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Are you complaining about Arma 3? You need to watch this video.

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27 player mission against some 160+
proof?....show a battle with 160+ Ai(without caching or ai on different locations)& with 27players....sorry the game can't handle 160 ai in battle nor 100... if they all start fighting in one location the server or game(SP) collapses.....but well thought out

The game can only handle small scale battles

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Great video and very well worded, thanks to dslyecxi (did I spell it right :eek:) for saying out loud what the significant silent part of the playerbase thinks.

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proof?....show a battle with 160+ Ai(without caching or ai on different locations)& with 27players....sorry the game can't handle 160 ai in battle nor 100... if they all start fighting in one location the server or game(SP) collapses.....but well thought out

The game can only handle small scale battles

In SP it's possible.

All on ultra except some ugly PP effects, 4xAA, Object Detail Standard, View/Object Distance 2000/1200

160 AI fighting against each other in Altis no towns, 30-40fps

160 AI fighting against each other in Altis in big town, 17-25fps

Both AI groups are well together packed.

I'm moving together with AI so I'm rendering all the stuff also.

The game is far away from crashing on those battles.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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In Altis:


100 Vs 100 in Town --> 17/20 fps.

I don't think 200 Ai units are needed in a battle (it was great but ok if you can't).

Problem is that if you use 10% of 200 (20 units) Fps doesn't increase of 90% : at the opposite fps on my rig goes to 25-35 in town with 20 Ai soldier.

Yes, the video of the OP is very nice and summarize what Arma can do.

I think the question shouldn't be "what" arma can do but "how" Arma does the thing promised.

Having said that, Fps aren't well handled by this engine (Not asking 60 fps: just a stable 30/35 fps)

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Amount of units = FPS is arbitrary if video settings aren't listed. 50 AI with 1600 viewdistance is completely different than 50 AI @ 5000 VD..

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Amount of units = FPS is arbitrary if video settings aren't listed. 50 AI with 1600 viewdistance is completely different than 50 AI @ 5000 VD..

If video setting remain fixed in both case (20/200) the statement

Amount of units = FPS

is not arbitrary.

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a proper official conventional PVP gamemode!

hah! we all know how that will turn out, Warfare was enough for me to lose all hope in BIS's ability to design MP game modes. they should be endorsing popular modes made by the community. they should be cooperating with community content creators and helping them out with optimization.

just look at what people play: Wasteland, Battle Royale, Gun Game, some rip-off of Evolution/Domination, some rendition of Insurgency etc. BIS will never come up with anything remotely as well made as any of those.

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proof?....show a battle with 160+ Ai(without caching or ai on different locations)& with 27players....sorry the game can't handle 160 ai in battle nor 100... if they all start fighting in one location the server or game(SP) collapses.....but well thought out

The game can only handle small scale battles

Not much proof I can offer you until other members of our group host up some full length videos.

The mission started with an initial 80 AI in an area roughly 1.5 square kilometers and the further 60-80 were triggered and created not long after mission start then moved into the same combat area.

Keep in mind this was on Saharani and near the coast so that was probably a helpful factor.

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I think the question shouldn't be "what" arma can do but "how" Arma does the thing promised.

And what exactly was it that was promised?

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And what exactly was it that was promised?

a stable frame rate (30+), which is the "in se" of any game, not only arma and in single player.

An huge battle (promised; see above) makes the mission not playable (17/25 fps).

I repeat: it's okay because you don't need 160 unit for a mission. But you have the right to pretend a stable frame rate with 20/30 unit on a map.

And this is not accomplished. Period.

Not to mention that the underwater system, for example, suffer of lack optimization (unit are discovered even if they are diving: this issue was stated by a Dev [can't remember where]).

Wanna talk about (Terminator) AI? Wanna talk about Ai driving?

Again: it's not "what" Arma offers but "how" Arma handle what offers.

Unfortunatly, the "how" question seems to... fade to black :)

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From the other hand, beeing BI, and knowing psychology of grumbling, on the intelectual level I wouldn't concerned about most of the complaints. On the contrary. Complaints, treated properly, are highly motivating and informative.

It's just about simple switching perception from a glass in half empty to the glass filled in half. Or, in fact, filled in 90% or so. It's so easy to forget, what we have, and how valuable it is when we notice the little still lacking, isn't? That little momentarily overgrowths in our minds everything, so we no longer can enjoy, what we have. Sad, but as old as humanity. Ingratitude is naturally induced by our flawed nature.

It's obviously not possible to make no one complain anymore. It's not the game fault, it's the fault of people's approach toward life and search for happiness and perfection where it isn't. They simply expect always more, than they got, because what they got each time doesn't provide them, what they really look for. That makes disappointment. An disappointment is always the function of expectations. Carved in stone 60 FPS no matter, what? Yeah, yeah, nice, but that's obvious, while.... (another or new thing there, that now became major problem spoiling everything). Attitude of expectation is progressive in nature.

So, how to properly read such kind of feedback, to be motivated by truth it's in fact saying? Simple. Analyze, what's the subject of current complaints. People are complaining, so AI can't drive vehicles too well? Great, so in fact it's unwitting approval of the fact, AI actually can drive vehicles. Amazing stuff truly. No, it's not an irony. It's a fact. FPS too low sometimes? Man, it's so great, we can play such a game in 3D. Obvious? Natural privilage of every human being? Not at all. If not continuing effort and dedication of handful of BI people through 15 years, we would get nothing. It's huge difference in plus, they made to our lifes. It's highly motivating, so people are complaining now about lacking of such fancy stuff and details, while otherwise they could complain only about lack of such a game. It means, BI achieved so much, to allow complainers' imagination reach such high level, to expect so much now. Incredible.

More. People are complaining about the things, they care of. Many complaints mean another achievement - BI made something that is important to so many people. Not many can say that.

Another good thing about complaining is it's prophetic valor, pointing desired directions of development (BTW keeping in mind, best, most popular things aren't usually those expected by playerbase, but something new, they never think of).

So, if just filter out emotional aspect and analyze wisely, all that pool of continuous complaints becomes invaluable stream of feedback information, both for diagnostic (how much we achieved), and planning purposes.

Edited by Rydygier

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