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Elite: Dangerous

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I couldn't get into this game, I saw the potential in it and I wanted to like it, but I ended up hating this game and regretted  buying it. The trailers lured me in because they showed all this activity of players dog fighting around space stations exploring but what I saw was a universe devoid of other players for the most part. On the rare occasions I found other players they usually chose to grief me while I traveling or trying to collect bounties. The missions are very dull and are a grind fest of resource farming, bounty farming and flying from A to B. I was hoping the update Horizons would help me get into this game, but I found out that Horizons isn't so much a update but pretty much a re-release of the original game that comes with the update. So you have to buy a second copy of the game in order get the update and yes you will pay the full price of 49-60 USD. Seems like a very underhanded way of milking people for their money

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I love this game, and played most of its predecessors, right back to the first version on a BBC model B in the college classrooms. One of the guys brought in his copy and got it loaded up on our machines. Damn, that was fun. 


As soon as I left the college that day, I headed into town, and bought it for my CBM64 :) I killed many a day after that, playing in the Elite universe :D

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Hello everyone


it's been quite a while that I have posted here. Ihope everyone is alright. I was thinking to purchase ED but I'm only into single player because I don't have the time to get involved in multi player.

do you guys think it would be recommended if someone is only into SP.

Any advice would be really appreciated.



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It's been a while since last time I played it so things may have changed in the latest updates, but I've mostly played single player, it's works fine.
ED doesn't have a real multiplayer anyway, you can jump back and forth between single and multi player as you like.


So if you want to trade and explore in SP without the chance of being hassled by others, stick to SP mode.

And if you want to try some pvp or coop action you can jump into MP mode with all the assets you have built up in SP.


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Thanks bullet


I guess that I'll gonna pick it up at the next occasion.


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Lately back to this game after long time (I had to learn forgotten controls again), testing Horizons (was discounted) with their planet surface landings. Feels, like very right direction, however landing on the planets feature still require serious development to expand it on all kind of planets, to make it deeper and better designed. Procedurally generated at random too few kinds of POIs probably on every planet, you try, makes surface exploration repetitive, dull and not rewarding. I have to do this more to be sure, what to think though.  


This game certainly is getting better from year to year, kind of unique jewel of its own type, like totally opposite, hard SF approach to the similar thing, NMS tries to reach, but with emphasis on space activities. Impresses with "SF standard" kind of realism. Still it generates mixed feelings. Huge potential, still at this point kinda flat and empty from gameplay perspective (although better and a bit more juicy, than it was), perhaps depends, what one prefer to do. I found my niche at deep space exploration, far from "bubble" of inhabited star systems, and if you want to discover something not discovered yet, you have to travel for hours and hours of real time, which means only a tiny part of the distance to the galaxy center for example. Galaxy gives indeed a galaxy size feeling here. Exploration is highly repetitive and dull/monotonous in "realistic" way, still kinda rewarding to get, where no one was before and to find something valuable there. "Per aspera ad astra" kind of feeling. Pity, so apparently wherever you land on the landable planet, you find similar generic stuff. Not sure yet, but seems so. Anything interesting should be dependent on region (fit the context, finding a crash site of some trade ship where I am should be ubelieveably unlikely), really rare, and instead detailed scan from space should give a hint, if planet may be worthy of surface exploration. 

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