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Disable AI from fighting back in Init line?

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I've search around a bit and found a few init lines I thought would server the purpose but still not working.

What I'm trying to do? Setting up an AT firing range. I want targets to be able to be hit with Titan Launchers requiring a heat signature for the Titan to lock. \

I've tried this in the init of an opfor armor unit:

removeallWeapons this; this allowDamage false; this disableAI "MOVE"; this disableAI "AUTOTARGET" ;this setCombatMode "WHITE"

However, after I engage with the Titan the opfor starts to move and returns fire.

Are there better init commands for this that I'm missing? Or a better way to achieve what I'm looking for?

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You may want to add in:

this setBehaviour "CARELESS";

//maybe even

commandStop this;

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You have to remove all weapons individually with removeWeapon command. removeAllWeapons doesnt work with vehicle weapons.

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this setfuel 0;this setvehicleammo 0; Using this will the crew dismount at any time?

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this setfuel 0;this setvehicleammo 0; Using this will the crew dismount at any time?
Yes, when the tanks takes damage, they will eventually bail.

If you just want a tank as target practice, why not just put down an empty tank. In the Editor SIDE Empty then select empty vehicle of your choice.

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Yes, when the tanks takes damage, they will eventually bail.

If you just want a tank as target practice, why not just put down an empty tank. In the Editor SIDE Empty then select empty vehicle of your choice.

empty tank has no heat signature, thus not good for launchers such as the Titan.

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This disableAI "anim"; idk if that works for vehicles... Or this enableSimulation false;

Or, you can give 3 soldiers a "moveInCargo" or driver/gunner and then with a trigger:

Cond: true

On act: _unit setDamage 1;

Make sure all times are set to like, 10 so they can make it in the vehicle

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empty tank has no heat signature, thus not good for launchers such as the Titan.


this engineOn true;

That will turn the engine on, creating a heat signature

Edited by Benargee

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engineOn true; to have it running and hot.

attachTo; if you want to lock it somewhere. Spawn something in to attach it to.

setCaptive true; if you don't want it/them to shoot back if using Units.

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I am new, so tell me if I am thinking wrong. I know it has been answered, so I am just wondering if I am correct. Can you not this disableAI "MOVE"; on the tank and on the player, this setcaptive true for a firing range type scenario? If it is just a firing range then you just want the ai to ignore you... correct? Sorry, missed Goblins post.

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