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ASOR Roleplay Objects

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ASOR Roleplay Objects

This should probably be 'object' not 'objects' at the moment but, anyways. Me and my friends at ASOR who get together every week to play COOP missions were in the need of a few things to boost the roleplay aspect of our weekly coop missions.

So was born ASOR Roleplay Objects, basically every week if we a need small object it is to be created and placed into this mod for use in the weekends mission and subsequent missions it is suitable for. Then i also thought, why not make it open source, and now the entire un-binarized source files will be available on GitHub, with the hope that if anyone makes changes or adds new features to the scripts etc that they get pushed into the main branch so that everyone can benefit. With this been the first week, content is a little bit lacking, but well this is the first installment i guess, so here it is.

[table=width: 80%]




Transmission Tower Controlbox

This concept came about as the result of a mission that required the shutdown of enemy communication towers, it has an animated door, animated power switch and LCD screen that can be re-textured using setObjectTexture.

You simply have to place it down in the editor near a compatible object, and it will adjust its position according to an offset array which is defined in the script. Missions makers can also add there own custom definitions by declaring a variable in the missionspace with the correct offsets. More detail is available in the actual script file, which can be viewed on GitHub.

The screen texture can be set by using "setObjectTexture[2,'my_new_texture.paa'];"

You can also use scripts to find the status of the power switch by doing "_powerstatus = controlbox01 animationphase 'controlbox_switch';" where controlbox01 is the name given to your controlbox in the editor.

A sample mission file with basic placement is included in the pbo and source files.

If you click on the preview image, it will take you to a 3D Preview on Sketchfab.

Time To Model and Texture - 4 Hours, Time To Script and Fix ARMA Bugs 2 Days :s[/td]



Hopefully this is the small start of something big :p

Thanks To:

  • Lecks for help with scripts and general ideas and support.
  • Reaper for helping troubleshoot some issues on Skype.
  • Alby for requiring a controlbox and not being fused, so long as it was not the water heater they were using before.....
  • Ton for being Ton....you know who you are.



ASOR Roleplay Objecets is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Edited by P1nGa
added liicense details
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Awesome! Do you also maybe include some completly new models apart from the scripts(if they're high quality) from users?

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Awesome! Do you also maybe include some completly new models apart from the scripts(if they're high quality) from users?

Yeah sure thing, the general idea is to have a multitude of things that will help Milsim communities bring roleplay aspects into there missions to keep people interested in ways other than shooting bad guys. If you have stuff you have done yourself, feel free to make a fork branch in GitHub and i will merge it into the master.

But please people this is not a request thread, one of those may pop up soon...

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. Soon we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;)

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Whoa P1nGa very cool ! My missions that i build for my small group almost always have role-play scenario stuff built in. I tend to get bored with just "sweep and clear" missions, I love defusing of bombs, tapping comms links etc. This is a great start and i appreciate you opening these items to the community. And I think its a great idea for a mod that is essentially objects that can be interacted with for mission builders. PLEASE continue this effort.

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Haha awesome idea P1nGa ! We'll give it a go ! I can't try right now, is every user action already configured ? Is it Zeus compatible ?

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This is pretty damn good, more visual/immersive options for objectives other than 'go here and kill x' is always welcome in my opinion. So it makes me happy to see things like this, I look forward to seeing this expand.

Any ideas what you might consider next out of interest?

Regards Hawk.

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Haha awesome idea P1nGa ! We'll give it a go ! I can't try right now, is every user action already configured ? Is it Zeus compatible ?

The UserActions are defined in the config so they are setup to go.

As far as i know it is Zeus Compatible. Zeus should be able to spawn it near one of the objects it is configured for and it should work its magic, just make sure you spawn it in at the correct spot, i don't think it will handle having to be moved around after spawn.

What is next, depends on what the mission makers require for next weeks mission :p

We usually have missions being worked on about 4 weeks ahead of the current week, so like at the moment we probably have 3 or 4 mission makers working on the a mission each for the next 4 weeks, they will come up with a requirement and send i will make it, i guess some weeks there won't be a need, so i will make something up.....

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This is super cool, would love to see some more objects like this. I will definitely be trying this out in our Zeus game when I have a chance.

Thanks for sharing!

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That's why i wanna join ASOR when I arrived Australia this October,and I just know you're in ASOR too!I'm coming for you P1nGa .;)

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More than welcome to come on down.

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