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About matijs

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  1. Thanks for the answer, still gives me the same result as with addMagazine. When doing: addMagazineTurret ["magname", 2]; it gives a mag that I cannot reload using the right gunner.
  2. Hey there! I've got a bit of a problem here. I am trying to add a magazine to a vehicle (in this case a heli) so that the player can go inside the vehicle and reload the turret and fire. Problem is, when adding the magazine to the helicopter, you can only reload the Left gunner. I tried this for many heli's and its always the Left gunner that works. After adding the ammo, if I go into the Right gunner seat, I can see the reload icon & when scrolling I can see the text to reload the gun with the ammo that I added, but pressing this button doesnt do anything. This is the code I used: _vehicleObject addMagazine _magClass; //_vehicleObject = "7d2c4100# 277500: heli_transport_01_f.p3d" (in this case) //_magClass = "2000Rnd_65x39_Belt_Tracer_Red" (in this case) Hopefully someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong or why this isnt working. Thanks in advance, Matijs
  3. matijs

    DSS: The Mod

    When trying to play the mission in multiplayer. The zombies don't follow you, looking at the logs, its giving me this: 12:24:15 Error position: <nearestObjects [_zombie, ["CAManBase"], > 12:24:15 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected 12:24:15 File dss_code\zeds\zed_follow.sqf, line 19 12:24:15 Bad conversion: array 12:24:15 Error in expression <1; _refresh = false; _i = 1; _targets = nearestObjects [_zombie, ["CAManBase"], > And also my mate where im playing it with, he spawns on the "debug" island, and I spawn in just fine.
  4. matijs

    VeteranMod demo release

    This map looks awesome