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Could you tell me how to make the FOB-Container invulnerable? Since its not a object in editor i dont know exactly where i can define this allowDamage false... We had an accident today while hooking the container so it was useless and wont respawn. Edit: Found it in scripts/server/base/startgame.sqf :)
  7. lordweed88

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thank you kind Sir.
  8. lordweed88

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hey, this line in the new version init.sqf: enableSaving [ false, false ]; does it mean the progress wont be saved?