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SLI yes ore no :(

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55% CPU doesn't mean if your CPU is stressed or not. Could be 100% on 1 core and other cores running 40% on and 60% idle (because they wait for the 100% core). Could be all cores running 55% (unlikely).

Even if you look at the per-core usage in task manager it doesn't mean much, because operating system will alternate the 100% thread between the cores to reduce heat (so with 1 thread running at max you will still see each core at 25% usually with).

Example numbers above assume 4 cores, just for the sake of making the point.

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Thats why we turn of core parking :)

That doesn't help making the 55% number any more useful, though, which is the number you provided.

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Some people use 2*95%+

I only use 2*55%...

I want mooooooorrrreee:/

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Some people use 2*95%+

I only use 2*55%...

I want mooooooorrrreee:/

That only means that your CPU is idling because it has nothing to do, which means the CPU isn't what is limiting your FPS.

You don't really want more CPU usage. It takes more power and wears out the CPU faster. What you want is more FPS, or higher graphic settings / bigger missions without losing FPS :)

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the gpu utilization depends on many factors.


more antialiasing, higher resolution, lots of vegetation


higher visibility=higher count of objects, more AI, scripts...

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This is why you see low CPU and GPU usage:


Its because the game is basically single threaded. I have 6 cores (12 threads) and the picture shows one core fully maxed out and most of the rest used very rarely. The game is single threaded and most of the time for a frame is spent on the CPU simulating the game and not in DirectX or the GPU. Simply put the game is single threaded. You can get the profiler build yourself and take pictures like this (this one is over a year old but if you compare it to a modern one there is no difference, performance is unchanged sincew November 2013 when I took this).

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So recently a friend told me that back in arma 2 you had to use -winxp in the command startup line and now in arma 3. anyone have any info about this? I've tried it but I cant tell if there are any different results

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idk sli in this game is weird as shit man..try talking to loodpk he might get us both his nvidia inspector profile fo arma

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In Arma 2 and the Arma 3 alpha I found that using Alternate frame rendering 2 performed quite a bit better than the default. However at some point in beta I think Nvidia released a new driver and I didn't find it made much difference after that. I haven't particular found any profile adjustments really making much difference, SLI works in the sense you can get it running reasonably with it but most of the time you'll find SLI isn't going to help performance all that much as the game is so CPU limited.

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Well, nothing GPU-wise will help performance if you're playing missions that push your CPU to its limits. That's not saying nothing about how well the game supports SLI. Proper SLI support means that even if you are CPU limited, you can raise your settings further without FPS loss due to having SLI over non-SLI. Unless you can max out your settings already without FPS loss anyway, in which case SLI is indeed redundant and a CPU upgrade/overclock would be more beneficial.

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Monitor your system performance in-game, i doubt that just one 780 will bottleneck.

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It's the game engine, it's utter rubbish. How can a ps3 run a game like GTA5 in a huge map with lots of NPC's and vehicles with 512mb of ram and the most rubbish cpu's of all time. I regret purchasing arma because of its performance issues.

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"make sure you have Core parking off ". What is this core parking and how do I switch it off ?

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Becus it look Like shit ;)


Try the PC version, it looks and performs great! ;)

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