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17 hours ago, robinkooli said:

I think Chernarus scenarios and few others are corrupted on latest build 153.


What does corrupted mean?

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I'm playing Summer Chernarus Escape RHS 1.9.0 dev on a dedicated server and the server's RPT file has ~ 66,000 entries of the following error:



18:18:17   Error Undefined variable in expression: state
18:18:17 File functions\AI\fn_LeafletDrone.sqf [A3E_fnc_LeafletDrone], line 202
18:18:17 Error in expression <ets_Guer_F" in magazines _chopper) && !(state == "RETURNING")) exitWith {
18:18:17   Error position: <state == "RETURNING")) exitWith {


According to the log, the error message started to appear a day before after the "ESCAPE SURPRISE" entry:



23:03:14 "ESCAPE SURPRISE: [""LEAFLETDRONE"",6260.42,{[drn_searchAreaMarkerName] call drn_fnc_CL_MarkerExists},false,[0.3,0.5]]"
23:03:14 Error in expression <ets_Guer_F" in magazines _chopper) && !(state == "RETURNING")) exitWith {
23:03:14   Error position: <state == "RETURNING")) exitWith {
23:03:14   Error Undefined variable in expression: state
23:03:14 File functions\AI\fn_LeafletDrone.sqf [A3E_fnc_LeafletDrone], line 202
23:03:15 Error in expression <ets_Guer_F" in magazines _chopper) && !(state == "RETURNING")) exitWith {
23:03:15   Error position: <state == "RETURNING")) exitWith {


Has anyone a clue what is going on here (bug, known issue etc.)? The error seems to be written to the RPT file once or twice per second.



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Error Undefined variable in expression: state



This should not affect gameplay.

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Hello :) Updated to the new Dev version just now. And i am using the same params as i was using before, but using ACE3 with this - the revive portion is acting weird. Did you do any change the option to disable the default Arma one?


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I've been running this mission on my server with friends for quite some time and it was working great. Recently though it just stopped working, when we try to load it the mission just never starts. It gets past all the default ARMA loading screens, past the map screen. Then when the screen is black and it simply says loading in small white text, the mission never starts. It looks like the mission is getting stuck.


 11:06:51 "Escape debug: Metal is waiting for prison creation." 


We run quite a few mods, could it be a mod incompatibility or something else?

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12 minutes ago, MetalTactical said:

11:06:51 "Escape debug: Metal is waiting for prison creation." 


We run quite a few mods, could it be a mod incompatibility or something else?


When the mission hangs on that message the server stopped due to errors when creating units. That might be a incompatible mod or starting the server with "-init=" command line argument.


Are you using 1.8.1 or the dev version? Which terrains? No other error messages in the rpt?

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I tried today on Altis, thinking a stock map would eliminate the most variables, but it seems to happen to any map. I'm using 1.8.1. There's a ton of errors related to various bones from different unit packs, CUP, Project OPFOR, etc. Could that be the issue? No other errors after mission load. 

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1 minute ago, MetalTactical said:

I tried today on Altis, thinking a stock map would eliminate the most variables, but it seems to happen to any map. I'm using 1.8.1. There's a ton of errors related to various bones from different unit packs, CUP, Project OPFOR, etc. Could that be the issue? No other errors after mission load. 


The bone/skeleton error should mess with the mission but some conflicts between mods can disturb unit spwning. Try an escape completly without mods (vanilla version on altis/stratis), just to be sure.

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It works with all mods unloaded. Do you have any idea what would be likely to cause a conflict? The whole reason we enjoyed this mission was because we could play with RHS as well as some of our other mods, myself and my group is really not a fan of the vanilla A3 content. 

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RHS and CUP should work withoutproblems aswell. I suspect that other mods (not used in Escape) is thinkering with the other mods (through bad inheritance for missnamed classnames). Try to gradually add more mods an test the mission after enabling another mod. That way you should be able to identify the mod causing problems.

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There is an RC branch for patch 1.9 was pushed to the dev repo: ftp://[email protected]/rc1.9/


Would be nice if some of you can test the newest version (it is build 25 at the time of writing this). 1.9 will be mainly a maintenance and bugfix update.



New terrains, better server performance, some strange RPT errors fixed, Revive optimized and a lot of bugfixes.


Known bugs:

Briefing is not showing the server settings.

Some terrains are not complete yet.


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Build 31 and 32 now support statistics. Statistics are saved in servers profile between sessions and can be accessed in "Briefing -> Statistics". Statistics are stored at the mission end. Basic statistics like terrain, version, playercount and endtype are also send to a remote host (in 1.9 release this will be optional). My plan is to create a small website showing statistics for all Escape sessions played (e.g. "In the last 24h 32 squads tried to escape and only 5 succeeded"). Any thoughts on this feature?

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This mission is a favourite between me and a few friends, we often have a server exclusively running Escape From. Thanks for the many hours of enjoyment.


There's a mod with faction and map elements that we'd love to port Escape From over to. I'm reading through this topic now for advice. In the meantime, if anyone could please point out any key posts or resources, or make any suggestions that would be helpful in my pursuit, I would be very grateful.


Thank You.

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I wasn't sure that post was still relevant as the three folders aren't present in the .pbo. I'll keep reading, thanks. 

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I updated that post a bit, since some things changed in the last three years ;)

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Hello, again, Neo and Scruffy!


My team is still playing Escape and keeping up with your work! Awesome stuff as usual! I love the new statistics. Though, they will be reset every update right?


I have some requests. Would it be possible to:

  • Improve AI hearing range? We can play on the hardest difficulty of Escape + 90% AI skill (arma 3 options) and the AI can't hear that we're killing a group that is very close to them.
  • Improve AI coordination? This relates to the previous point, but we often find that one group of AI (i.e. guarding a comm centre or armory) is totally oblivious to what we're doing to their friends around the base.
  • Control AI aim at a distance vs. close/medium ranges? Increasing overall aim makes them hit too well at close distances and only moderately well at long distances


Regarding the second point, how much info does the search chopper give to the AI groups? We often experience that the chopper follows us, but the groups we see don't necessarily know where we are (i.e. they just follow their normal patrol routes). I know it's hard to code AI, but any improvement there would help a lot with immersion. I think improved AI awareness and hearing range (hearing shots and becoming "alert") would help a lot. Even better if they could quickly move towards the location of the sound (perhaps not AI that are guarding a location)


Thank you

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1 hour ago, Woofier said:

Hello, again, Neo and Scruffy!


My team is still playing Escape and keeping up with your work! Awesome stuff as usual! I love the new statistics. Though, they will be reset every update right?


I have some requests. Would it be possible to:

  • Improve AI hearing range? We can play on the hardest difficulty of Escape + 90% AI skill (arma 3 options) and the AI can't hear that we're killing a group that is very close to them.
  • Improve AI coordination? This relates to the previous point, but we often find that one group of AI (i.e. guarding a comm centre or armory) is totally oblivious to what we're doing to their friends around the base.
  • Control AI aim at a distance vs. close/medium ranges? Increasing overall aim makes them hit too well at close distances and only moderately well at long distances


Regarding the second point, how much info does the search chopper give to the AI groups? We often experience that the chopper follows us, but the groups we see don't necessarily know where we are (i.e. they just follow their normal patrol routes). I know it's hard to code AI, but any improvement there would help a lot with immersion. I think improved AI awareness and hearing range (hearing shots and becoming "alert") would help a lot. Even better if they could quickly move towards the location of the sound (perhaps not AI that are guarding a location)


Thank you


Heyho and thanks for your feedback.

Regarding hearing: That mostly depends on your server settings and installed addon. My impression is, that the AI in vanilla arma is quite capable of detecting the player. Also I'm a little reserved to modify AI to heavy from the mission side, as it may either break when people install addons that tamper with the AI or in future Arma updates.


Regarding the total AI control it works right now like this:

There is a trigger that fires when a player was detected by an enemy. When the trigger fires, the so called Searchleader AI is querying which unit detected the players. After a certain time (a few seconds) the AI have reported the players position and a so called knownposition is generated. This known position contains the time the players were seen the last time, the number of players spotted and the accuracy of the spotting AI. These knownPositions are updated everytime an AI spots a player. The SearchLeader inspects these known position and decided if there is the need for redirecting patrols, guards, choppers, airstrikes or artillery.


When AI detects players via hearing and not visually, the accuracy of the knownPosition is worse. You can sometimes see this while in urban combat, when an arty or airstrike goes nowhere near your real position. This is the reason it is always a good idea to shoot sniper or people with binoculars first ;)


The search chopper behaves exactly as any other AI in this regards. It is just the difference that the crew is mostly out of your reach and in the air.

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Hello NeoArmageddon.


A friend and me always play this mission. The 1.8.1 version for Tanoa and Malden.

(Also i'm subbed to https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1093996668 )


Sometime throughout the last year ( i think) the AI feels like it went from Easy to really seriously godlike.

Regardless of what settings i use in mission parameters. Recruit, Easy, it doesn't seem to matter anything. The AI is always x-ray, nightmare sharp, and spawning where i just cleared an area some minutes ago..


Now granted, my friend and myself are no youngsters. But we used to survive at least 25 minutes. Today it's rarely longer than 10 minutes before we're completely overrun and taking fire from everywhere, with very accurate aim. These last 4 / 5 months playing this mission has crippled my belief in myself as a gamer. :) (jk)


We don't have a dedicated server, usually i host the mission, pw the server and my friend connncts. I don't know if the listen server that can be the cause?


I came to this thread some time ago and downloaded 1.8.1, thinking maybe a new version didn't have the hard AI, but it's still very good.


Is there a way i can lower the AI skill through debug perhaps? Or is it a bug that we're experiencing?

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