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Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

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  Garverick said:
I'm having a lil trouble here, when testing with my friend, the medical system doesn't show the different colors on the triage card to tell us whats going wrong always white for us.

Also i noticed if you still have Vanilla medkits you can heal the player or AI that way even with CSE modules in place.

The triage card (rectangle underneath the person) is set by the player (not automatically).

Or are you referring to the figure of the soldier where you can select the bodyparts?

Also, re: the medkits, yea, there are a few minor issues we are working on with overriding armas default medical.

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  kieran_s said:
The triage card (rectangle underneath the person) is set by the player (not automatically).

Or are you referring to the figure of the soldier where you can select the bodyparts?

Also, re: the medkits, yea, there are a few minor issues we are working on with overriding armas default medical.

Im refering to the figure of the bodyparts, i can shoot my friend several times never changes to red or purple coloring to show its been damaged/bleeding, i get no list of injuries on a patient. Just tells me the body part.

Edited by Garverick

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Congratulations on release, guys. I'm really looking forward to updates and features. CSE potentially is ACE for Arma 3 - and I really like it.

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  Garverick said:
Im refering to the figure of the bodyparts, i can shoot my friend several times never changes to red or purple coloring to show its been damaged/bleeding, i get no list of injuries on a patient. Just tells me the body part.

Hmm, if you have not already, please submit a bug ticket on our tracker (dev.withsix.com/projects/cse/)

Please include things such as how to reproduce, mods used, modules active, etc

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made one but found out that it was the POMI PMC units causing it not to work, which is a big bummer because my group uses it. hopefully the fix it quick and simple

also the Medical system doesn't work on the CAFs Agressors not really an issue i guess since there not suppose to be played but a heads up

upon further testing it only works with BLUFOR and OPFOR units even the AAF doesn't work.

Edited by Garverick

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  MarcusCunningham said:
Have you thought about adding Gestures like the VTS Gestures, similar to the old ACE?

Currently I think we are looking at getting our current feature set up to scratch, and killing any serious bugs, but it sounds like it might be a good idea :)

If you'd like to see gestures in CSE, jump onto our tracker ( http://dev.withsix.com/projects/cse ) and submit a feature request ticket :)

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Yop. Anyone's got problems with CSE and Ammo in VTS Shop ? In addition I have a conflict with a mod. An idea before I check Mod mod?

Thanks & Good job ! :)

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  GDent said:
this actually sounds great. if we like it better than AGM we might just weigh the differences and consider switching. the CMS seems too complicated for my group to benefit, but if it can be reduced to something closer to AGM or ACE then that would be ideal
GDent, please stop with that nonsense. If you want something none "too complicated" for your, what sounds like your philistine "group", I suggest you go play Battlefield. It is b/c of guys like you that Arma is no longer the Mil Sim it used to be. We now have GoKarts and all other nonsense.

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  chondo999 said:
GDent, please stop with that nonsense. If you want something none "too complicated" for your, what sounds like your philistine "group", I suggest you go play Battlefield. It is b/c of guys like you that Arma is no longer the Mil Sim it used to be. We now have GoKarts and all other nonsense.

Yeah, how dare others enjoy the game that they spent their own money on, but on a different level of realism than you. Sorry buddy, but the world doesn't revolve around you.

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  Horner said:
Yeah, how dare others enjoy the game that they spent their own money on, but on a different level of realism than you. Sorry buddy, but the world doesn't revolve around you.

Idiot, you are making my argument.

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  chondo999 said:
Idiot, you are making my argument.

There's no need to call names, and I don't see how I am making your argument. Why don't you show the respect that Glowbal and his team deserve and keep your insults off of their thread.

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The mod looks great. Although I don't know how this mod will compare to AGM. I heard that features in the mod will be modular right? Like AGM? I'm just wondering if, I don't know, use like both mods at the same time. Maybe remove files on one mod that would conflict with the other such as the medical system. Would this be possible? Guess I'm going to try this. I'll update once I have something.

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We are using both AGM and CSE at the same time and there is no conflict at all, we just disabled the AGM's medical system, backblast and some other modules and thats all.

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  Atunero said:
We are using both AGM and CSE at the same time and there is no conflict at all, we just disabled the AGM's medical system, backblast and some other modules and thats all.

Just a quick question. You only removed filed from AGM? If so, which ones? I'm kind of having trouble with AGM's interaction menu and CSE's menu not appearing at all. Only the pause menu of the mod appears.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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Guys, Please play nice and do not sling insults or abuse at each other.

If people do not want a super-advanced realistic med sim, they do not have to have one.

We are making our mod to be able to cater to several levels of people.

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  kieran_s said:
Guys, Please play nice and do not sling insults or abuse at each other.

If people do not want a super-advanced realistic med sim, they do not have to have one.

We are making our mod to be able to cater to several levels of people.

I apologize, perhaps I could have made my point less... harsh.

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I really love your scanning device.

Is it possible to "load" it with intelligence regarding some players or specific AIs ?

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  naash said:
I really love your scanning device.

Is it possible to "load" it with intelligence regarding some players or specific AIs ?

I was wandering the exact same thing. That would make for some awesome PVP scenarios if you could set them to have certain data.

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  naash said:
I really love your scanning device.

Is it possible to "load" it with intelligence regarding some players or specific AIs ?

  MarcusCunningham said:
I was wandering the exact same thing. That would make for some awesome PVP scenarios if you could set them to have certain data.

AIM is currently only partially developed and somewhat unstable at the current time.

It's going to be worked on for the next main release 0.3.0

We have been talking about various ways to deal with AI interaction and data, at this stage nothing is 100% concrete.

Stay tuned though, we have a few cool ideas up our sleeves, just need to see what works out and what doesn't!

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Excellent mod guys, so much more streamlined and intuitive than the competition (AGM) which we've been using for a month now.

Cant wait for all the med stuff to be implemented fully so I can finally go on CSAR/MEDEVAC runs :D

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Combat Space Enhancement Updated

Version 0.2.6 ALPHA

This version should have the majority of the reported issues from 0.2.5 resolved. We are happy with the feedback and reactions you guys have given us. It gives us motivation to keep working on this.


You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download)

If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website


Disabled: init eventhandler for objects. Currently not in use. No point in keeping it enabled.

Added: function for ragdoll. Preperation for (#74469: Animations when a unit is shot or goes unconscious)

Added: function to check if a unit is in water (cse_fnc_inWater_F)

Changed: split up onMenuOpen update Icon function. Now icon updating has it's own function.

Fixed #74722: When prone and passed out player still has gun up as if still conscious

Fixed #74781: CSE CMS Menu flickering/flashing. Should be called once per frame now. Should no longer cause flickering.

Fixed #74782: CMS Medical menu "Toggle 'self'" button works only one way

Fixed #74784: Backblast damage making weird animation loop

Fixed #74787: Medical System doesn't work over water

Fixed #74788: Unit is standing when someone is dragging it.

Fixed #74789: Placed ammo crates are being placed at ground level not feet level.

Fixed #74790: AI group is stopping after 1 of their teammate went down and is unconscious

Fixed #74793: CMS not Showing status

Fixed #74798: Name tags don't work after respawn

Fixed #74799: unconscious player after full heal does not come back up out of unconscious state

Fixed #74804: Location of attached objects

Fixed #74809: Vehicle tracker is not shown if Tracker is synced with vehicle with AI.

Fixed: Full heal when instant death was set to false wouldn't work

Fixed: Full heal would sometimes magically wake up the dead

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