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Pete's Re-Textures (EUROFORCE, CSAT Snow Tigers)

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Looking brilliant mate! Love what you've done with the new heavy vests! :D

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Thank you, guys!

Yes, the inginias are covered by the heavy vests. Also, the uniform texture sometimes shines through the vest, especially on the arms. But I'm suprised it works so well with the CSAT suit. Had some troubles using the official templates, probaby because I'm using poor people's photoshop (a.k.a. GIMP) as Adobe's subscribing policy is daylight robbery for amateur users like me. Turned out fine with a little bit of extra effort though.

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Thank you, guys!

Yes, the inginias are covered by the heavy vests. Also, the uniform texture sometimes shines through the vest, especially on the arms. But I'm suprised it works so well with the CSAT suit. Had some troubles using the official templates, probaby because I'm using poor people's photoshop (a.k.a. GIMP) as Adobe's subscribing policy is daylight robbery for amateur users like me. Turned out fine with a little bit of extra effort though.

They look outstanding, though you seem to enjoy using the hex-pattern a lot. It blends in well with the game theme, though.

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Nice work mate,

but why you did not use the normal light animations for the offroader? Than the lightbar would be visible on day time too. When you create an offroader with an blue lightbar in the garage you can turn on/off the lightbar in the driver position. You can copy that.

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@Harakhti: Thanks, yes, I like the mixture between Hex and Tiger Striped gear. :D The Hex pattern is actually sampled from the orginal CSAT pattern hence it fits quite well.

@reforger: Thanks, didn't know there was a functioning lightbar. I'll look into it and try to include it.

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Good job on the mod, nice retextures.

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Aye, Indeedpeed.

I'd like to make a request:

Could you somehow make a Black Helmet? I can't find any black helmet in the Arsenal (am I blind) the only one has a green strap around it. I'd like to have a whole black one for the Military Police (or a special ops squad)!

Would be so cool!

Many Greetings


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Thanks, chaps!

Yeah, I also think these tan / greene lines around the helmets are a bit ugly for dark / black units. Should be easy to do. I'll add it to the list.

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IndeedPete = Hero!

(Did I really wrote Peed? Wow.....sorry)

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No, a NATO one. I've seen the CSAT Snow Tigers, that's why I'm asking.

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You actually tried the Euroforce? It has a Snow camo for everything you want!

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Any plans for NATO snow faction?

Not particularly.^^ Currently producing the guerilla faction and after that I'll focus on playable content creation. Actually doing like 50/50 addon development and SP projects right now.

But I suppose it shouldn't be too much work to create a NATO version since I already have the texture templates. Would need a new camo though. Is there a snow version for MTP? Also have a triangle scheme, like the British A3 camo.

Edited by IndeedPete

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Yeah, my own quick research brought up nothing but boring patterns.^^ Usually single-coloured, or 2-colour schemes suitable for really "white" areas. I'd like a snowy woodland scheme. Next to the camos created by myself I only have samples of the Finnish M5 and German BW Schneetarn:

m05snowcamo4wokw.jpg bundeswehr-schneetarnhhobu.jpg

Both rather boring and not really applicable for a US-led NATO faction. Hell, even the bloody Canadians don't have a cool snow pattern! I've made a small overview of what snow patterns I have in stock. First image from left to right: Snow Tiger uniform / Snow Hex vest, EF Hex uniform / grey vest, Biritish Triangle (snow) with the green tones sampled from actual Bitish camo (DPM), British Triangle (green) pants / black pullover / Flecktarn vest (just a random combination), Finnish M5 pants / woodland camo pullover. Took a few more detailed shots of the British Triangle with matching TRG-21.

2015-05-17_00003t9ast.jpg 2015-05-17_00004kdlop.jpg 2015-05-17_00005a5ar4.jpg 2015-05-17_00006b0x2a.jpg 2015-05-17_00007urbyf.jpg

For real NATO snow units maybe a digital pattern? Or that triangle one? Or camouflage?

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Bundeswehr Schneetarn? That is a white bed sheet with five green blobs.:D

Your british version is nice, but for the US/NATO-troops I would recommon this: http://lillhonga.mine.nu/pictures/18374.jpg. A mix with a dark green, grey and white should make it. For the weapons you could take the EF-Versions.

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Yeah well, you know, our beloved forces are not exactly known for their good equipment.^^ Broken G36s, stoneage Transalls, hundreds of millions of € wasted in a pointless drone project, IT from the last century, half of the fleet / helicopters not ready for service - but hey, we are family-friendly now! Thanks Ursula, great job! Now we can use our "defence forces" to play war in countries we shouldn't be in while our children are safe and sound in Bundeswehr day-care centres! Awesome! :D

Okay, enough cynical, exaggerated, off-topic ranting about German defence politics.^^ What you've linked is basically the Finnish one. I find it a bit boring (like the BW scheme). Plus, for a NATO re-texture, it should be a US camo. I think a digital one would be cool. Maybe a snow version of MARPAT. Or a plain old winter camouflage / grey-scaled version of MTP. Maybe both. I'll toy around with photo shop when I have time. Good thing is I could use the scheme for my guerilla faction as well. :)

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The Bundeswehr is not really perfect, but the medias often dramatize problems. Many countries have problems. F35, M4 and Commanche. All military projects have their issues. Often the political part (ministry) produces the biggest nonsense. But I think we are in the wrong section to discuss that.:eek:

A snow version off the MARPAT sounds interesting. Maybe the MTP would be too dark, because their are too much blobs, which have to have their own colour.

It is not american but it shows that our troops have also a cool camo next to the bed sheet: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2842/13283834303_264e9519f4_b.jpg :cool:

Edited by reforger

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At least part-time working in public service (research), also very rarely on cooperative projects with the military (BW / NATO), I got a few insights on how things run in authorities. Duh. :rolleyes:

Anyway, this camo you've linked looks a bit cool. But also a bit like the silk paintings of my mid-fourty mother (she was on some weird trip a few years ago...). :D I had some free time and made a few MARPAT-like digi camo prototypes. Did seven different versions with different colours and sizes. One "product line" features grey-based 3- and 4-colour schemes in different granularity. Then there are white-based 3- and 5-colour schemes (with hints of blue). And a quick MARPAT job for reference in the second picture:

2015-05-18_000015uuyi.jpg 2015-05-18_0000297uqm.jpg

I think the smaller digis look better in general. The bigger ones are actually AAF-like size. Also, the more "connected" schemes look a bit weird in my opinion. So, my favourites so far are the 3-coloured white and grey schemes as well as the fine 4-coloured grey and 5-coloured white. I think 4-colour grey is the closest I got to the original MARPAT. Real MARPAT has a slightly different grouping of pixels, but hey, it was an afternoon's work. Also, the simpler 3-coloured schemes are a bit closer to what has been posted here before.

2015-05-18_00003e6u22.jpg 2015-05-18_00004atul1.jpg 2015-05-18_00005fpu10.jpg

And finally, my favourites with dirt added to them. Left to right: 3-colour white, 3-colour grey, 4-colour grey (fine), 5-colour white. Also played around with darkened uniform parts.

2015-05-18_00006y2u3b.jpg 2015-05-18_000071fusn.jpg

I'm unsure what to do with it. Maybe some of these find their way into EUROFORCE (as vest camo for example). Not yet certain if I have the time and motivation to do a full NATO re-texture job. I'd feel the need to redo everything again (digi weapons, vests, new vehicle camo, British CTRG in triangle scheme). So, for now I've just packed the textures and my sourcefiles (poor-man's-photoshop / .xcf) into a small download (~55MB compressed / 120 MB unzipped). Everyone's free to take the sources and mess around with them in Photoshop. I actually made a solid layer structure and named them properly. (Unlike everywhere else where my lazyness got the better of me.)

Dropbox Download


Edited by IndeedPete

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Seems to be nice. When we are allowed to work on them, are we also allowed to integrate them in our own mods? Should the modder credit you? That could be a bit clearer.

To give my last conclusion to our little side discussion: The political part (ministry) often produces the biggest nonsense. Especially the Euro Hawk and the reduce of the Leos show that. They only think until the nest election and do not understand that a reduce of military equipment have to be planned about decents. Also they act too quick. Last week there was no future for the G36, now they find out that a modefication could repair it too. Firts they reduce the Leos, than they buy them back. I have my own experiences in this area and sometimes it is really bad.:eek:

Sorry, that was a bit offtopic, but I swear this was my last post to this. Had to get this out of my mind.:D

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Uh, that's more of an inofficial release.^^ Consider it public domain (at least for my part of the work, it's all based on BI's assets obviously), a credit is always nice though. :)

Offtopic: Can agree, we should burn down the Reichstag immediately. Oh, wait... :D

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Good day!

I'm releasing a small update before I'll go off the grid for a few days (yay, holiday). Did the black helmets Moonchild requested. Well, it's actually a quick grey-black job but they fit much better with black units. Then I've included the proper lightbar animation as proposed by reforger. Finally, I made some derivates from the 3-colour-digi camo and upgraded the Wolfpack vests with the new scheme:

2015-05-20_00002okyx7.jpg 2015-05-20_00003e8zrs.jpg 2015-05-20_00004ueyz0.jpg


Version: 1.13


1.13 - 20.05.2015

  • ADDED: Grey-black helmets for MP and black Wolfpack units.
  • CHANGED: Wolfpack vests are now in 3-colour-digi camos.
  • CHANGED: MP Offroad light bar is now properly animated.


Dropbox v1.13

Steam Workshop v1.13

In other news a small WIP report. Been developing some playable content lately (for a yet unannounced project) and by that also made some progress with the guerillas. The scene below shows modded grey-black TRG-21s and Mk20s from the no-HLC version of the Black Star guerillas:

2015-05-20_000072oxbz.jpg 2015-05-20_000081gzt1.jpg

And now the same scene with Toadie's AKs and M4s and the HLC dependent version running:

2015-05-20_00009p7xku.jpg 2015-05-20_00011d7byp.jpg

Since both addon versions run under the same CfgPatches missions made with the BSM guerilla units won't have dependencies to HLC. They will instead function flawlessly with either of the versions allowing different player preferences. Only problems in MP could arise when players on one server use different versions. I'm not sure how it works with servers and mods but the server keys of both vesions should be distinctive.

Anyway, stay tuned! :)

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