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Bugs/issues in update 1.22

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I ran the game with no mods (because of Online).

Theres some new bugs/issues imo with the 1.22 patch. One that struck me was the helicopter sound. Mohawk. It sounds like someone is shooting at range but its just the chopper making that low rumbling noise. It's a bit unnerving, unnatural. I have no video of that.

What I do have videos of are

Fatigue/scope bobbing

Gives me a headache

Ragdoll bug/damage.

I've been using the 5.56 mm guns for a month b4 patch and the damage seems way off now. Used to take 2-5 shots. I think I can count 6-7 hits on this video.

And the ragdoll has some weird rotating bug when the AI is hit. You can see this at around 0:16 (even tho it is quite blurrry).

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Today I was playing Paradise Found mission, and I discovered that Tempest Device's rotation light has strange black thing rotating about it. There is probably more problems related to lights. Also, I must sign that ragdoll glitch, as well as weird arms shakeing and everything else you mentioned.

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Is anybody else noticing strange recoil issues? My guns are only kicking once only 3 or 4 shots. It's incredibly obnoxious- also makes all affected weapons incredibly overpowered: no recoil compensation required.

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It's been speculated that the recoil changes on dev branch were WIP but unfortunately made it into the v1.22 patch. Wouldn't be the first time that sort of mishap has occurred, sadly... heck, once it happened with the issue that my ticket was about. :rolleyes:

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How about weapon damage? I feel like 5.56 rounds have been seriously nerfed.

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confirmed for the Fatigue/scope bobbing !

Is there is feedback tracker for this? This is a regression to crappy fatigued weapon sway behaviour from a couple of months ago.

Edited by tpw

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Is there is feedback tracker for this? This is a regression to crappy fatigued weapon sway behaviour from a couple of months ago.

You know, at first I really liked it, since the only time I got it was when I was shot in the arms. I thought "oh cool", then I healed myself, laid down prone for a few minutes and it was still there. Not so cool anymore. I honestly don't even know if it's triggered by fatigue or not.

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I don't see anything bad at that scope sway. Stop and shoot if you really want to hit anything over 50m away... You can stop for a second and shoot 2 shots and move again without too bad sway.

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1.22 is just broken...

That recoil issues is awful, just awful.

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The scope sway is OK when stopping. It's the bobbing that is too fast, almost giving a seizure.

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Looks like they decided to made

x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",whatever];

_x setskill ["aimingShake",whatever];

useless, aimbot ai is aimboting the player even when you use this scripting commands to disable ai aimbot...:(


you can hit some enemys with 7,62mm round 3 times at 200-300m and they still run anround like nothing happened, this patch is so awful.

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So what is BIS exactly doing if they realease a new update for stable branch? What are they testing before release? Going into the Main Menu and then exit? Seems to be so.

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Was there a silent update? I am no longer seeing the recoil issues.

On another note, did they nerf 5.56 and/or buff body armor? I am playing the campaign and have noticed it takes anywhere between 5-8 shots from a 5.56 rifle to down an AAF rifleman. Have 5.56 rounds always been this weak? (I hadn't really used them until now).

when will the game Arma 3 leave the beta ????

It comes out September 12, 2013! So pumped!

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Was there a silent update? I am no longer seeing the recoil issues.

On another note, did they nerf 5.56 and/or buff body armor? I am playing the campaign and have noticed it takes anywhere between 5-8 shots from a 5.56 rifle to down an AAF rifleman. Have 5.56 rounds always been this weak? (I hadn't really used them until now).

5.56 seems slightly nerfed. For me it's noticeable, but not particularly game breaking. Then again, due to UFS I can't tell how bad it really is

Can't tell about the body armour, seeing as I barely use it (who needs it when you're 1.5km from the frontline? LBV ftw)

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But something is wrong, last night we played coop and my buddy hit a enemy ai with a 12,7mm sniper rifle 2 times at 900m and this guy just ragdolled but was still standing !

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last night I saw the ragdoll glitch, but I also hear weird sounds in my ears with wind or something like it (weird tone).

I also belive AI spawning is still dropping fps (definitely in towns)...

but look at it this way , they never fixed ofp 100% arma1 or arma2.

but at the same time you have an open engine to do as you please..

so Im guessing these are related...

but I also belive BIS needs to stop putting out DLC and work on the games stability .

putting out DLC's is just adding more things to fix ...within.

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Can't join game created by friends since this patch .

Same as every patch but de subscribing everyhting of the workshop don't fix it .

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I thought they fixed the reload and fire mode switch sounds.

But today i played king of the hill and it is worse than ever. I heard constantly fire mode switching and reloading as they would stand right next to me.

And sometimes i heard one shot fired, that sounded like it came right next to me, where nobody was :D

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I have another bug to show. An Ifrit HMG with its lights flickering at night.

I think the Varsuk does the same, memory fails me.

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I thought they fixed the reload and fire mode switch sounds.

But today i played king of the hill and it is worse than ever. I heard constantly fire mode switching and reloading as they would stand right next to me.

Yep I have the reloading sound bug too.

To me it seems like what should be a sound that's audible within 5m is audible from 100m instead.

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But something is wrong, last night we played coop and my buddy hit a enemy ai with a 12,7mm sniper rifle 2 times at 900m and this guy just ragdolled but was still standing !

Yeah I'm having trouble too. It takes me 3+ shots to the chest at extremely close range (25-50m) with the Mk18ABR. Not even headshots will kill in one at that range, unless you hit dead center of the exposed face.

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Bis needs to revert the changes made, Why test on stable right before summer sale. I had 5 friends buy the game, they all laughed at the weapon sway, recoil and asma attacks. They sighed and said still no good FPS'ers on the market -.- COME ON BIS SORT IT....

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I am experiencing issues as well.

When I run the game vanilla or with mods, the first mission in the first campaign, the chopper wont lift off after you get in the truck to get past the checkpoint and will not update your tasks, I have tried multiple times.

Also, With CBA, my game stops responding at loading screens forcing me to kill the program in task manager.

Any one with the same issues that could reply or someone with help, I would be very greatful

EDIT: Oh and there are flickering grass and trees with NVGs on at night at random times. along with buggy textures on buildings/towns during the day (only happened once though)

Edited by force83x

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