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Firewill Standalone Series Release Thread

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The "design" of the patch is little bit "spoiler"? 😁 Uhhh, love it dude. Love it. We absolutely miss that asset in ArmA 3. U're awesome mate. Thank u 😍

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16 hours ago, sfod-d_snakebite said:

The "design" of the patch is little bit "spoiler"? 😁 Uhhh, love it dude. Love it. We absolutely miss that asset in ArmA 3. U're awesome mate. Thank u 😍

No comment 😁

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Ahahah yeah, no comment right... Be very quiet 😁
About the F15, lol this is truly a FIREPOWER 😂
Thank u firewill, always nice nice job! ❤️

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Some minor update for FIR AWS today.


Air Weapon System
- AIM-120C x2 with AMBER(Advanced Missile and Bomb Ejector Rack) added (for preparation of F-15EX)

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yet another little update for FIR AWS today.



Air Weapon System
- Some hardpoint code added for Walleyes
- AN/AWW-7 DLP added (for A-6E at this time)


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Little bit changed - made another section so can input different names


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a Lot of things updated today






Air Weapon System
- Data added about RWR sounds



- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased



- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased


- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased
- new skins: F-14A Top gun:Maverick ver. / Ace combat 2 - Player / Ace combat 2 - Wingman
- F-14A AC2 Player, Wingman have different RWR sound, like ace combat 2 style



F-15EX added

- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased


- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased



- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased



- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased



- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased


- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased


- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased

F-35B Armaverse

- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased



- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased



- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased



- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased


Project Tornado

- new RWR sounds
- RWR volume increased








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F-16 is my favorite USA aircraft, thanks for creating this. My question is, is there a manual how to use targeting systems? I found nothing here or on Steam Workshop. 

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56 minutes ago, kibaBG said:

F-16 is my favorite USA aircraft, thanks for creating this. My question is, is there a manual how to use targeting systems? I found nothing here or on Steam Workshop. 

If you talking about I-TGT, here's tutorial video(English CC supported)


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No, my problem is not I-TGT system. Actually I tried Maverick AGM-65D (IR) missiles against various vehicles but could get a lock. How to lock a target in infrared?       

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1 hour ago, kibaBG said:

No, my problem is not I-TGT system. Actually I tried Maverick AGM-65D (IR) missiles against various vehicles but could get a lock. How to lock a target in infrared?       

Well. Detail description is make less post, be happy life earlier. 

for AGM-65D(and G), target is be a hot before lock-on. mean target vehicle is should be engine is on, moving or some weapon used. 

AGM-65H and K using visual sensor, can lock on to cold vehicle(not moving, engine is off etc).  


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@firewill Got it, so dumb from my side. 🙂 And of course I have another question lol. Does F-16 have tail hook for landing on carrier or its just land based. I sometimes manage to land on a carrier without a hook but a hook will make the life so much easier. ✈️

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7 hours ago, kibaBG said:

@firewill Got it, so dumb from my side. 🙂 And of course I have another question lol. Does F-16 have tail hook for landing on carrier or its just land based. I sometimes manage to land on a carrier without a hook but a hook will make the life so much easier. ✈️

That isn't for land on carrier, just for emergency landing on airstrip such as brake failure but not functional in mod.

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F-16 updated for hotfix.


- Wreck texture error fixed

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Firewill, Ive been informed there is an error now in the CAS modules i made for the F-16 since the last update.The error seems to be a missing texture/skin "mako" that is used in the code.Have you renamed the skin or any others?

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4 hours ago, ANZACSAS Steven said:

Firewill, Ive been informed there is an error now in the CAS modules i made for the F-16 since the last update.The error seems to be a missing texture/skin "mako" that is used in the code.Have you renamed the skin or any others?

Classname is still same FIR_F16C_Makos but location of texture has been changed because additional skins are now placed in new pbo file.

before : FIR_F16\skin\skinfolders
current FIR_F16_Skins\skin\skinfolders

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Right.Thats it then.I can make that edit pretty quick.Thanks for the quick response.:)


Also, Have any plans or done anything with the RHS uh60's markings/tex's/skins/stickers?

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Hi on the F16 its more broken, the skins of 77th Fighter Squadron are broken there missing a lot of parts like the wings.

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17 hours ago, john85oc said:

Hi on the F16 its more broken, the skins of 77th Fighter Squadron are broken there missing a lot of parts like the wings.

Yeah I've found all 20th FW falcons(55,77,79) has no wing texture due to incorrect path used since additional skins are move to new pbo. I'll update hotfix for it soon.

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F-16 hotfix updated


F-16C 20th FW(55,77,79FS)
- Missing wing texture fixed

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