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Huron Retexture/Config Problem

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Have you checked the core Samples_F folder again recently?

I have six .psd files in total for the DLC choppers in my tools drive under C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Samples_F\HelicoptersDLC_Textures.

There are 2 for the Huron (Heli_Transport_03_ext01_CO.psd & Heli_Transport_03_ext02_CO.psd), 2 for the the Taru (Heli_Transport_04_Base_01_CO.psd & Heli_Transport_04_Base_02_CO.psd) plus 2 for the Taru pods (Heli_Transport_04_Pod_Ext01_CO.psd & Heli_Transport_04_Pod_Ext02_CO.psd)

They're not copied over to the other Samples_F folder on my dev-folder though (i.e. P:\Samples_F) so maybe one has to re-run the DevP installation tool to do that first. Or perhaps they're currently only on the Tools dev branch?

Just checked the Dev branch and they are not there. I do not know what the DevP Installation tool is so I'm not sure what that means.

I remounted the P drive if thats what you mean. But still I do not have the files

Any ideas?

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You have to install the tools from the Steam Tool Library.

errr....you mean this ?

click here

I already have a3 tools installed. So it does nothing to install it. If I run it I see the same 2 PSD files in the samples folder.

Can anybody clarify how to obtain the new taru templates (clearly) please ?

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how? Via the link I posted above? That does nothing.

So I searched here

and re-installed the tools. Still no new PSD files. Only the huron

Edited by Zeotrope

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Can anyone confirm they also have the new PSD templates for the TARU in their sample folders (Arma 3 tools) ?????

If so can somebody, perhaps a Dev shed some light on how I may obtain these ? Please ?

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I can confirm. Recently found them in my A3work / P Drive directory. Yes openly as psd photoshop files in a folder whose name I can't recall. I did not extract anything.

I immediatly made them into a UN version of the Taru for my UN Addon and then forgot about it.


Sorry but I can't say when exactly and I can't tell you the exact path either because I immediatly moved it to my own mod ressources. Was a week ago or maybe two.

Also can't say if it was before or after I switched the tools to beta : ( Had to cause the addon builder was broken recently.

Yes and I hope BI releases more of them, would be really nice : )

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If you haven't found them already, Sabre_Dust is right. After switching the tools to dev-branch I found them in Arma 3 Tools\Samples_F\HelicoptersDLC_Textures next to the Huron's files.

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Ok Thanks for the info guys.

So it switching the tools to dev branch just a matter of switching Arma 3 to dev using the Arma3 properties (steam) / Betas / Opt Into Beta etc.? Or is there another way to do it.

Sorry I'm at work etc.

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Ok Thanks for the info guys.

So it switching the tools to dev branch just a matter of switching Arma 3 to dev using the Arma3 properties (steam) / Betas / Opt Into Beta etc.? Or is there another way to do it.

Sorry I'm at work etc.

No, the tools have their own separate dev branch. You change to it through the properties on the 'Arma 3 Tools' entry in the Steam library rather than the game's entry.

It's shown in step 2 of the installation tutorial you linked to a couple of posts ago.

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No, the tools have their own separate dev branch. You change to it through the properties on the 'Arma 3 Tools' entry in the Steam library rather than the game's entry.

It's shown in step 2 of the installation tutorial you linked to a couple of posts ago.

Cheers. Will check it out.

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