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Maj D. Schultz

Error in P3D when packing. Mass Tag?

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Used to have zero issues packing my model. However recently all I did was just add "1" memory point and now the p3d refuses to pack claming there is a "mass tagg" missing.

Can someone please explain to me why this is happening and what I can do to fix it? Why would adding a memory point cause this issue?

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I assume you have a geo Lod and a physx lod? Go into the physx lod and add weight to it. You can then remove the weight if you want but it needs to have that weight tag or it won't pack

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Need more info. Have you setup your lods correctly? Shadow, geo, physx, etc have a criteria that each needs to be met. Also different criteria for different items, vehicles, weapons, etc. Can you give us more info on your actual model?

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The model is an ARMA 2 ported AH1. I took great pains in making sure it was throwing little to no RPT errors and that everything worked properly on it.

When I 1st released it, I was able to add slingloading memory points on it without having to do anything other then add the memory points for the slings.

I had a request from my userbase to change the spotlight on the AH1 and UH1 from just being forward facing, to actually attached to the FLIR camera so the spotlight will look where the co-pilot is looking, I was able to do this on the UH1 without having to add any new memory points as it's FLIR camera was already set up the way I needed it to be. I just simply added in the config coding I needed.


class Reflectors


class Middle


position = "gun_begin";

direction = "gun_end";

hitpoint = "svetlo";

selection = "svetlo";

size = 1;

color[] = {0.07,0.99,0.89};

ambient[] = {0.0085,0.0095,0.01};

innerAngle = 45;

outerAngle = 90;

coneFadeCoef = 5;

intensity = 100000;

useFlare = 1;

dayLight = 0;

FlareSize = 4;

flareMaxDistance = 300;

class Attenuation


start = 0;

constant = 0;

linear = 5;

quadratic = 2;

hardLimitStart = 400;

hardLimitEnd = 500;




I packed the model with the changes to the UH1 and great success. It worked with no issues.

However on the AH1 it did not quite have the memory points I needed to make this work, so I added in a new memory point. The "Gun_begin" as "gunnerview" was already on the model memory point.

class Reflectors


class Middle


position = "gun_begin";

direction = "gunnerview";

hitpoint = "L svetlo";

selection = "L svetlo";

size = 1;

color[] = {0.07,0.99,0.89};

ambient[] = {0.0085,0.0095,0.01};

innerAngle = 45;

outerAngle = 90;

coneFadeCoef = 5;

intensity = 100000;

useFlare = 1;

dayLight = 0;

FlareSize = 4;

flareMaxDistance = 300;

class Attenuation


start = 0;

constant = 0;

linear = 5;

quadratic = 2;

hardLimitStart = 400;

hardLimitEnd = 500;




Tried to pack it with Mikeros tools (my favorite packing tool) and it threw a bitch fit.

I can pack the model using ARMA 3 tools, however that somehow breaks my RVMATS on my choppers.

Hope this information helps, I will try what was posted so far.

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Did you do what I said? All you need to do is add weight in the physx Lod which will add the mass tag it's asking for

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Its not in the memory Lod. You need to go to the physx lod and add weight. You can add it then removed it or leave it you just need to do it to create that mass tag

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Ok I go to the geo LOD and select all that is there. I then change the mass value from 0 to 1. And then from 1 back to 0. Still getting the error.

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No. Your not understanding. I said in the physx lod you add the mass

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I think I need to grab some popcorn, this is getting interesting.

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I think I need to grab some popcorn, this is getting interesting.

Lol. I thought i was explaining it fairly well

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Sorry, the modeling / oxygen / p3d side of ARMA is one of the things I do find difficult to grasp. I know how to do very simple and basic things (Changing texture names, fixing proxies, adding memory points and other very minor things)

I'm more of a config side of things guy. Like figuring out AFM and that kind of stuff.

Not trying to be difficult I'm just confused I guess by what it is I'm supposed to do.

Do the ARMA 2 AH1 and UH1's even have physx lods in them already? Is it something I need to add to them for ARMA 3?

Guess I don't understand how I was able to make edits before and add memory points without this issue popping up, but I add one memory point recently and how it is happening.

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Sorry, the modeling / oxygen / p3d side of ARMA is one of the things I do find difficult to grasp. I know how to do very simple and basic things (Changing texture names, fixing proxies, adding memory points and other very minor things)

I'm more of a config side of things guy. Like figuring out AFM and that kind of stuff.

Not trying to be difficult I'm just confused I guess by what it is I'm supposed to do.

Do the ARMA 2 AH1 and UH1's even have physx lods in them already? Is it something I need to add to them for ARMA 3?

Guess I don't understand how I was able to make edits before and add memory points without this issue popping up, but I add one memory point recently and how it is happening.

PhysX is new to ARMA3, so any ARMA2 ported model will not have a PhysX LOD, if you want to use PhysX simulation, you need to add the PhysX LOD and fill it with the appropriate content. Otherwise you can us simulation 'Car' instead of 'CarX' for example to use the old Physics system from ARMA2 for a land vehicle.

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I will ask here, because I can't start new thread.

At the beginning, I want to say that I'm an airsoft guy.

I don't really play ARMA because I found so much fun in milsim outside..

Why am I here?

Well, a lot time ago I had an idea to create a replica od M3 MAAWS which would work as hair spray fueled potato gun. I wanted to have it just for showing around.. Not really to kill someone hahaha.

But I had one big problem. There's no any 3D model or blueprint or anything else which would help me creating my replica..

A few days ago, I was searching again (just my curiosity) and google shows me this forum and @tf47 launchers thread. I saw MAAWS and I was like.. dude if I could export 3D model of this to 3DS Max, convert measurements to 1:1 and even to try making blueprints in 1:1.

Unfortunately, as I explored, I can't extract MAAWS model from pbo (or I can unpack pbo, but I can't open p3d or idk whatever)..

Google told me that there's a way to unbinarize p3d file (convert ODOL to MLOD lol haha i don't understand), but I don't know how to do it, and even if I know I won't because it's like disrespecting guys who make it. I asked author to gave me 3DS model and I told him I won't use it for any game (i'm not jerk lol), but he's not answering.

Could anyone help me guys? I only need 3D model of that 'cause it's high detailed and It would help me a lot.

Thanks in advance

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Why not contact the content creator and ask him/her if you can obtain the source instead of asking people here to help you rip it. :j:

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Why not contact the content creator and ask him/her if you can obtain the source instead of asking people here to help you rip it. :j:

He's not answering. I sent him 3 messages, and still nothing...

not sure if you're trolling but.. I already wrote this: "Could anyone help me guys? I only need 3D model of that 'cause it's high detailed and It would help me a lot."

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No response has always been the same as a no around here

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not sure if you're trolling but.. I already wrote this: "Could anyone help me guys? I only need 3D model of that 'cause it's high detailed and It would help me a lot."
But I had one big problem. There's no any 3D model or blueprint or anything else which would help me creating my replica..


dude if I could export 3D model of this to 3DS Max, convert measurements to 1:1 and even to try making blueprints in 1:1.

I am not trolling and i know how to read..You said there is no 3d model or blueprint to help you construct your own airsoft replica. It only took me 10s to find at least 2 3d models of the same thing, that don't need exporting, they are available in 3ds max from the moment of purchase.

Could anyone help me guys? I only need 3D model of that 'cause it's high detailed and It would help me a lot.

help you how? I sort of did. If you're asking about ways to unbinned, no one will tell you how to rip another person's work here.

If there is no reply from the original creator, you're out of luck no matter the reasons behind (AWOL or the "ignore = NO")

Soo, who's trolling?

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sorry to necro this deviated thread.


I am working on a plane for a friend. 


It is an arma 2 port to Arma 3 and does not yet have a physx lod.


when trying to moveobject it, It has the error "p3d: tagg mass missing or replicated" and i cannot edit it.

I only have geo and fire geo lods in the model at present.

In geo lod i selected the whole thing and hit structure / topology close to close off some open geo

then i triangulated it

then i hit surface / sharpen edges

I hit alt-M and added a mass value

saved it


tried again to moveobject - no beans.

it has no physx lod, and i do not wish to add one.


can anyone explain WHY moveobject is failing, and how to get it to work with this model without adding a physX lod.





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Is your geometry lod validated?

If you use planeX simulation you definitely need a geometry Phys lod. Just copying the geometry lod should do the trick in this case.

Not sure if you need it with simulation="plane"

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