*tcf*jackal 10 Posted March 20, 2015 Hi all, im about to start testing some code to see if its possible to find the nearest fuel station to the player. Having a look through CfgLocationTypes, nothing really stands out to suggest their locations might be obtainable this way. Before I start testing, does anyone know if the fuel stations are in CfgLocationTypes and if so, what they are called? Many thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
austin_medic 109 Posted March 21, 2015 you could use nearestObjects to retrieve the gas pumps on the map within X radius (classname is under cfgVehicles). Objects closer to the front of the returned array should be closer in theory. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ceeeb 147 Posted March 21, 2015 The fuel icons on the in game map are defined by the bowser objects, not by locations. Bowser classnames: "Land_FuelStation_Feed_F" "Land_fs_feed_F" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*tcf*jackal 10 Posted March 21, 2015 Thanks guys, both helpful :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3547 Posted March 21, 2015 To prevent any performance hit using nearestobjects mid mission with higher distances you could execute the function via call in init.sqf and store all fuel stations from the entire map in an array, then when needed sort that array by distance to the player. Cheers 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*tcf*jackal 10 Posted April 2, 2015 Thanks Grumpy, very good idea. I haven't yet used the nearestobjects command, but I'll have a crack at it this weekend! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
inlesco 233 Posted April 2, 2015 /* 32 pump locations on altis create triggers on pump locations to disable auto refueling for vehicles. */ VIR_fuelPump_locations = [ [9205.75,12112.2,-0.0487213], [11831.6,14155.9,-0.0342026], [12024.7,15830,-0.0298138], [12026.6,15830.1,-0.0342979], [12028.4,15830,-0.0388718], [9025.78,15729.4,-0.0206451], [9023.75,15729,-0.027153], [9021.82,15728.7,-0.0293427], [16750.9,12513.1,-0.0525188], [6798.15,15561.6,-0.0441475], [6198.83,15081.4,-0.0912437], [14181.6,16549.3,0.00917625], [5023.26,14429.6,-0.0978947], [5019.68,14436.7,-0.0114822], [4001.12,12592.1,-0.0966644], [17417.2,13936.7,-0.10652], [3757.14,13477.9,-0.0540285], [3757.54,13485.9,-0.010498], [16875.2,15469.4,0.0373325], [16871.7,15476.6,0.0102873], [8481.69,18260.7,-0.0266876], [15297.1,17565.9,-0.2838], [14221.4,18302.5,-0.0697174], [15781,17453.2,-0.285282], [19961.3,11454.6,-0.0349312], [19965.1,11447.6,-0.0483704], [5768.99,20085.7,-0.0189667], [21230.4,7116.56,-0.0604248], [20784.8,16665.9,-0.0521202], [20789.6,16672.3,-0.0213318], [23379.4,19799,-0.0544052], [25701.2,21372.6,-0.0774155] ]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { _trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",_x]; _trg setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation["NONE","PRESENT",false]; _trg setTriggerStatements["true", "{if (_x isKindOf 'Land_fs_feed_F') then {_x enableSimulation false; _x allowDamage false}} forEach nearestObjects [thisTrigger,[],10]", ""]; /* _mrk = createMarker [format["%1_fuelpump", floor (random 100000)], _trg]; _mrk setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mrk setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _mrk setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; */ } foreach VIR_fuelPump_locations; Borrowed from here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?172888-Fuel-(Gas)-Station-Disable Check it out, OP. Fits your case. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 116 Posted September 2, 2015 Hey all. This seems to be a hard thing to find. Anyone have a solution to disable auto refuel at gas stations. Have attempted 2-3 things with ((position this) nearestObject 1665890) setFuelCargo 0; ((position this) nearestObject 1665891) setFuelCargo 0 and disabling all on Altis with code init.sqf // Empty all Fuel Stations {_x setFuelCargo 0;} forEach (nearestObjects [(getmarkerpos "center"), ["Land_FuelStation_Feed_F"], 12000]); Both didnt work. ideas? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ranwer135 308 Posted September 2, 2015 Hey all. This seems to be a hard thing to find. Anyone have a solution to disable auto refuel at gas stations. Have attempted 2-3 things with ((position this) nearestObject 1665890) setFuelCargo 0; ((position this) nearestObject 1665891) setFuelCargo 0and disabling all on Altis with code init.sqf // Empty all Fuel Stations {_x setFuelCargo 0;} forEach (nearestObjects [(getmarkerpos "center"), ["Land_FuelStation_Feed_F"], 12000]);Both didnt work. ideas? Dummies guide to not refuel automatically: Step 1. Park your car at a fuel station. Step 2. Wait until you reach your desired amount. Step 3. Park your car outside of the station. Step 4. Pick one of the following methods: Choice 1. Grab some charges and lay them near the feed. Choice 2. Grab a tank and load the SABOT. Choice 3 (My favourite). If in Altis Life, lay some charges at the feed and wait for a Gas Station thief/player. Step 5. Using one of the choices above, blow up the gas station. (If you picked Choice 3, disconnect from the server.) Step 6. Profit. (Probably richer if you did Choice 3 :p ) That is the basics of stopping a gas station refuelling you. :) If you would like the script version, I'm sorry but I am not on PC as usual. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 116 Posted September 2, 2015 While I appreciate humor, I don't know if I want to blow every gas station on altis. Is there a way to just set damage to all. I guess I could place damaged vehicles in the way too. Would setting damage disable the refueling? What's the code to set damage to gas stations? I am sure its different than to vehicles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greenfist 1863 Posted September 2, 2015 Try replacing the classname with "Land_FS_Feed_F". {_x setFuelCargo 0} foreach nearestObjects [[16000,16000], ["Land_FS_Feed_F"], 16000] this should cover entire Altis. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 116 Posted September 2, 2015 Try replacing the classname with "Land_FS_Feed_F". {_x setFuelCargo 0} foreach nearestObjects [[16000,16000], ["Land_FS_Feed_F"], 16000]this should cover entire Altis. I can try this. I have a feeling the lag may kill it. May be a trigger after every thing loads first and then that. Thanks. Is there a setdamage or destroy building code that would be less laggy? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greenfist 1863 Posted September 2, 2015 It should be very fast to run, like a tenth of a second or so. And you need to execute it only once. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
breech99 47 Posted January 27, 2016 Fuel depletion for vehicles needed. As it is now, hardly any use for fuel trucks which is sad it's not incorporated into the base vanilla game. You can drive forever and never need fuel. Can you add into a module or plain script to run on dedicated servers for fuel uptake? The one thing that's missing badly in Arma3 is shorter fuel time. The islands are half the size, so the fuel should be double the speed of fuel consumption. On Tom's blog tom_48_97, he has scripted an uptake script but I can't seem to make it work for the clients on a dedicated server. http://tom4897.info/...el-consumption/It increases the fuel uptake taking into account the speed of the player vehicle. The script doesn't cancel and replace the default, it adds to it and the base consumption of ground vehicle is already greater. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3547 Posted September 28, 2016 Bumping this to add what I think is the most efficient solution working on all maps. Runs extremely fast in version 1.64 stable branch. _allFuelStations = ([0,0,0] nearObjects 150000) select {getFuelCargo _x > 0}; {_x setFuelCargo 0} foreach _allFuelStations; Cheers 4 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greenfist 1863 Posted September 28, 2016 Bumping this to add what I think is the most efficient solution working on all maps. Runs extremely fast in version 1.64 stable branch. _allFuelStations = ([0,0,0] nearObjects 150000) select {getFuelCargo _x > 0}; {_x setFuelCargo 0} foreach _allFuelStations; Cheers Is that even faster that nearestTerrainObjects by classname and without distance sorting? edit. oh, sorry; didn't notice that was a global solution without predetermined classes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3547 Posted September 28, 2016 Stratis: 11.6279 ms Altis: 161 ms Tanoa: 92.4545 ms Shouldn't really matter though, since you'll run it only once at init.sqf anyway. Should work on all maps, that's right. Alternatively you can use this if you have fuel trucks or other fuel sources placed on the map that should remain intact: _exclude = ["StorageBladder_01_fuel_forest_F","B_Truck_01_fuel_F","etc"]; _allFuelStations = ([0,0,0] nearObjects 150000) select {getFuelCargo _x > 0 AND !(typeof _x in _exclude)}; {_x setFuelCargo 0} foreach _allFuelStations; Cheers 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicoman35 2 Posted September 5, 2019 On 9/28/2016 at 8:18 AM, Grumpy Old Man said: _allFuelStations = ([0,0,0] nearObjects 150000) select {getFuelCargo _x > 0}; Grumpy, I got a problem here. For some reason, on the newest bulid (1.95.146030) this is not working anymore. In virual reality, I distributed some fuel pumps, a forrest fuel bladder, a fuel container, and some bobcats. In version 1.92, it worked perfectly, now, it no longer works. I get an empty array. I would greatly appreciate, if you could check, if I am just dumb, or there is some bug? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3547 Posted September 5, 2019 7 minutes ago, Nicoman35 said: Grumpy, I got a problem here. For some reason, on the newest bulid (1.95.146030) this is not working anymore. In virual reality, I distributed some fuel pumps, a forrest fuel bladder, a fuel container, and some bobcats. In version 1.92, it worked perfectly, now, it no longer works. I get an empty array. I would greatly appreciate, if you could check, if I am just dumb, or there is some bug? Show the entire thing you tried, since the snippet posted by me still works fine. The snippet you posted doesn't do anything to the fuel storage, it just returns an array of objects holding fuel cargo. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicoman35 2 Posted September 5, 2019 I copy paste this in the debug console: _HTNKallFuelStations = ([0,0,0] nearObjects 150000) select {getFuelCargo _x > 0}; diag_log formatText ["%1%2%3", time, "s (service) _HTNKallFuelStations: ", _HTNKallFuelStations]; {diag_log formatText ["%1%2%3", time, "s (service) ", _x]}forEach (_HTNKallFuelStations); And the result is: 15:01:16 5.888s (service) _HTNKallFuelStations: [] in the logfile. Here is a picture of the setup in the editor (hope I am allowed to post pictures) btw. thank you for your fast answer. EDIT aha! Could have something to do with this here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getFuelCargo Just tried the code on Malden 2035 and Altis. Empty arrays on both islands. EDIT 2 Sorted out. Of course, it was something on my end. You should have asked: 'What mods do you have installed, stupid?' It was the ace mod. Because I play on same account on different devices. One of the devices had ace mod installed. I don't know why, but ace empties all fuel cargo containing objects. Not the new ones, contained in the contact campaign, though. Sorry for having caused trouble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites