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Hi guys, how do you save game in SP? As it's blacked out even though it's set to unlimited saves? This is my first time playing the mod so i'm a little lost. :unsure:

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Hi guys, how do you save game in SP? As it's blacked out even though it's set to unlimited saves? This is my first time playing the mod so i'm a little lost. :unsure:


I believe it automatically saves your progress on game exit......

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I believe it automatically saves your progress on game exit......


I just exited out of the mission and tried to continue but no resume box for me. Thanks anyway for the reply Evil Organ.  ;)

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I just exited out of the mission and tried to continue but no resume box for me. Thanks anyway for the reply Evil Organ.  ;)


Yep, no "resume" button for me either, but it will still load your progress from previous game exit....tried and tested.

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Yep, no "resume" button for me either, but it will still load your progress from previous game exit....tried and tested.


It doesn't load mine, it's starts from the beginning!  :(

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It doesn't load mine, it's starts from the beginning!  :(


Give it another try and observe the data in bottom left hand corner on mission start.....it will tell you "spawn location found" followed by "save data acquired"......etc


Beyond this...."C'est la vie my friend!!"

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Give it another try and observe the data in bottom left hand corner on mission start.....it will tell you "spawn location found" followed by "save data acquired"......etc


Beyond this...."C'est la vie my friend!!"


I started from scratch, made doubly sure i had no external mods running. It seems to start me from my last location. All health etc back to 100%. Next issue i can hear loads of zombies but can't see a single one and i've ran everywhere around the small town. Previous to this i saw 1 single zombie, stood right in front of him and he did nothing.


I also played ravage today for the first time and no issues with that. So i'm a little confused. I guess as you said........."C'est la vie my friend!!"  :( 


Thanks anyway Evil Organ........appreciated!  ;) 

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When Rawner first released this mod, saving hadn't been implemented. He said it was coming in an update but I'm not sure he ever added it.

It's the only reason I've held out on this one actually.

Hopefully he'll clarify the next time he pops in.

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G'day guys,



Sorry if I have been gone for a while, it's that week where study becomes a priority.  -_-

Anyway, while I have been reading the latest comments, I have been kid-testing the mission to see if everything works. Unfortunately, here is a list of some known issues I have just discovered with my other PC:



- Loot initialization will sometimes not run in both MP and SP. (Loot Spawner Module is underway, due to Na_Palm's LootSpawner script being unreliable)

- SP Save works in terms of retrieving the location where you were, but unfortunately it loads your previous gear you had at the start of the mission.



These known issues are on the main agenda to fix, as this update is arriving very soon.



Best Regards,







EDIT: Here is a short sneak-peak at a scene I plan to implement into the upcoming campaign for DSS, called "The Awakening":


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Rawner, stop with all the goodness! My heart can't take it. :)

I didn't even know you were planning a campaign. So you're planning like a mission with objectives and stuff? I'd assumed this was just a module for others to make missions on. Glad it seems I was wrong!

It's a great time to be an ARMA survivalist right now. I can't wait.

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Rawner, stop with all the goodness! My heart can't take it. :)

I didn't even know you were planning a campaign. So you're planning like a mission with objectives and stuff? I'd assumed this was just a module for others to make missions on. Glad it seems I was wrong!

It's a great time to be an ARMA survivalist right now. I can't wait.


Haha, I can't help it. :popcornsmilie:



Yes, most indefinitely there will be objectives and other features (There will also be chances where you can explore the island/s for loot, clues, etc). The mission has 3 parts (like Arma 3), these are:


- The Awakening (Altis)

- Dead Island (Tanoa)

- New Horizons (Tanoa)



The main plot is about 2 AAF brothers who survived after escaping from Altis with a small task force. They soon return to Altis, after receiving word from their AAF commander that a NATO force has apprehended the ones who were behind the earthquake machine. Since the incident, the 2 brothers have been patrolling the rugged terrain of Altis. However, a group of CSAT forces were spotted by a recon patrol, and an AAF task force was sent to Kavala to intercept the enemy presence. What they find is not only CSAT forces, but a very disturbing realization of what is going to happen there.



In terms of when the first part of the campaign will be underway, this upcoming update will be the final update, exiting Alpha. Update includes:



- MR41 Assault Rifle. (Black and Green)

- Desert Eagle AE. (Black, Green, Gold and Camo)

- Fixes to the SP and MP Mission.

- New sounds for zombies. (Sounds will vary upon the zed's state)

- Loot Spawner.

- Model config tweaks to some of the weapons.

- Possible custom reload anim for Desert Eagle and/or MR41.



However, this does not mean that this is final, updates will also arrive during development of the campaign. Since the campaign will include animations, sounds, etc.

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Whoa. I'm thrilled.

Any chance you could squeeze in the save game fix for the "final" update?


Yes, there will be a fix for the SP game save.  :)



Are there plans for roaming AI?


Awesome mod so far :D



Definitely, possibly some tasks as well for intercepting survival camps or convoys.  ;)




Just a quick update on how things are going,


Update is close to release, but I have been also working on the campaign. (and I can say that there is some 'levolution' involved :www: )




Main characters for the campaign are:


- Tanna (Squad Leader)

- Kelly (Player - Survived Altis in previous campaign)

- Reed (Friend of Kelly - Survived Altis in previous campaign)

- Baros (MG Operator)


Other main characters:


- Taros (New AAF Commander)

- Miller (He's back, Jonnnny! B) )

- Alika (FIA Operator)

- Chronos (CSAT Officer - Defected from AAF)

- Arbaaz Qaadir (CSAT Operator - Main target of the AAF)



Could be more characters on the way, but soon I'll throw in a teaser video showing this 'levolution' involved in the game.  ;)

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When trying to play the mission in multiplayer. The zombies don't follow you, looking at the logs, its giving me this:

12:24:15   Error position: <nearestObjects [_zombie, ["CAManBase"], >
12:24:15   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
12:24:15 File dss_code\zeds\zed_follow.sqf, line 19
12:24:15 Bad conversion: array
12:24:15 Error in expression <1;
_refresh = false;
_i = 1;
_targets = nearestObjects [_zombie, ["CAManBase"], >

And also my mate where im playing it with, he spawns on the "debug" island, and I spawn in just fine.

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When trying to play the mission in multiplayer. The zombies don't follow you, looking at the logs, its giving me this:

12:24:15   Error position: <nearestObjects [_zombie, ["CAManBase"], >
12:24:15   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
12:24:15 File dss_code\zeds\zed_follow.sqf, line 19
12:24:15 Bad conversion: array
12:24:15 Error in expression <1;
_refresh = false;
_i = 1;
_targets = nearestObjects [_zombie, ["CAManBase"], >

And also my mate where im playing it with, he spawns on the "debug" island, and I spawn in just fine.


Thank you for letting me know of the issue, I am investigating it now. (progress has gone a bit too slow, but I am doing my best to get it to top notch)




Just a reminder to anyone who reads this thread,



The mod is not only a system/sandbox for content-creation, but a survival mod (much like Ravage, EXILE and Breaking Point). The mission that comes with the mod is only the default mission, so new scenarios, showcases and the campaign, will arrive throughout development.  :)

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I might have looked over it, but what do you do when the loot fails to spawn? Restart the mission somehow?

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I could offer you my service, but unfortunately I've quit ArmA for quite a while. (Raged quit over popularity :/)

I read this post in the Ravage thread before I went to work today and it stuck with me the whole day........
I am a mod user not a mod creator, so i can't put myself in your head space.....but dude, you have created a f*****g fantastic mod, months and months of hard work, all on your own.
I for one hope you get your "mojo" back because DSS some quality content on offer......the crafting menu is an outstanding piece of work....yes it's cool to find a tent in some random building, but it's way, WAY cooler to find fabric, chop wood for sticks and craft your own tent.......
I have a created my own custom survival scenario using the modules available from both DSS and Ravage, and believe me, I am having a f*****g whale of a time.....
The survival genre is popular, it's good to have the choice of all the projects on offer around these shores, some may strike a chord at a certain moment in time, but it doesn't dilute the work of others.
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OMG Rawner no!!!!! :(

It's understandable that you'd lose some motivation every time your mod gets pushed back to the third page or when your DL totals aren't increasing much on Workshop. But I come into these forums every day looking for an update of some sort, even if it's just a status update.

I personally haven't put much time into DSS because I've been waiting for your full vision to come more into fruition. I don't think I'm alone. Take it for what you will but no other ARMA content demonstrations have impressed me more than yours have. This goes for all of my other favorite modes (ALiVE, Spookwarcom, Ravage, etc).

The baby just hasn't been born yet but I know what it will become when it arrives.

Have a happy holidays and just know we have your back. Take a breather and know if you choose to return, we'll be waiting with open arms.

Take care, Rawner.

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Okay so guys ( @HeroesandvillainsOS and @Evil Organ mainly) 

I'd like to give my little opinion on what Ranwer just said/did.. 


You need to understand that for "solo" people who have projects like DSS or myself "Survivalized", it's very hard to keep working on because we can't stop comparing our work to that of a team like Exile or Epoch or whatever other "big" and known mods out there.. And when working on the mod, we kind of think like "we can't do aswell as X or Y mod" and it's very hard to keep working with that in mind.. When we see all the work of other mods we're kind of jealous and we say to ourselves "i'll never be capable of doing this"..


So this is my one cent, maybe Ranwer isn't feeling like this at all but this is why I personally stopped.. 


"This is already done" and "X already has done this" and "Theirs is way better than mine" :(



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I don't play Epoch or Exile because I don't like getting griefed by other players, and if you look at my signature, you can see that I don't play multiplayer anymore. I have a much more enjoyable time doing solo survival. That leaves me with only two mods. Ravage and DSS. There is an audience for having singleplayer survival mods. People primarily aim for the multiplayer audience. It's the people who play singleplayer that they don't plan for. Ravage and DSS planned for singleplayer users with strides. I would rather have to fight 60 AI than to get killed by a single player from beyond visual range. Besides, I have more fun stalking up behind an enemy and then shooting them in the back of the head with a suppressed pistol. With players, you can't do that.

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........"Operator dead?"


.............."Post abandoned?"


.................... :386:


........................... :(

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So this is my one cent, maybe Ranwer isn't feeling like this at all but this is why I personally stopped.. 


"This is already done" and "X already has done this" and "Theirs is way better than mine" :(




Well, I haven't stopped, to be honest. But I guess it's the common boredom that hits modders when you focus on one mod. :sleepy:

At this time, I have realized I have got 3 projects to handle now. (DSS: The Mod, Star Trek: Evolution, and a PDA system for the ArmSTALKER Online project ... which so far, is the best dialog I have ever made)



I know I have left this thread dead for a couple of months, but this year, I plan to change that and develop DSS (and my other projects) for good. In addition, I PMed the author of Ravage, heleks, to be allowed to experiment with my mod, and that he can adapt it to his mod. For the past couple of months, I have been working my butt off on models, scripts and the campaign for DSS. And for the campaign, its epilogue will begin on the upcoming map, Tanoa. So for this year, DSS and its campaign will have a bit of a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. approach.



The current plan I have for this year on DSS:


- Mutants. (Models will be from GSC. But like all other stalker-fan mods, GSC has given permission for a non-commercial use. And of course I will mention credit for the original authors :) )

- Style overhaul on all DSS menus.

- New effects when attacked by zombie or shadow zombie.

- Ambient Blowout (or "FLX") storms. (Parameter for turning it on/off will be provided)

- New items, especially usable devices.

- Survival mission for upcoming Tanoa map. (This mission will be jam-packed with horror and survival)

- The never-arrived Loot Spawner module WILL arrive.  :P

- In-game UI when carrying specific devices.

- The official campaign for DSS.

- And many more that I cannot fit on this post...



To keep spirits lifted on this project, I have released a sneak-peak photo on the epilogue. (which I am hoping to have it on the upcoming map, Tanoa)





(Chinese Soldier about to shoot player in dramatic scene. The two guys at the back I am not revealing, but I can give a hint that "They are back and badder!")




So again, sorry if I have left this thread dead for a while.




Best Regards,





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G'day everyone, and welcome back to another season of DSS!



A while ago I had posted about the development of DSS' campaign, which is currently on hold due to Tanoa close to being released on Steam. Since the above planned features are on the agenda, here is a full plan of features that are currently planned for this year's resolutions:






- Purification Tablets.

- Blood bags.

- Blood testing kit.

- Epi-pen.

- Morphine auto-injector.

- New model for Soda Can.

- New model for Canteen.

- More meat models.

- New model for bandage.

- Rags

- Variants of bags of seeds.

- Grocery Sack.

- Can of Sardines.

- Can of Spaghetti.

- New models for Cans.

- New model for flashlight.

- Canned Tuna.

- New model for Water Bottle.

- Vegetables.

- Fruit.

- Improvised Splint.

- Paracetamol.

- Working Defibrillator.

- Possibly an Android mobile phone.

- Handcuffs.

- More crafting resources.

- Sandbags.

- Metal wire.

- Scrap metal.



- Some that will be ported from ArmA 2 (via the sample downloads) to ArmA 3, such as AKs and NATO weapons.



- iniDBI2 (By code34, a new database system to replace the older version. This one will work making endless multiplayer happen)

- Temperature.

- Bleeding.

- Blood types.

- More interaction options.

- Revive system.

- Loot Module.

- Real Item Interaction (RII) Engine.

- Blowout module.

- New zombies, preferably called 'mutants'.


New AWESOME animations and high-quality sounds will also arrive during the year, including the campaign which is waiting out for Tanoa's release!






- Many of the items will be updated and improved, due to getting new software.



- Same for the items, they will be improved on.



- Complete overhaul on the survival and craft menu (which they will combine together as one dialog), which will look a lot similar to DayZ Standalone's layout. Perhaps throughout due course, the DSS menu might actually become the new inventory, as it will have a drag and drop system.

- Different variants of zombies, including the improvement of its code.

- Fix up zombie behaviour and loot spawns.




As a wrap for this post, here is a short video on the RII System that is currently starting development. (2016 Trailer for DSS is currently being worked on through the year as well, showing many of the upcoming/arrived features)


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Nice to see you back in the DSS saddle. Best of luck.  ;)

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