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M27 IAR + basic HK416's

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Hey guys. A few weeks back I set about porting the M27 IAR I made using Vilas' models for arma 2 over to arma 3. Yet again my PC decides to go and troll me by not starting up so this isn't fully complete yet but it's more then enjoyable and usable so knock yourself out. Due to the PC crash it isn't fully ASDG compatible nor can AI use it similar to a MX SW as I intended.

Just because I could. I also made two basic HK416 models. One standard, and one GL variant.

Feedback is as always, more than welcome and when I get my PC back from the doctor I will of course do my best to update it :)


Massive credit to Vilas. Without his permission or excellent work this wouldn't have happened

BIS. For the sample models for arma 3 and public content for accessories

Sleazy Company: For their testing and suggestions.

Picture: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm180/guitaro-man/arma32014-05-3022-02-00-40_zps0b71dc55.png


Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?ez1i1le7669s287

ASDG joint rails is required!





License notice: This work contains data from another source. You may not modify this addon in anyway that violates the original author or my own work. Seek original authors permission.

Have fun :cool:


Edited by Slatts

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I forgot I didnt make an ammo box yet

Classmames are




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Yeah thats something I want to look at. I got them off the CZ805 and cant remember them being that bad.

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[Edit] Slatts, are you sure it isn´t fully ASDG compactible? I´ve tested a lot of optics and TMR animated bipods even the Muzzle breakers are working, check it out:





For me it is great, and if you manage to make the firemode selector and the M27 bipod animated, it would be awesome!

About the ironsight, shouldn´t the Hk416 have one similar to the MP5?


Edited by Corporal_Lib[BR]

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Thanks for your addon!..


I hope,

you to make HK416 CQB..

I really want this weapon..

I was hoping the silencer also...


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great, nice to see HK416 in Arma 3, however I get some feedback for you.

- HK416 seems to have the same sound as your scars, do you plan to change that?

- Could you do animated bipod for M27? Lots of mods has this option on fire selector key (F)

- All guns seems to have transparent icon (eg. inventory, VAS)

- You should always make unique classnames for your mods, eg. slts_hk416 (you will prevent conflicts with other mods)

However I get it, it's just beta and you could have all of these in plans. :D Keep up in good work!


Edited by EvroMalarkey

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Thanks for the feedback guys :) Still no word on my PC

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Really enjoying these weapons. :)

Can you maybe add custom reload animations? like these, for example:

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Sneak peak at an update coming soon (ish)!

Using the modelSpecial command, I've made a 100 round magazine that will appear when you load it. It's not perfect as it will revert back to the normal model when empty but it's a small price to pay :) Also added in the AI usage


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Nice catch, never thought of that...

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Nice catch, never thought of that...

Have to do something to take the wind from your sails ;) jk

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Sneak peak at an update coming soon (ish)!

Using the modelSpecial command, I've made a 100 round magazine that will appear when you load it. It's not perfect as it will revert back to the normal model when empty but it's a small price to pay :) Also added in the AI usage


Be aware that using the modelSpecial command (at least on a launcher I tried) will cause issues with model.cfg based animation. I had a lot of weird issues with this trying to hide the CLU of the Javelin when it is on the back. Ended up ditching the whole modelSpecial stuff.

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Yeah I just spent the last half hour with it and got what you talked about Alwarren, so no good idea but yeah the issue is that you can use the same model but you'll get some graphical glitches, and in some cases, immediate CTD.

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Fuuuuuu thats what I get for trying to be being clever. Maybe thats what messes with my Rpg 7

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Believe me, I found out the hard way. I spent around three days trying to figure out this, only to find out that it was caused by modelSpecial :)

---------- Post added at 21:15 ---------- Previous post was at 21:11 ----------

Fuuuuuu thats what I get for trying to be being clever. Maybe thats what messes with my Rpg 7

If you try to hide the rocket via isSelected, yeah, that's the problem. I had the same idea with the Javelin, thinking that since the model on the back in Arma 3 is the loaded model and the Javelin's CLU essentially replaces the carrier's head, I'd remove it via isSelected hide animation. Result was the orbiting CLU. The Javelin, M130, SMAW and MAAWS work, but the RPG-7 with its multitude of differently shaped warheads will not.

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I managed to get my SRAW working that way, but yeah it really goes berserk with the IARs in my pack, but it sounded like a done deal :)

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Hm well I'm not using isSelected or anything fancy in the model.cfg. Just solely modelSpecial in CfgMagazines. IS that what you did Eric?

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Yeah, it was okay but when I tested it first-hand, it was "okay" but it showed just the 3D model of the magazine, animations were correct but no weapon, just the magazine. Then I added the model of the weapon and it "worked" but it was like you didnt' have the model.cfg working, so I set it up with the model.cfg and then I had all those texture glitch errors, and when I went from first to third-person to see how it looked, instant CTD.

If you have the Mapfact XM8 source models (and wouldn't mind sharing) I got all the scripts as they did it with their XM8 back in OFP of all games, so if it can work then, it can work now. And that was a great mod, and did what we're trying to do with just one model.

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Yep just happened there. Guess I jumped the gun a bit on this :P (pun intended)

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Hm well I'm not using isSelected or anything fancy in the model.cfg. Just solely modelSpecial in CfgMagazines. IS that what you did Eric?

It happened for me even if there wasn't any animation defined. Just defining a bone for the launcher was enough to trigger the weird behavior, even if I commented out all the animations in the model.cfg.

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