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they look good but they look too similar to the FIA, maybe they can be an addon to the FIA as they would add more depth. Its a shame that the game doesn't offer more options for variation.

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they look good but they look too similar to the FIA, maybe they can be an addon to the FIA as they would add more depth. Its a shame that the game doesn't offer more options for variation.

Yes that will be a FIA like faction for the Opfor side, the diffrencies will mainly be the rifles (katiba), the voices and the faces.

PS : There is already a mod adding FIA faction in every side but they are axactly the same in all three.

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Some News.

I've been working on finishing mercs and islamists units and they are almost finished. Same thing for Russian Spetsnaz units.

Screenshots :

http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/570022137360074308/826CB0DA4D06842A78ED45829C18BCC48D79909F/ (122 kB)

http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/570022137360083718/DFD55DA4FDE4FE830B4826360ACA9BBD7251910F/ (228 kB)

http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/570022137360066271/33C36CE764CBB76DF0E23D076C23FCD57806F445/ (199 kB)

As you can see on the last screen, I'm also working on adding vehicules with unused textures (textures present in the game files but that cannot be find in the editor). More informations soon or later.

I will update the first post in a minute --> go check to know all the features.

Edited by Sparfell_19

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First Release :


Remember that each .pbo is independant and can be suppressed according to your desires.

First Post has been updated, check it for more information about the addon's features.


Edited by Sparfell_19

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hey man, awesome looking units so far, will you making these addons compatible with Zeus?

and can you also make the russians usable for the independants aswell?

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hey man, awesome looking units so far, will you making these addons compatible with Zeus?

and can you also make the russians usable for the independants aswell?

Thx. Units should be compatible with Zeus but didn't test it. If you want to use Russians as part of independent side you can switch their side. In mission editor you can do that simply giving them an independent team leader with 0% probability presence (if you want to play the russians, if you wan't to play against them just apply the same method for your playable units).

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Tried it, but they didnt show in Zeus

I don't think I can do smothing about it (but I will look deeper onto it). I found this thread, it looks that you have to add a zeus module that allow the use of mods.

Edit : More Info

Edit 2 : Ok I found something that I have to do : LINK. I will correct it in the next update (sorry, I very rarely play with zeus, that's why I didn't take care about it).

Edited by Sparfell_19

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right sorry :P

thanks man :)

One last Thing, do you take requests?

If so, can you make a couple of AAF units, a couple of "Special Force's" Varients, and "Reserve" Varients that use weapons with no attachments, and dont have NVG

Edited by GeneralKong

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One last Thing, do you take requests?

Yes, with pleasure.

If so, can you make a couple of AAF units, a couple of "Special Force's" Varients, and "Reserve" Varients that use weapons with no attachments, and dont have NVG

I already thought about AAF special forces but didn't worked on it, I will. ;)

For the reserve variant : I'm not gonna do that.

Reason 1 : (quoting myself)

A lot of things changed in my mind about the addon. I decided to cancel the day&night versions of the units cause I think it's not very usefull and it overloads editor's lists. Same thing for NATO units with tavors but I keep them in a corner, maybe I'll add them later.

Reason 2 :

You can have the same effect simply adding the following lines (edit them according to your desires) to your mission "init.sqf"

  if ((side _x) == Resistance) then
  { _x unassignItem "NVGoggles_INDEP";    _x removeItem "NVGoggles_INDEP";
    _x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _x enableGunLights "forceOn";
    removeGoggles _x;


} forEach allUnits;

removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems _x;

PS : I uploaded the 1.1 version that should fix zeus compatibility (see first post), please tell me if it works for you (it is for me), don't forget to allow the use of every addons in the zeus module options.

Edit : About the AAF special forces : if you want, you can post me some screens about what you're thinking about (or explain it to me with words).

Edited by Sparfell_19

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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I was wondering if you can add a new PBO that Edits Current units, that removes the NVG from the "Soldier" and "Rifleman(Light)" of each faction?

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I was wondering if you can add a new PBO that Edits Current units, that removes the NVG from the "Soldier" and "Rifleman(Light)" of each faction?

It could be an idea, I will try. But why especialy from this two units and not for exemple from Rifleman AT, Medic, Grenadier, AR ?

Edited by Sparfell_19

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I guess only if you can, but only the AAF do I see them not have that many NVGs, so thats the reason I think they wouldnt have they're entire army have them

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Good job on these findings Sparfell.

I'm just wondering, as these are vanilla parts already included in ARMA3; if I install these mods for the purpose of mission creation. Do the players of my missions need this mod, or this is only for the mission creator?

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The mod create new classes (that do not exist in vanilla game), so yes the other players need the mod too.

PS : Updated Known issues

- Compatibility AGM 0.93 : Engineers and explosive specialists doesn't have clacker and defuse kit in their loadout.
Edited by Sparfell_19

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Cant get Alive to work with the Faction names, not sure if anyone else has got it working.

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