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We're back! After 9 years of silence and an idle website we got back to work again. Some of the older blokes arround could remember the Lowlands Warrior mod from the OFP days. It contained loads of material of the Dutch Armed Forces, ranging from weapons to vehicles and even ships.

We are NOT to be confused with the Dutch Armed Forces mod though!

Here is a link to some ancient mods by LLW for Operation Flashpoint:


Arma3 is actually what got us motivated to recreate what we did before. Matthijs, the founder Lowlands Warrior has picked up the modding tools once again. And myself, being his younger brother went from 'tester' to get into the modding bussiness.

Additionally we have Kimi, known for his HMD and HUD mods on the team to spice up our configs where needed and he is allready doing an awefull lot of work.

If you feel like getting into a modding group to build Dutch units, weapons, terrains or anything else, by all mean PM me.

I am proud to a announce our first products are well under way and some planned mods are now reskins as a place holder. The first mod which will be released is an A2 Apache port with all kinds of features A3 can give us.

The Volkswagen Amarok is planned but an Offroad reskin will be released soon. We'll call it the Armarok for now. ;)

One of the ships of the Dutch Navy is being worked on and so are some large terrains representing areas in the Netherlands. Leusderheiden...anyone...? You WILL see it back in Arma3!


Q: Will old LLW content be ported from OFP to A3?

A: I would not call it porting but yes, we do have some old content in mind to bring to A3

Q: My clan/GU represents a dutch unit. Can we be testers?

A: PM me and we could discuss it

Q: Will this be an All in one pack?

A: No. We will try to keep it as modular as possible

Q: When will the first addon be released to the public?

A: When it's done, but by the end of march we expect the public to have something to play with.

Q: What are the first few mods we can expect?

A: AH-64D Apache, HMS Rotterdam, Rucphense Heide (terrain), Leusderheiden (terrain), VW Amarok, L39za, CH-47F RNLAF. Not nessecarily in that order.

Q: I like the content but I want a different varriant. Can you modify it do it matches my wishes?

A: Just PM me and you'll see.

First addon announced!


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Good to see you guys being back at it.

Noticed on your website that Leusderheide is planned for an eventual comeback? Lovely!

That along with other maps/terrains is going to be a splendid bunch to behold, no doubt!

Best of luck with the whole project!

Edited by Thani '82

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As a fellow dutchie, I can't wait for this :)

I have yet to see a dutch addon unit with "our" leopards and cv9035NL.

Curious to see your HMS Rotterdam, and your Apache (even if it's a arma 2 model) already looks splendid!

Best of luck to you guys!

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Welcome back, its good to see an 'old' mod return :)

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Little Update!

The first release of the RNLAF Apache is on the doorstep, a new project is taking shape allready!

As part of a learning project we are working on the direct surroundings of the city of Roosendaal. Locations of interest are: Rucphenseheiden, Engelbrecht van Nassaukazerne and Breda international Airport.

These are respectively the SF main training area, HQ and Barracks of the Dutch SF and obiously the nearby airfield.

Here are some real life pictures of the locations:

http://www.dutchdefencepress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/D20120706LW101.jpg (182 kB)


http://www.dutchdefencepress.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/C100217LW0209.jpg (195 kB)

http://www.bndestem.nl/polopoly_fs/1.4142932.1387294868!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_800_600/image-4142932.jpg (360 kB)

Stay tuned!

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I nearly had a heart attack - thinking that was your in-game terrain. What a come back! ;)

Great to see you guys returning, I have fond memories of your addons in OFP.

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  Smiley Nick said:
I nearly had a heart attack - thinking that was your in-game terrain. What a come back! ;)

Challange accepted ;)

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As fellow dutchman, I approve of this project. :D

Kind regards,


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Hello everyone,

I thought a little update would be appropriate!

Eventhough things seem quiet arround Lowlands Warrior, we are busy as hell to build new stuff. Some of you may allready have tried the nearly-done version of our Apache? Well that's just one of the things that's being worked on!

At the moment the Rucphense Heide and surrounding area is being worked on. Specifially objects and building are being made. I personally was hiking/driving arround there the other day to make pictures of the plants and misc objects. The nearby airfield will be made as detailed as practical!

In addition to that we are working on the S6 Stemme and L39 Albatros. Most of you may think: "A german civil motor glider and Czech build Attack/Trainer jet, are you crazy Neptune?". Nooo there is a plan to everything! I work of a company that is being hired by the Dutch Armed Forces (and beyond) to provide ISR and CAS assets. And the home base is Breda International Airport, which happens to be on the Terrain of the Rucphense Heiden! So that's exactly what we're going to build for arma!

But there is more. The C7/C8 Colt is in the making. As well is the RNLAF Chinook and the Volks Wagen 'Amarok'. We are trying to get the blessings of an other mod maker to simply use his model for Lowlands Warrior but so far we have had no response at all.

Behind the curtains we have a basic model of the Zr.Ms. Rotterdam, the Dutch Navy's Flagship.

Somehwere in juli we hope to release v1.00 of our AH-64D Apache. And soon you will have a beta of one of the products below!

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11221288/LLW/WIP.png (106 kB)

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11221288/LLW/IMG-20150222-WA0006.jpeg (1309 kB)

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11221288/LLW/IMG-20150222-WA0004.jpeg (439 kB)

Edited by 87th_Neptune

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I'm new to weapons modding. If it is required to have a good quality mod, yes.

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Little update on our Whereabouts

As some of you may have seen? v1.0 of the AH64 Apache was released. No further work will be done on this except for small fixes where required.

Now more time can be spend on other mods and it seems we are getting into a terrain rush!

Rucphense Heiden is on hold now, but...

Our first terrain will be the Artillery firing range "'t Harde" in the Netherlands. This will be a 12x12km terrain. WIP pictures will be posted by the end of next week and a working version shortly after that.

At the same time we are restarting a project which was postponed almost a decade ago, in the OFP era. The island of Bonaire, in the Carribean. The map will be 1:1 scale.

And we have pictures...and we didnt end up in jail for it. ;)

Further more we made a bit of progress on our Chinook. Expect atleast some in-game screenshots in 2 or 3 weeks of it.

Arma3 squads that are our testing-buddies will have the first playable version by then.

Another Mod where we made the first step with is the MQ9. This will be an Arma2 port and we are seeing how we can get it to the same level as our Apache.

Sugestions are welcome!

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Good to see you guys back!

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  On 9/7/2015 at 7:31 PM, Robert31178 said:

For the Apache, is it possible to get a US skin for it? 



Yes a US version is sitting on my harddrive and just needs some config work.

It will be released soon.

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Here we go again!

While working on the Chinook 6 people have come together to work on terrains.

At the moment we have the Artillery Firing Range taking shape and the area we call Netherlands South-Center is taking serious shape aswell.

Within a month we will go our making pictures on the Leusderheide training area.

Which one will be available first for the public is yet unknown. But we intent to push out an Alpha version of one of these terrains before the end of the year!

There is a bigger plan and the picture below gives you an idea of what we are up to:


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Where is Eindhoven Airbase, home of the C-130 and KDC-10??

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Its low on our Prio list.

However, if we do, it will be:

Eindhoven AB + Oirschotseheide+Drunese duinen

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