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About daneplant

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  1. That's great news...good to hear :)
  2. Don't stop coding! I'm patiently awaiting the next update, without developers like you Arma 3 would be rubbish and I bet most people come back to it because of people like yourselves. It's the community what makes this game so good so please, please keep the development of this add-on going, it has some really really good potential and I for one appreciate the work from you all :}
  3. Hello again, yeah after the initial error, the RPT just gets spammed with this message all the way through the game: 15:05:54 Server: Object 2:653 not found (message Type_119) But your right it doesn't save Inventory,Ammo,Fuel and minor Damage - although strangely the vehicle (object) remains in it's last position where you left it. Another thing for me is that if you completely destroy the said vehicle it stays destroyed after a server restart but just doesn't record any minor damage and so on as above. Hope you can fix this - looking forward to the release! P/S just for the record this is the BEST SCRIPT there is available - :)
  4. Hello this is a fantastic script and is really helping me with my dedicated server project. I have it all working and have included the most recent edits as above Re: vehiclCrew (int 1) and the 'Objects' table you posted above. Wen I restart the dedicated server everything works with auto-saves on the players - inventory + location and also the vehicles location too. I have an problem with the Vehicle Inventory - Damage - Fual - Ammo I have this error in my RPT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15:01:07 Error in expression <; _vehiclePosX = call compile (_sql_res select (_i+2)); _vehiclePosY = call comp> 15:01:07 Error position: <select (_i+2)); _vehiclePosY = call comp> 15:01:07 Error Zero divisor 15:01:07 File sru_pdb\functions\fn_Server_getVehicle.sqf, line 27 15:01:07 Error in expression <= _this select 1; clearItemCargoGlobal _oVehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _oVe> 15:01:07 Error position: <_oVehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _oVe> 15:01:07 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle 15:01:07 File sru_pdb\functions\fn_Server_getVehicleInventory.sqf, line 4 15:01:07 Error in expression <"; waitUntil{scriptDone _vehFinal}; if(_vehicleCrew == 1)then{ createVehicleCre> 15:01:07 Error position: <_vehicleCrew == 1)then{ createVehicleCre> 15:01:07 Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehiclecrew 15:01:07 File sru_pdb\functions\fn_Server_getVehicle.sqf, line 58 15:03:08 Client: Object 3:6 (type Type_119) not found. 15:03:08 Client: Object 3:6 (type Type_91) not found. 15:03:08 Client: Object 3:6 (type Type_413) not found. 15:03:26 Server: Object 2:347 not found (message Type_91) 15:03:26 Server: Object 2:346 not found (message Type_91) 15:03:42 Server: Object 2:347 not found (message Type_119) 15:03:42 Server: Object 2:346 not found (message Type_119) 15:03:50 Server: Object 2:346 not found (message Type_91) 15:03:50 Server: Object 2:347 not found (message Type_91) 15:04:10 Server: Object 2:347 not found (message Type_91) 15:04:10 Server: Object 2:346 not found (message Type_91) 15:04:18 Server: Object 2:347 not found (message Type_119) 15:04:19 Server: Object 2:346 not found (message Type_119) 15:04:25 Admin logged in, player: Dane, playerUID: 76561198082126891, IP: 15:04:30 Server: Object 2:347 not found (message Type_91) 15:04:30 Server: Object 2:346 not found (message Type_91) 15:04:31 Mission test2.Altis: Number of roles (7) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (2) 15:04:31 Starting mission: 15:04:31 Mission file: test2 (__cur_mp) 15:04:31 Mission world: Altis 15:04:31 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\ 15:04:31 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list 15:04:31 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit 15:04:31 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit 15:04:31 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile 15:04:32 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal 15:04:32 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal 15:04:32 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow 15:04:32 [28892,268.275,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v2.2.0.151130. MISSINIT: missionName=test2, worldName=Altis, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=true, isDedicated=true"] 15:04:38 [28892,274.408,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished."] 15:04:38 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 15:04:38 [28893,275.098,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"] 15:04:39 [28893,275.11,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] 15:04:39 [ACE] (common) INFO: ACE is version 15:04:39 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_break_line: 3.2.0-bf4e95e 15:04:39 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_parse_imagepath: 3.2.0-bf4e95e 15:04:39 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_clipboard: 3.2.0-bf4e95e 15:04:39 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_fcs: 3.2.0-bf4e95e 15:04:39 [ACE] (common) INFO: Extension version: ace_advanced_ballistics: 3.4.1-4d041c3 15:04:39 [28893,275.502,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=false, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=true, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=false, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=true, _machineType=0, _sessionId=2, _level=0, _timeOut=false, _game=3, BIS_functions=<NULL-object>, group=<NULL-group>"] 15:04:39 [ACE] (common) INFO: Settings received from server. 15:04:39 [ACE] (cargo) INFO: Cargo Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE]: Rearm Module Initialized on level: 2 15:04:39 [ACE]: Refuel Module Initialized with flow rate: 10 15:04:39 [ACE] (repair) INFO: Repair Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (viewdistance) INFO: View Distance Limit Module Initialized. Limit set by module: 2300 15:04:39 [ACE] (interaction) INFO: Interaction Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (explosives) INFO: Explosive Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (respawn) INFO: Friendly Fire Messages Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (modules) WARNING: Module [ACE_ModuleInteraction] - More than 1 singular module placed 15:04:39 [ACE] (common) INFO: SetSetting [ace_interaction_EnableTeamManagement] Trying to set forced setting 15:04:39 [ACE] (interaction) INFO: Interaction Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (hearing) INFO: Hearing Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (map) INFO: Map Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (map_gestures) INFO: Map Gestures Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (nametags) INFO: Nametags Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (respawn) INFO: Respawn Module Initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (common) INFO: Settings initialized. 15:04:39 [ACE] (common) INFO: 10 delayed functions running. 15:04:52 Client: Object 3:17 (type Type_119) not found. 15:04:52 Client: Object 3:17 (type Type_91) not found. 15:04:52 Client: Object 3:17 (type Type_413) not found. 15:04:52 Error in expression <; _vehiclePosX = call compile (_sql_res select (_i+2)); _vehiclePosY = call comp> 15:04:52 Error position: <select (_i+2)); _vehiclePosY = call comp> 15:04:52 Error Zero divisor 15:04:52 File sru_pdb\functions\fn_Server_getVehicle.sqf, line 27 15:04:52 Error in expression <= _this select 1; clearItemCargoGlobal _oVehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _oVe> 15:04:52 Error position: <_oVehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _oVe> 15:04:52 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ovehicle 15:04:52 File sru_pdb\functions\fn_Server_getVehicleInventory.sqf, line 4 15:04:52 Error in expression <"; waitUntil{scriptDone _vehFinal}; if(_vehicleCrew == 1)then{ createVehicleCre> 15:04:52 Error position: <_vehicleCrew == 1)then{ createVehicleCre> 15:04:52 Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehiclecrew 15:04:52 File sru_pdb\functions\fn_Server_getVehicle.sqf, line 58 15:05:19 Server: Object 2:652 not found (message Type_91) 119) 15:05:54 Server: Object 2:653 not found (message Type_119) 15:05:59 Server: Object 2:653 not found (message Type_91) 15:06:39 Server: Object 2:653 not found (message Type_91) 15:06:39 Server: Object 2:652 not found (message Type_91) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is the best persitent addon I have seen, congrats on the release :)
  5. daneplant

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    Excellent news thanks for the quick replies :) will give it a go later on.........
  6. daneplant

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    One of the best Mods we have used on our server it's very much appreciated! This Gem needs showing off to the community, I stumbled across this in a frantic bid to find something good for a mission night for our community :) One snag and I'm sure your aware of it, Ace interactions don't work on the takistan factions/civvies you cannot handcuff them or carry out interactions, think your on with that though, can't wait for that fix, well done great work :) +1
  7. daneplant

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    We have had some instances where the AI and vehicles spawn in front of you too - on another note performance is good for us.
  8. daneplant

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    We have been reading this with interest and it sounds very good indeed. We'll be placing it on our Arma Series Server tonight, I'll get you feedback from the team, thanks again for your hard work on this.
  9. Thank you Kingsley for the information, that's great Just one question how would I get the marker placement position would that be from the editor and what format would it be in, thanks in advance.
  10. Ok so I create a file called initPlayerLocal.sqf then add the code above, go to the editor and call it in the Init with what please? Also how would I get the map marker position as above '_Someposition' from the editor or is this not relevant for me to add....sorry for the novice questions!
  11. daneplant

    BMR Insurgency

    Morning Jigsor, thanks for the comprehensive answer, I think maybe we'll remove the delivery mission like you mentioned and BTC and give it a whirl :butbut: Thanks again
  12. daneplant

    BMR Insurgency

    Hello Jigsor, we have been playing your mission for some time now and I have to say it's one of the best performing Insurgency games out there, the FPS are great...well done. Now on another note I'm not sure if you have discussed this already but if we were to remove the BTK cargo + BTC logistics and replace it with the RF3 would you be OK with this please? If you are Ok would we need to change the public variables when collecting the box and dropping it of to ensure the mission activates correctly? Thanks again for your work it's epic :bounce3:
  13. daneplant

    Arma Maps Wordpress Plugin

    Any chance of a release - download Zip File please, we would love to get this onto our site. :cool:
  14. daneplant

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    I have been messing around your Add On, would it be possible to have a small mushroom effect after the explosion, see this video of the first 2 explosions, a small updraft similar to a cloud mushroom would be really convincing if you could do that, but either way the Mod is fantastic and I thank you Opticalsnare for all your hard work creating this Add On I have spent some quality time using it along with the JSRS 3 Sound Mod too - Cannot play Arma 3 now without it!
  15. daneplant

    [60 TvT] Battle Grid

    No problems, I have a few suggestions for you I was on last night to give it a try :) Might be worth changing the flag poles to a banner for an instructions board for when players spawn in, give them some guidance upon JIP. Also the same maybe for the M-coms...maybe. I would also change the wording from surrender to something like 'Mobile FOB' I was a little confused with the word surrender Lol. The game is looking really really good and credit goes to you and your mate for doing this, well done. I only had a whistle stop tour last night but will take another look and play around with this, maybe also if you could set some enemies somehow initially just to start the game for when there is only a couple of players on? I dunno just a thought to get interest early on... Great work, will be watching this develop.