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Iraq (current news/events)

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EU has low level of travel control, so yes, Jihadists might travel, when i was going to Italy for trip, i crossed few countries, noone controlled me, i could have tone of heroine, 100 assault rifles - this is EU

in EU you have no travel control , police control speed of vehicles not what you have in back

The whole point of the freedom of movement of people and cargo is precisely that, no controls inside the EU/Schengen. It acts as a single country, like the US. Last year I rode my motorcycle from Barcelona to my home in Finland, 3000 km, and I passed no control.

What is under control is what come from the outside.

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---------- Post added at 05:43 ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 ----------

( The Guardian ) Pentagon: Isis is 'beyond anything we've seen' and must be contained

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Believing that everything is a conspiracy is most likely wrong ,but thinking that there is no conspiracy at all is stupid :D

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Believing that everything is a conspiracy is most likely wrong ,but thinking that there is no conspiracy at all is stupid :D

What's that about?

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( Al Jazeera ) Iran 'sent soldiers to fight in Iraq'

Hundreds of Iranian soldiers have taken part in a joint operation inside Iraq with Kurdish forces to retake a town held by the Islamic State group, security sources have told Al Jazeera.

It is believed to be the first time that Iranian troops have been directly involved in the fighting against the Sunni rebel group group on this scale.

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Wow, Iran involving itself directly is something new. They are involved a lot in Syria (mainly through Lebanese Hezbollah helping Assad), but not directly in Iraq so far IIRC.

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From what I heard Iran has its own interests in Iraq and is apparently going to protect it with any means.

I guess if the times were different (e.g. no Ukraine and Gaza conflicts) the public interest would be shifted completely towards Iraq and maybe the involved parties in that conflict would act different.

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From what I heard Iran has its own interests in Iraq and is apparently going to protect it with any means.

Iran has been guarding its interests in the region for long, promoting, funding and giving weapons to Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and so on ( they are one of the master puppeteers in the region ).

It's kind of interesting that this time they are even using their own men. I guess now that they control Iraq don't want to lose it to their Sunni enemies.

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( Al Jazeera ) Syria could work with West against 'terror'

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has said that his country is ready to work with the international community to battle against "terrorists" within the framework of a recent UN resolution.

In a news conference in Damascus on Monday, he also warned that Syria must be involved in co-ordinating any air strikes against the Islamic State group in Syria, after the US said it was considering extending operations into Syrian territory.

"Syria is ready for co-operation and co-ordination at the regional and international level to fight terrorism and implement UN Security Council resolution 2170," Muallem said.

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What a plot twist. If anyone said back in january that something like this is going to happen, I'd say they're nuts.

Well, the enemy of my enemy...

Personally I think it's in everyone's best interest ( West, East, Middle East, etc. ) to neutralize IS.

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Well, the enemy of my enemy...

Personally I think it's in everyone's best interest ( West, East, Middle East, etc. ) to neutralize IS.

Of course, but US working with Syria after such an attempt to destabilize them...

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Of course, but US working with Syria after such an attempt to destabilize them...

Assad isn't Syria, that's the whole problem. Shia are a very small minority in Syria.

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west makes a lot of mistakes in calculation from naivety

west way of thinking is "if those guys fight with dictator, they must fight for freedom, if he make terror, he is bad guy, they fight him so they must be good guys" < childlike naive thinking

west doesn't think (and it should) "ooo this guy is dictator, okay, but they are freaks, if there will come freedom, they will start slaughterhouse, he is bad guy, but they are 10 times worse if given a chance to act"

this mistake was made since 70s/80s when west supported Jihadists fighting with USSR, than they build Bin Landen empire, than Talibs took power in A-stan and started religious terror, when they felt enough strong, they attacked in several countries,

west naivity is "ooo someone is beating someone, we must help beaten" - but west doesn't investigate "maybe this beaten is robber and robbed day ago this who beat?"

west thinks "okay, we give them freedom and democracy", there comes to voting , people vote for option "let's slaughter all atheists, gay, lets enslave women"

ooops "how could we know"

if western intels are full of "politically correct, believing in good human nature" officers - those officers should loose jobs , just like journalist who defend guy shot by police, all "witness" say "he stood silently than evil police racist shot him" and later we see video of this guy robbing shop minutes before ;)

good human nature - Jesus taught about it, later he was sentenced and crucified by "good human"

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Well, in this case by West you mean the US.

I agree that they created monsters in the past, in the same way as the USSR did blinded by the Cold War.

But in this case, IS birth was not promoted "by the West", as much IS was born as a reaction against "the West" intervention in Iraq ( remember that IS was born in Iraq after the invasion to fight the foreign occupation ).

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yes, intervention in Iraq made a lot of hate in those people, a lot of not guilty civilians died, people suffer from effects of deploted uranium etc.


but IS begin not because of US, but because of lack of Saddam-like rulers who "kept under boot" such guys for decades,

whole problem is in education system, which there is basing on hatefull religion teaching, not on "this is biology, human are similar, this is geology, tectonic plates cause earthquake", but you have education like "short skirt causes earthquakes, infidels are animals"

this education system need to change and religion need to be vanished or only moderate Islam should be in charge - but of course local kings are against, because they do not want democratic rule, they want to be kings , royal family want feudalism, so servants cannot be educated, servant must believe they must obey cause authority of king is supported by god

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Kind of fully agree with your last message vilas.

The wars on Afghanistan and Iraq were supposed to be to prevent/fight terrorism, but instead have propagated hate and move peaceful / neutral people to take more extremist views ( and also manipulated by some religious leaders ).

But it's logic. If your family / friends were killed, your house destroyed. You get desperate and weak, and embrace any possibility of retribution.

Saddam was an awful dictator, but at least kept the extremist at bay.

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I'm glad that people are coming to their senses. A month ago when I posted "democracy isn't for everyone" everyone was saying "blasphemy!".

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I'm glad that people are coming to their senses. A month ago when I posted "democracy isn't for everyone" everyone was saying "blasphemy!".

Democracy is the least worst of all the actual system. It's the best we have.

But obviously to work properly require always an educated population, and years of adaption. In Iraq that can be achieved in 20 years, in Afghanistan it could take hundreds.

In Iraq the population is moderately educated, and most of them not fanatic ( I know a few Iraqi ), but the desperation has caused struggles in some of that people ( leading them to religious extremist and so on ).

Saddam Hussein dictatorship was awful, but obviously a fanatical theocracy it's even worst.

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Democracy is the least worst of all the actual system. It's the best we have.

But obviously to work properly require always an educated population, and years of adaption. In Iraq that can be achieved in 20 years, in Afghanistan it could take hundreds.

In Iraq the population is moderately educated, and most of them not fanatic ( I know a few Iraqi ), but the desperation has caused struggles in some of that people ( leading them to religious extremist and so on ).

Saddam Hussein dictatorship was awful, but obviously a fanatical theocracy it's even worst.

The adaptation to democracy would take much more than 20 years (those are people that have been transferring their beliefs from generation to generation) if it is even possible. The whole install democracy thing is a lost cause, which only served as an excuse to freely invade countries.

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no, not excuse, west is really such naive , political corectnes washed their brains and they really believe that someone steal if he is poor, not steal cause he is too lazy to work harder and is greed for money,

when i was poor i started to work harder, i work too much, but i am no longer poor,

they believe that if you say that there are minorities who commit crimes, than you are racist for saying it, not that those minorities have such f* "culture" etc. etc. etc.

it was not excuse to invade, they really believed they will give them democracy and all will love each other , it was simply naive miscalculation of those who believe in "political correctness and human rights" reminds me old movie with Sion Connery , in which he play advocate who try to prove innocence of pedophile psychopath, he wins in court, he let killer go, and... this killer tries to kill his grandson,

west thinks like Evin Krantz, like role played by Sion Connery in movie "Just Cause" , west is that stupid in naivity,

first what should be done to middle east is remove religion, replace by education , than wait 50 years till people will say "Muslim, Jew, White, Christian, Black, Asian ? what's the difference"

untill people beleive "Infidels must die" you cannot do more than bomb those who wanna kill you, cause if you hesitate 1 minute, they do not hesitate 1 second, you're dead,

be quick or be dead like in wild west,

education need few generations to wash dirt of theocracy and religious fanatism , and to have religion fanatics like we have , 1-5% , not like they have 40% or more, minority of 1% you can control , minority like 40% you cant, especially when you are peaceful and they are first to catch AK and shoot 60% for "offending Allah"

we have some crazy Christians in our Chrsitian world, yes, but they are 1%, max 5% and they mean nothing, they even cannot have significant voice in parliament, noone listens to them,

in Muslim world, such extremists are 40% for example, The Guardian say that 40% of Muslims support and want Sharia in UK, o my god, this is extremism, 40% want theocracy,

in Catholics you will maybe find 2% of people who want theocracy and in case of "very Catholic" Poland only 30% of society goes to Church every sunday, and from those 30% maybe 2-3% want theocracy

in middle east, according to stats over half want Sharia , which means that in Saudi Arabia people really do believe that gay must be killed, Christian Church must be banned and etc.

in most tolerant Arabic country which is Emirates (Dubai) you have everywhere signs which remind you to wear proper clothes, i say about Dubai, not about Saudi Arabia capital or Iran capital,

i was in hearth of Catholic Christianity in may 2014, in Vatican, noone there forces people to wear appropriate clothes,

i was in dozen churches in Rome, noone there forces anything, but Italian Army uses metal detectors and check you before you can enter cathedral, cause some crazy Jihadists may want to attack in Catholic Cathedral

some metal bands burned bible, they are alive, noone killed them, can you imagine the same with other religion ? nope, you would be accused of "crime hate" and later killed,

thats why education is there needed, they must understand in the Middle East, that human is human, not animal depending of religion or lack of religion, White, Black, Jew, Catholic, short skirt, long skirt, bikini, shaved vulva on top or metallica t-shirt , lgtb - those are human persons with right to live, they must learn it in Middle East,

if they want to kill us, we must be faster if we wanna survive,

west made big mistake in removing Saddam-like without pushin education first, education about human who are similar across the globe and only some cultures are f*up, fact that only 20% can read in some regions in XXI c is shocking , those who can read, probably read only Quoran quotes prepared by local preacher, while their leaders studied and graduated sociotechnics, psychology, sociology on our universities to control their "servants",

their leaders are very educated and use this education to harm their people,

west of course doesn't give a f* cause they want oil prices stable, so they simply want "peace of trade , no matter with whom"


no more things like that






those are middle east people in Europe

they demand to kill us


" about excuse"

http://www.atheistmemebase.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/131-Proof-of-existence-650x487.jpeg < nice one

Edited by vilas

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Well you are an animal depending on your religion if your religion tells you that you should act like an animal. Example: extreme islam.

You shouldn't remove islam, but remove the far right jihadists. There is nothing wrong with moderate islam except food restrictions.

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Well you are an animal depending on your religion if your religion tells you that you should act like an animal. Example: extreme islam.

You shouldn't remove islam, but remove the far right jihadists. There is nothing wrong with moderate islam except food restrictions.

I agree and I think that can be applied to practically all religions.

Concerning food restrictions even some moderate Muslims don't follow them, I have a Senegal work mate who drinks alcohol and eat pork. But in the same way that a lot of Catholics don't follow the food restrictions in Eastern and so on.

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